--Chapter 9--

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Kaylee's POV:
Me and Poppy where waiting for Jack to finish with what he was doing. "Oh. It's him. What do you want?" I said. "That's Jack M." Poppy said. I nodded and he came over. "Jack wants to see you." He said. "Me or her." I asked. "You." He said pointing at me. "Ok. Where is he?" I asked him. "In a room down the corridor. The door is open." He said. I got up off my seat and went out the cafeteria. Jack M and Poppy got talking. I walked down the corridor to the room. I knocked on the door.

Jack turned around. "You wanted to see me." I said to him. "Yeah I did. Are you busy tonight?" He asked. "No not really. Why?" I asked. "Well I was wondering if you want to go out for dinner." He said. I could hear some of his mates cheering and murmuring. "Yeah, I'm up for that." I said smiling. "Ok I will see you at six at your place. Also I will bring you and Poppy home now." He said. "Ok." I said walking out the room. Jack followed me out to where Poppy is. "Let's go." I said to her. She said bye to Jack M and we left to go to the car.

Jack dropped us off and drove away. "So what did Jack want?" Poppy asked. "He wanted to have dinner with me tonight." I told her. "Well you better get ready then." She said smiling. "Poppy. If this makes it really awkward between us with Jack I can cancel tonight and spend it with you." I say. "No. You should do it. I like Jack as a friend not anything else." She said. I nodded and walked upstairs to get myself ready. I put my make up on. I went for the natural look. I curled my hair and put some small earrings in. I wore black dress which stopped mid-thigh and I put some converse shoes on. I didn't really fancy wearing heels.

I had finished getting ready just in time because there was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Jack wearing black skinny jeans with a smart top on. "You look nice." I say to him. "So do you." Jack said. "Poppy if you need anything ring my phone." I tell her. "You do the same." She said. We said bye to her and got into the car. Jack drove to the restaurant. I got out the car and stood near Jack. We had to walk a bit to get to the place which was fine by me. We sat at our table and ordered what we wanted for dinner. Our food came and we tucked in. "Did your mates tell you to take me out." I asked him. "Sort of but they told me to go with my heart. So I did." He said smiling at me. I smiled back. We finished our meal and headed out.

It was getting a bit dark but it was still a bit light. Jack to my hand and interlocked it with his. I smiled. In the distance I could see someone walking towards us but they looked a bit dodgy. When we got a bit closer I realised who it was. Brandon. "Jack it's him." I said holding onto his arm but still have one of my hands interlocked with his. "We will just walk past and ignore him." He whispered. We slowly approached him and walked past him. "Oh look it's that dirt bag Kaylee." Brandon said. My eyes filled with tears.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER!" Jack shouted turning around to face him. "A worthless dirt bag." Brandon said getting in Jack's face. "That's not how you treat a woman." Jack said raising his voice. "I don't care. It's just her." He said. "Well how would you like it if someone did that to you." He says. Right at this moment I was standing back. I got my phone out and called Poppy. She picked up. "Help. Brandon is trying to hurt me and Jack. " I cried down the phone. I told her were we where and hung up the phone. They started to push each other and then a few punches where made.

Brandon made Jack fall on the floor and headed towards me. "If you touch her you will get it." Jack threatened him. Brandon came to my face. I flinched when he touched me. He pushed me up against the wall. I tried with all force to get off him. "I'm not letting you go this time." He said. I whimpered in fear. "You don't like this." He asked. "No." I whispered. "What was that?" He asked getting angry. "No." I shouted in his ear. Brandon slapped me around the face. Tears where streaming down my face. He started to punch me and pushed me to the concrete floor so I fell from his grip. Brandon hit me a few more times to make me cry more.

Brandon was about to hit me again but Jack stepped in the way and got hit instead. They got in a punch up and I was on the floor crying in pain. I saw someone come running in our direction. Poppy. Brandon saw Poppy and ran off. She ran over to Jack. "Are you ok." She asked him. He nodded his head and Poppy came rushing over to me. "Kaylee. Stay with us." She said. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Poppy shouted. A few people came out of a shop and saw what was going on. "Call an ambulance." She told one of them. They called an ambulance so that was on it's way. I was sprawled across the floor. Jack slide over to where I was.

"Kaylee help is on the way." Jack said. I smiled. "She's still with us." Poppy said. I started to yelp. "Ahh." I groaned in pain in a loud voice. "What's happening?" Poppy said crying. "Ahh." I groaned again. "The ambulance is here." I heard someone say. All I saw was the blue flashing lights and then everything went black. "Hurry please." Poppy said.

Jack's POV:
Poppy was on the floor with Kaylee trying to keep her from going. The ambulance service came and helped Kaylee who was now out cold. A paramedic came over to me. "Sir do you need help?" The paramedic asked. I nodded my head. The paramedic started to do checks on me. There was an ambulance, a paramedic car and a police car. They ambulance crew took Kaylee and Poppy to the hospital. The police came over to me.

"Sir we need you to tell us what happened?" He said. "I was with Kaylee and we where just going back to the car from just having dinner. This dude who was her abusive ex boyfriend was standing by the wall. He called her a few name so I asked him why. He pushed me, I pushed back and that's how it all took off. He started to touch and punch Kaylee. She didn't like it. He pushed her violently on the floor and was about to hit her again but I saved her from getting hit. I was the one that got hit." I told the police. "Ok. Thank you for your time. We will call you if we need any more information." He said and got back in his car. The paramedic took me to the hospital.

My Hero -- Jack NowellDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora