--Chapter 72--

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Kaylee's POV:
I woke up around 8:30am. I was staring into space, thinking. My phone started to ring. I wonder who it could be. I look at it. It's my dad. I better answer it.

Hello dad.
Kaylee, thank god your ok.
Why wouldn't I be?
Jack came to speak to me today and said you left. I was worried because you could have been hurt.
Sorry dad. It was for the best. I wasn't in the mood then. I needed to be away from any drama.
What about Jack? What going to happen?
I really don't know.
If I were you, I would come back to Exeter. Then things that has happened in the past we can sort out.
What if I'm not ready?
Kaylee you'll be fine don't worry. No one is mad at you there just scared and worried.
I was just wondering, how's Jack?
To be honest, he isn't himself. He is missing an important person in life and wants to fix it.
I'm stressed out a bit from the miscarriage and shock. I didn't mean to hurt Jack or anyone who else. I'm sorry. Can I come back please?
Of course you can come back why wouldn't we let you.
Because of me running away and being stupid.
Don't be silly. Your not stupid. Come back we will all be happy to see you.
Can you not tell anyone I'm coming back please. I want to keep this between us till later.
What time will you get here?
Around 1pm.
Great to speak to you Kaylee. Thanks and I will see you later.
Yeah you too, bye.

I put the phone down and went to pack my things into my bag for the trip down to Exeter. I finished packing and went to my car. I sorted everything out in my house, locked the door then got in my car and drove home.

Rob's POV:
I need to tell Jack so I phoned him instead. I have to make sure I don't tell him that Kaylee is coming back. I pick up my phone and phone Jack. I wait for him to pick up. It takes a while for him to pick up. He soon answers.

Hi Jack.
Hey Rob. Everything ok?
It is actually. I just got off the phone with Kaylee.
She's ok. How is she? What she doing?
Jack calm down a bit. She's fine.
That's good. Will she come back?
That's what I was talking to her about. She doesn't know if she should.
I hope she comes back. I can't live my whole life with out her.
It'll be fine. We'll figure a way through this. I will ring you if anything else happens or I get an update.
Yes thank you Rob.
Bye thanks again.

I put my phone down. I'm glad Kaylee's coming back. I can't wait to see her again.

Kaylee's POV:
I was just driving when my phone went of. I left it in the holder, so I didn't pick it up and pressed the answer button.

Kaylee it's me Poppy.
Hi Poppy. How may I help?
I'm just here to see how your doing, that's all.
Did Jack ask you to try and contact me?
Fine. Yes he did. He misses you. Please come back.
Maybe. I've got to go. I will speak soon.
Ok. Bye.

I feel bad now. I wish I didn't go. I miss everyone. I drive down to London. Jack had training because I asked Rob earlier. I put my things back in the house and then got back in my car. I drove to Sandy Park. As I walked down the corridor to Rob's office, I made sure that no one saw me. I got to his door and walked in. "Kaylee. I've missed you." Rob said. I walked over and gave him a hug. I cried a bit. "I'm sorry. I really am sorry." I said into his chest. "Don't be. I think we should go to see someone who has been missing you." Rob suggested. "I like that idea. Let's go." I said whipping the tear stains off of my cheeks.

I'm nervous. I shouldn't be nervous, I've met Jack multiple times. I walk by Rob close by. The whole team was in the changing room getting check ups from the physio. Rob knocked on the door. I waited outside. Rob popped his head around the door. He indicated me to walked in. I walked in and got a few stares.

I saw Jack turn around. "Kaylee." He said smiling. "That's me." I said crying with tears of joy.

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