--Chapter 87--

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Kaylee's POV:
"Jack got any plans toady?" I asked from the kitchen. "Apart from training then no. Why?" He said from the living room. "Just wanted to know if you did." I said back. "Ok." He said back. I went on my laptop and did a bit of work. To be honest all I was doing was thinking about starting our wedding planning. The time flew by when I was doing this. "Babe. I'm off to training now. You can come if you want." Jack said. "I'll do this then I will come for you." I said smiling. Jack pecked my lips then went to training. I carried on with the wedding planning.

When I finished a bit of it I took my keys and a few other things and got in my car. I drove to Sandy Park as I said I would. I parked my car in my normal spot and headed indoors. I walked down to the cafeteria. There where a group of the team there sat around the table. I smiled and joined them.

Who was around the table:
Jack N
Henry S
Sam S
Joe S
Jonny H
Sam H
Olly W
Ollie D
Luke C.D
Jack M

It was one table but the put a load of chairs around it. I pulled a chair and sat in between Jack N and Henry S. "Hi... Hey... Hello." They all said. (They either said hi or hey or hello.) I said it back. We talked for a while. It was just a casual conversation, nothing really happened. Jack went back to training and I went to see my dad. I walked down to his office and knocked on the door.

"Hey dad." I said walking in and taking a seat. "Hey. Everything ok?" He asked. "Yeah everything's fine I was just going to ask something." I said. "Sure. Ask away." He said. "Is your wife free toady?" I asked. (I don't know her name so I will just go with wife.) "Yeah she is. Here's her number." Rob said. He wrote something on the paper then handing the piece of paper over with a number on it. "Thanks." I said. I got up and walked outside and sat on a bench. The sun was shining so I was good. I decided to text Rob's wife. Hi, this is Kaylee. Text or call me when you get this. I lock my phone and stare into space. I get snapped out of my thoughts by my phone going off. I got a reply from her. Hey darling, so good to here from you. She is so sweet. I reply back. I was wondering if you would like to grab a coffee with me in a few minutes. I waited a bit then the text came through. Of course I would love to. Meet at Costa in 10. See you then. I locked my phone and went back inside.

I saw Rob walking down the corridor. "Dad I'm meeting up with (insert any name) for a coffee and catch up." I said. "Yeah that's fine. Have fun." He said walking off. I went to find Jack. I found him. "Babe I'm off to Costa." I told him. "Ok enjoy. See you later." He said. I gave him a hug then went to my car. I got in my car and drove to Costa.

-- at Costa --

The two of us walked in and ordered our drinks. I ordered a hot chocolate as I fancied one. When we got our drinks we found a spare table and sat on the chairs. "How have you been?" Rob's wife asked. "I've been good. How about you?" I said. "Great." She said. I took a sip of my drink. We began talking about my early life and some of her life too. A/n: I don't really write some conversations as you can see. Time went by. It was great catching up with Rob's wife. In the corner of my eye I saw something. They where outside of the shop but were just standing there. A guy in a black hoodie with the hood up. I could hardly tell who it was. It kind of creeped me out a bit. I shook it off and talked to Rob's wife again. "Are you ok? You seem a bit distracted." She said. "Yeah it's just..." I turned around to show her but that person had disappeared. Now I was even more creeped out. "Never mind. It's probably my mind playing tricks on me." I said drinking the last of my drink. "If anything happens let me know and I will help you." She said. "Thank you." I said. We both walked out of the shop and to my car.

I dropped Rob's wife off back at home and drove back to my place, know as Jack and ours. I got in the house and waited for Jack to come back. I sat on the sofa with a bowl of soup. I ate it all then washed the bowl up afterwards. I sat back down and watch some TV. I kept hearing sounds from outside. It must have been the wind or something. Then I hear something go through the letter box. I walk over and see a letter lying there on the ground. I pick up the letter and I walked into the kitchen and opened it there. It was addressed for me so it was fine for me to open. I slowly open it as I don't know what will happen. I read it.

Dear Kaylee,

I see you have moved on without me. You seem more happier. I also see you have changed a lot since we last saw each other. We need to catch up sometime on the bits we missed. I want to say congrats on your engagement, which probably won't last long now that I'm back. It was good seeing you today. You looked nice. Hope you haven't forgotten about me.

From, Brandon.
P.s. I'm back!!!

Jack just walked through the door. I raised my hand to my mouth. I don't even have any words. Jack saw me and came over to my side. "Babe?" Jack said with a bit of concern in his voice. "He's back, babe, he's back." I said. "Who?" Jack asked. "Brandon!" I said.

A/n: I'm really sorry for the wait peeps but I have been too busy over these past few days. Just so you know the updates for the next chapters may take time as I will start to get even more busy. I will update, I promise but I may just take a while, that's all. Thanks for all the support and votes/ comments. Keep it up. Comment below and tell me what you think. I would also like to see the votes rise a bit because I just would. I like it how people enjoy my books. Recommend it to people so we can get more people into it. Thank you.

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-Vicki :-)

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