--Chapter 21--

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3 days later, just to warn you. Kaylee has her cast off now.

Kaylee POV:
I wake up at the same time I did yesterday. I do my morning routine and then get into some clothes for the day. I head downstairs to find another note on the table. This is the fourth note in a row from Poppy. I read the note:


Sorry again. This should be the last time for the notes. I'm out with Jack again. See ya!

I screw the paper up into a ball and chuck it into the bin. Over these past few days I haven't done anything because Poppy has been busy with Jack. I go to the cupboards and take a bowl out so I could start making some breakfast. I pour some cereal into the bowl and eat it up. I walk back upstairs to clean my teeth. When I finished doing that, I came back downstairs and into the lounge. I turn the TV on and watch a few programs. Soon, I start to get board of the TV and I ring Jack to see what's going on. He answers.

J: Hey Kaylee.
K: Hey Jack.
J: what's up?
K: I was just seeing if you where busy with anything.
J: no not really. Just at the club finishing a few bits off.
K: is Poppy with you?
J: yeah she is but she ain't in the same room.
K: alright.
J: I know something is up. What's wrong?
K: Poppy has been leaving me notes when I get up in the morning saying she is out with you. All she seems to be doing now is spending time with you or other people accept me.
J: oh. Sorry about that. She has been acting different lately. I could ask her why.
K: I don't really mind. I don't want an argument to rise.
J: ok. I will try. Also I will text you if she says anything.
K: right. Thanks. Speak to you soon, bye.
J: bye.

I hung up the phone and left it on the sofa. I carried on watching the TV. I wanted to have a chill day so no one should or could put stress on my shoulders. Well that plan soon went out the window. I sighed. I wish life wasn't that difficult. My phone buzzed. It was Poppy: Jack told me that you phoned him. We need to talk anyway. I couldn't be bothered to reply to the message so I left it. I didn't really want to stay in all day so I went out for a while.

I get my bag from upstairs and put stuff that I need in it. I lock the front door and head outside to my car. I drive out of the house and to the city centre. I go to a car par and find a parking spot. I find one, pay for it then I head out to go shopping. I walk around the place for sometime, going in and out of shops. I bought a few things but not much. I got bored so I went back to my car. The car park wasn't that far from where I was so I walked. It felt like I was being followed when I was walking to the car so I kept looking behind every minute to check if I was. I looked back and saw a group of about 3 people follow me to the car park.

I stopped in my tracks to say something to them. "Can you stop following me please? It's really weird and I don't like it." I say to them. "What would Brandon say about this." One of them said. Brandon sent them. Oh. I need help. "You don't know me." I said trying to walk away. I was so close of getting away from them when one of them grabbed my wrist. "GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed in their faces. I started to pull my wrist out of their grip but it got tighter. I felt my cheek sting when I realised one of them slapped me.

I'm not going into to much detail.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I heard someone shout. They all turned around and ran for it. I don't know that person who said that but they came over towards me. "Are you alright dear?" They asked. "Y-yeah. I should b-be." I managed to say. I got to my car and drove away as soon as I could. I drove to Sandy Park because I knew people who where there that could help. I quickly parked the car and ran inside. I ran down the corridor to where a load of the players where and also my uncle.

"Kaylee what happened?" Jack said getting up helping me. "I got attacked." Is all I said. "By who?" He said in a worried tone. I didn't answer. "By who Kaylee?" Jack said but with a bit of anger in his voice. I was going to say something but instead everything went black. I fell on the floor in front of everyone.

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