--Chapter 83--

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Kaylee's POV:
I got a text off Rob today saying that he was going to pick me up in ten minutes. It was 10:50 am. Jack came downstairs. "Babe. Rob is picking me up in 10 minutes." I said. "Ok. Fine by me." He said back. "I see you eye has got a bit better." I said. "It has." Jack said. Jack walked past but giving me a kiss on the lips then walking into the living room. I put my final thing in my bag before I went. The door bell rang. "I'll get it." I said walking straight to open the door. Rob was standing there. "Are you ready?" He asked. "I am." I said. "Bye Jack." I shouted to him. "Bye have a good day." He said back before I shut the door. I got in Rob's car and he drove to wherever he was taking me.

The car stopped outside the house and I got out. Rob opened the door for me and I thanked him as I walked in. I see Rob's wife walk into the room where Rob took me. "You must be the beautiful Kaylee I have heard a lot about." She said pulling me in for a hug. "I indeed am." I said. "Make yourself at home. Anything to drink?" Rob asked. "Tea please." I said. (A/n: I'm going to call Rob's wife, Rob's wife.) Rob's wife sat down on the other sofa while Rob made the drinks. "What do you do for a living?" She asks. "Well, I help my dad out at the club. That's kind of my job. I'm looking for a good job." I explained. "It's nice of you to help him out." She said. Rob came in with the drinks and handed them out. "Thanks." I said taking a sip then placing it down. "Tell me about yourself?" Rob's wife asked. "I love rugby. I can draw. I have a boyfriend. Umm... I'm sweet and caring to others. That's me really." I explained the best I could. "Well, I can say you are a very polite, sweet, caring and kind person." She said.

Jack's POV:
I go over to Henry's new place as I had nothing to do. "Right mate." He said as I walked in. "Not bad. You?" I asked. "Good." He said. I walked into his kitchen. "I thought Kaylee was with you." Henry said. "She's with Rob for the day." I told him. "Oh ok." He said. We walked into the lounge and sat on the sofa. "Want to watch Wonder Woman?" Henry asked. "Yeah." I said. I made myself comfortable and relaxed a bit. I realised we needed snacks. "Do you have any snacks?" I asked. "Yeah I have popcorn. It's in the top cupboard but the cooker." Henry said. I walked into the kitchen and found the popcorn. I placed it all in a bowl and bought it back into the living room. I eventually sat down and got myself comfortable and relaxed too. The movie began.

Half way through I ate more popcorn and I took my phone out. I took a quick photo and put it on my instagram story. I wrote: Watching Wonder Woman with @Sladey10. Great movie. I locked my phone and watched the film.

Kaylee's POV:
"I better go now. Thank you for having me. It was really nice to meet you." I said after a few long hours of talking and eating. "Nice to meet you as well. I'll see you soon dear." Rob's wife said giving me a hug. "Bye." I said. "Bye." She said back. I walked out of the house with Rob. He was taking me home. Rob drove into the drive way and got out as I got out. "Thanks dad for today." I said. "I'm glad you liked it. I'll probably see you tomorrow." He said giving me a hug and kiss on the forehead. I waved bye to him as he drove out of the drive way.

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