--Chapter 60--

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Kaylee's POV:
Jack is now free for a few days. There was no training for a few days so I got to hang out with Jack a bit more. We do hang out with our other friends too but today was a special day. It's Jack's birthday. I was planning a surprise birthday party. I was going to meet up with his mates when he spends the day with his family. His family was in on this so they decided to take him to the place, where his party will be. I can't wait to see his face. We where all going to be in on this. I hope he loves it.

I wake up extra early and leave a note on the side. Happy Birthday Babe! Have a wonderful day with your family, see you when I get back. Love you so much. Kaylee. P.s. I popped out for the day be back soon. I leave the house and head to Sandy Park. This is where his party will be. I arrived and headed to the big hall where it was taking place. All of the team where there helping out. The staff were here as well. "Hi." I said to some of the people that said hi to me. I walked over to the chairs and put my bag down ready to begin.

I made him a banner, Happy Birthday Jack!! It was really colourful. Everyone helped put up decorations and the tables out to. It was going to take most of the morning and afternoon to get this all done. "I can't wait to see his reaction." Luke said. "I know, me either." I said. I helped with everything, making sure it was right for him.

Jack's POV:
I found the note Kaylee wrote on the table as I was about to leave the house. She is so sweet. I was spending most of the day with my parents. All my mates where busy and Kaylee went to help her dad out. I walked to my car and drove to where I was meeting my family. I'm excited to see them let's say that. "Jack." I hear o e of my brothers say. "Hey." I said giving each of my family members a hug. "Happy Birthday." They all said. "Thank you." I said. I'm glad they came today.

Kaylee's POV:
I had a little something planed for Jack myself and also another present for him. This birthday party was a surprise from everyone at the club and a few other people. The kitchen staff made all the food and drinks. They also made a cake for him and on it was the Exeter Chiefs logo. In the room there was a big whiteboard. I used that to project the video on that. I played the video for a test run. It worked so that was off the list and next thing was Jack. I text his parents. We are all ready for Jack now if you want to come. I waited for a reply. Thank you. We are on our way. "They're on their way." I told them. I headed downstairs and got ready for Jack to arrive. We mad the room dark so people could hide.

I waited then saw Jack and his family coming towards the entrance. Jack stayed with me and his parents went up to the room. "Happy Birthday!" I said giving him a kiss. "Thank you. Why was I bought here?" He asked. "Well I thought you wanted to see your mates." I said. "Fair enough." He shrugged his shoulders. We walked through a door and to the changing room to see if they where in there. "Let's try upstairs." I suggested. "Yeah." He said. I quickly text Henry. We are coming up now so be ready. I got an instant reply. Ok, we are all waiting. I took Jacks hand and we walked up the stairs together.

Everyone knew what the plan was so they knew when to jump out. "In here." I said. We walked in and the video started to play. There where messages from everyone separately, one from his family, one from his team and one from me. That was at the ending. A tear fell down his face. "Wow. That was amazing." Jack said. Jack hugged me and then pecked my lips. All of a sudden, the lights came on and everyone jumped out. "SURPRISE!!" We all shouted. Party string went everywhere. "What!!" He said in a happy tone. "Who did this?" He asked. "Everyone helped." I said. "Thank you so much." He said. The party started.

--Time skip--

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JACK. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU." Everyone in the room sang. We all cheered at the end. He cut a bit of his cake and gave everyone a piece. Jack gave me a big hug. "Thank you." He said. I smiled. We kissed a few times. "Anytime." I said. Some of his team mates came over and spent a few minutes with him. My phone buzzed. I got an instagram notification. Poppy captured a picture of me and Jack kissing.  @JackNowell & @KayleeBaxter sharing a special moment together. Happy Birthday Jack! I liked the photo and commented on it.

A load of photos where taken this night. Somewhere posted on social media. It was a fun night to remember. Everyone had fun. I have to give Jack his present tomorrow.

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