--Chapter 25--

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Kaylee's POV:
I no longer need to worry about him anymore. He is now behind bars and will never hurt me again.

Poppy went out again so I was left alone by myself. I didn't know if she went to work or she was out with a mate. I felt like having a lazy day. I knew it wouldn't happen so I wasn't counting on it. I sat on the sofa and watched TV. Ding. Ding. My phone notifications went off. I ignored it but it went off again. Ding. Ding. This time I had enough of it so I got up and took my phone to have a look at it.

-Jack Nowell tagged you in a post.
-Jack Nowell liked your post.
-Henry Slade tagged you in a post.
-Henry Slade and Jack Nowell commented on the post your are tagged in.
-Savannah and 20 others liked your post.

I logged onto my instagram and looked at the notifications. Jack tagged me in a post of his. It was a picture of him looking board. The caption said:
Jack Nowell:
Wish @KayleeBaxter was here to cheer me up. I've got nothing to do.
It was sweet of him to think about me so I commented back: Kaylee Baxter:
Cheer up. It not always fun when I'm around.
I went to look through some other people's posts and like a few. Jack soon replied:
Jack Nowell:
You always light up the room when you are with me. Come visit me. Plz.
Kaylee Baxter:
Fine! I will be there in a few minutes, just let me do what I need to do first the I will be with you.

I went back to looking through the posts. I looked at the post Henry tagged me in:
Henry Slade:
@KayleeBaxter I think someone is missing you. Plz can u come sort it out.

I commented back because I felt like it and I wanted him to know that I had seen the message.

Kaylee Baxter:
Sure why not. Be there in a few.

I lock my phone and go get ready to see Jack. I get in my car and head towards Sandy Park. I arrived there in 10 minutes. It didn't take to long. I got out of my car, locking it and heading into the building. I walked down the hallway to the cafeteria where Jack was sat with Henry. "Hey." I said taking a seat next to them. "Hi." They said. I hugged them both as a welcome. "I see you missed me." I said to Jack. "Yeah. I like having your company. It's fun." He says smiling. "Sweet." I say. "I'm off. Bye guys. See you soon." Henry said getting up and walking out of the room.

"So...?" I asked. "I want to talk to you. About us?" He said. "Sure. Go ahead." I said. "Before all of the commotion happened, it was really fun hanging with you, we got closer but the after that it went all down hill. Don't get me wrong, hanging out with you is like a dream which I don't want to end. I really want us to build up our friendship again but this time a lot stronger than before. I won't let anything get in between us again." He told me. "You'd do that?" I said taking his hand in my mine. "I would do that for you any day." He said. I got up and hugged him. We hugged for ages. "Come and spend the day with me and a few of my mates tomorrow. We can spend time together then. It will be fun. So, are you in?" He asked. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Of course I will be there." I say linking our arms together.

The both of us walked out of the cafeteria together. "I will text you the details for tomorrow later." He says. "Ok. I will see you tomorrow then." I say. "Yep. Bye." He said. "Bye." I said giving him another hug. We said bye one last time and headed in different directions. I got into my car and drove home.

My Hero -- Jack NowellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon