--Chapter 57--

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Kaylee's POV:
I got up at 2am as our plane was around 3am and got my things ready for the flight. I had packed last night before I Skyped Jack. I finished packing the other little bits after I got ready for the journey home. Charlie, Chloe, Poppy, Me, Ollie and Henry took a cab (taxi) to the airport. We all obviously didn't fit in one so we took two. The ride to the airport was only about 5 minutes away so it wasn't a long ride there. We arrived at the airport and waited for our plane which should be here in a few minutes. Henry and Ollie fell asleep while waiting and I stood there looking at things. I kept looking at the board for the plane every few minutes, just to double check the time was right. Everyone else was sat down, either sleeping or on their phones. LA was fun, I have to come back again sometime.  Plane 346 boarding now. Plane 346 boarding now. The person said twice. I woke up the ones sleeping and we headed to board our plane. There was six of us which was good because we could sit in threes. In front was Poppy, Chloe and Charlie then behind them was Henry, Me and Ollie. I sat in the middle because I felt like it. I texted Jack even though he probably won't reply. 12 hour flight here we come. The plane took off and we headed back to London. Ollie fell asleep so I watched a movie with Henry.
Before I knew it, the plane arrived in London airport. At last. We all got off the plane and into the building. We all hugged the lads and Charlie as we wouldn't see them for a while. I was driving back. I put all the suitcases into my boot and got in the car. The others got in while I was doing that. First stop was Chloe's. I drove to her house. She got out and took her suitcase from the boot. She waved us bye as we drove off. Now for a few hours drive. I got Poppy to text Jack to say we where on the way back. There wasn't much traffic on the roads so it didn't take long to get back. I dropped Poppy off at her place. She got her suitcase out from the boot and waved me goodbye as I drove home.

The time I got back to Exeter was around 5-6pm. It was still light outside. I drove into the drive way and see the house lights on. I took my suitcase from the car and walked into the house. I place the case by the door and hung up my coat. "Jack, I'm home." I said to him. "Kaylee." He said walking down the stairs towards me. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into him. "I've missed having you in my arms." Jack said. "Me too." I told him. He took my hand and led me to the sofa and we sat down. "You are really tanned." Jack laughed. "I know. I tan easily." I said. I layed my head on his chest and rested it there for sometime.

It was nice being back home with everyone. "Let's go out somewhere." Jack said. "Sure." I said. Jack took my hand and led me to his car. He drove to a little cafe just down the road. "This is nice." I said. "I knew you would like it." Jack said as we walked in and ordered some food. I sat with Jack opposite me. I ate my food when it arrived. Jack and I talked for a bit. After, we went for a little stroll to the park. Jack interlocked his fingers with mine as we walked. We shared a few kisses now and again as we walked. It was a nice walked. The sun was setting and it was beautiful to see. Jack drove home and we went to bed afterwards because I was slowly falling asleep.

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