--Chapter 58--

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Kaylee's POV:
I walked downstairs in the morning when I finished getting ready for the day. I wore my grey and black sports leggings, a white top, an Exeter Chiefs hoodie and my new pair of nike trainers I bought in LA. They where the most colourful thing I put on today. The colour was green and blue. It was a bit chilly outside this morning so I bought a body warmer with the Exeter Chiefs logo on it. I was rocking the Exeter Chiefs look today. Jack came into the kitchen and took a bit of my breakfast. "Rocking the Exeter look today." Jack said. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I said sarcastically. He smiled and walked into the living room to get his things for the day. Jack walked back into the kitchen. "Forget this." He told me. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before running upstairs.

I got into Jack's car and so did himself. We drove to Sandy Park as Jack had training to do. We got there and got out of the car then walked into the building. Jack and I walked hand in hand down the corridor and a few more to where we need to get to. We entered a room were other players where waiting for the meeting to begin. I stood in the back as Jack made his way over to his seat. He quickly gave me a kiss before he walked away and sat down. I leaned against the wall and listened to the meeting. All what was said was, for the upcoming games they have for the season, interviews, upcoming events and many more which I can list another time.

Every player walked out the room and went to begin their training. The room emptied quickly which left a few staff members, Me and Rob. Rob was sorting lots of paper out and looked like he needed the help. I walked over to Rob. "Need any help?" I asked. "Kaylee, good to see you. I would love the help right now." He said pulling me in for a hug. "Ok, this needs to be taken to my office." Rob explained as he handed me a big pile of paper. I walked into his office and placed it all on his desk. "I love the clothes." Rob said as he came into his office with the last of the paper work. "I felt like wearing it." I told him.

I helped him sort out the paper that I bought in for him. "Have any plans later?" Rob asked me. "Not that I know of." I said. "What about Jack?" He asked. "He will probably hang out with his mates later." I said. "I want to spend some time with you as we haven't spent anytime together." Rob said. "I'm up for it." I said smiling. "I will get cracking then." He said. I left Rob to finish of his job he was doing so I left.

I walked around a bit, saying high to the staff as they past. It was nice to be back seeing everyone. I walked up the stairs of the building and went exploring. My phone buzzed in my hand. Come to the pitch I want to say something xxx. It was from Jack. I replied quickly. Ok be there in a minute. I walked down the stairs and to the pitch. As I got closer to the pitch I saw an interviewer with Jack and a few of the team. He got excused and came over to me. "You wanted to see me?" I said to him as he cane over to me. "Yeah I did." Jack said. "Are you doing anything tonight?" He asked. "Soon I'm going out with my dad for about an hour then after that I'm free." I told him. Jack took both of my hands. "Good, because I have a surprise." He said. "For me?" I asked. "Yes, for you." He told me.

Jack quickly pecked me on the lips and went back to his interview.

I walked back indoors and to my dads office. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Yes. Let's go." Rob said taking his coat. We walked to his car and we got in. He drove to the city centre. We walked to a food place. We sat on a table for two and got talking. We talked when our food came. "So tell me a bit about you." Rob asked. "I love to draw, I used to play rugby and I'm a nice, caring, loving person." I told him. "Nice." He said. We talked a lot more and I found out more about him. When we finished, we walked back to his car. "Are you Rob Baxter?" Someone asked. We stopped and turned around. The person asked him for a photo. I stood there and waited for him to finish. "Sorry about that." He said as we walked to the car.

We soon arrived back at Sandy Park. I gave Rob a hug and went to find Jack.

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