--Chapter 65--

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2 weeks later. Kaylee is now 2 months pregnant.

Kaylee's POV:
I'm now 2 months along. It's been harder each day but with Jack by my side I got through it. I've been taking a lot of naps lately. I have helped out around places for my dad and helped Jack. I've been sleeping great. Most people I know, now know I'm pregnant. I wanted to keep it in for a while but obviously the word spread​ quickly.

I get out of bed then get ready for the day. I changed into clothes that fitted me. I met Jack downstairs. "What's happening today?" I asked Jack. "Not sure. You?" He said. "I'm hanging out with Poppy for a few hours." I said. "Ok. When are you going?" He said. "Now actually." I say and grab my things. "Have fun. Be careful. If anything happens phone me." Jack said as he walked up to me. He gave me a kiss and then a long hug. Poppy was going to pick me up. I walked out of the house and to the end of our drive way. Poppy pulled up in her car. Jack M was in the car. I hoped in the back. "Hey guys." I said getting in. "Hi Kyle." Jack M said. "Hey." Poppy said. "What's the plan?" I asked. "Well, I'm dropping Jack off at Sam Hills house then spending some of the day with you." Poppy said. "Cool with me." I said. I stared out of the window as we drove down streets. We soon arrived at Sam Hills house. Jack gave Poppy a quick kiss on the cheek. "Bye Jack." I said. I got out of the back and into the front.

Poppy drove to a car park and we went into Exeter. We went into many shops. I bought some things for myself and other people too. Poppy and I ate lunch together in a small shop. It was really nice. After we ate, we went exploring. We visited the cathedral but only walked around the outside. There was a lot of walking. "Poppy can we stop for a bit, my legs hurt." I asked. "Yeah sure." She said. We sat down on a bench and rested. "I'm ready to walk again." I said a few minutes later. We began to walk again. It was a nice walk in the sun. A sharp pain shot across my stomach. I breathed in heavily and raised my hand to my stomach. "You ok?" Poppy asked as she turned around. "Yeah. I think I got up to quickly." I said rubbing my stomach. The pain slowly faded away and we began walking again.

When we walked around all of the cathedral, we found another bench and sat down on it. I felt a little bit of pain but I wasn't as worse as the one I had earlier. I rubbed my stomach again. It soon went. "Are you in pain again?" Poppy asked. "A bit. It's probably just a normal experience through pregnancy." I said. "Let's head home. I don't want anything bad to happen." She said and with that we walked to the car that was in the car park. Poppy drove back so she dropped me off. She helped me out of the car and into the house. I said bye to her as she left. Jack had a few of his mates over. I placed my bags in the kitchen and went into the living room. "Hi." I said. "Hey." Jack and a few others said. "I'm upstairs if you need me." I said then walked upstairs with my bags.

I got into the bedroom and unpacked everything and packed it all away. I layed on the bed because the pain came back. This time it hurt more. I decided to fall asleep on it. I was going to be in for on restless night.

My Hero -- Jack NowellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ