--Chapter 52--

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Kaylee's POV:
Jack was at Sandy Park and I was hanging out with Poppy for the day. Poppy came around for the day so I wasn't by myself. I opened the front door for her. We walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "Hey." She said. "Hi." I said. "How's life?" I asked. "Great. Much better now." She said. "That's good. Would you like to come with me to watch the match. Rob got me two tickets?" I told her. "I would love too. I did tell Jack I was going to go watch it." She said. "Did anything happen when I was gone?" Poppy asked. "Jack went on the British and Irish Lions tour. I spent a lot of time with his mates. He got a bit frustrated because I was hanging out with them so much. Jack M kept asking how you where most days. Ollie called me Kyle, my new nickname now. And my Jack thought your Jack was hitting on me before the two of you got together." I said. "Wow. Sounds like you had fun." She says. I shrugged my shoulders with a smile plastered on my face.

We had a long conversation and ate food to. We watched some TV and then got ready for the match. I text Jack to say we where on our way to Sandy Park. "Before we see the lads, can I see my dad, Rob." I said. I realised what I said. "Wait! Rob's your dad." She said being surprised. "I was ment to tell you bu-" I said before she cut me off. "I understand I was no where and you where to busy." She said. I drove into the  car park and parked the car. We walked into the building where a load of fans where waiting to get into the stadium.

I knocked on the door and heard him say come in. I walked in and stood in front of him. We hugged because I hadn't seen him in ages. "Hey dad. Can we see Jack and Jack M before the match please?" I asked nicely. "Of course, they should be in the changing room. I'm just going there anyway." Rob said and we followed him to the changing room. Jack M and Poppy went around the corner, which me and Jack were alone. "Hey babe." He said. "Hey." I said hugging him. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. "The match will be great, you will do amazing." I said. "Thanks. I better go because the game is going to start in a few minutes." He said. "Ok. Good luck." I said. We kiss and go our separate ways.

Poppy and I found our seats, which were by Exeter's subs and waited for the game to begin. Fans came into the stadium and filled up the seats. The game began.

---Skip to mid game---

This game was tough. There where some rough tackles made throughout the game. Jack ran with the ball and out of know where a guy came flying in his direction. He got tackled to the ground. Loads of gasps where coming from the crowd. Jack didn't move. His team mates came to his side and the medical staff came right away. I put my hand to my mouth and head in my other hand. I wanted to see him. He probably wants me by his side right at this moment. Rob was pacing up and down the line. His hands were on his forehead. "Dad!" I shouted so he could hear me. Some of the looked at me as I shouted Dad to Rob. They obviously didn't know. He looked up. "Can I see him please? He needs me." I said upset nearly crying. "I don't know." He said. I need to and want to. I saw Henry running over to where we were sitting. "He wants you Kaylee." Henry said. Poppy stayed with Rob. Henry helped me get down. He grabbed my hand and we ran over to where Jack was.

I fell down to his side and held his hand. "I'm here now." I said kissing his hand. People with a stretcher came on the pitch and put Jack on it. I held his hand as they walked out of the stadium and to the ambulance. Claps were made from everyone as we walked off. I smiled at Poppy to say I was going with Jack. I text her anyway. The game still played on and the team won the match.

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