--Chapter 73--

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Kaylee's POV:
I had a few tears fall down my face. Jack engulfed me into a hug. He began to cry too. "I'm sorry." He said. "I am too." I said. "Great to have you back." Henry said passing us. The hug me and Jack shared was tight. It was just like the first hug we shared together. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned in as I smiled. We kissed. "Alright, alright you two can stop right there and go somewhere else." Ollie D said sarcastically. It made me and Jack giggle. "Good to see you too." I told Ollie. "You too." He said and smiled. It's great to be back home. I feel bad for leaving, I wish I just stayed. Jack took my hand and led me out to the stands. I took me to some seats, where the players sit on match days.

"I want to make it up to you. I felt bad after you left. What can I do to make it up to you?" Jack said. "You can stay and love me forever." I said giving him a cheeky smile. "I will always love you." He said. "I just glad you came back." He added on. "Do you think I'm perfect?" I asked hoping to get a answer. "What kind of question is that." He said. "I want the truth." I said. "You are perfect in my eyes. No matter what other people think about you, you perfect as you are. That is why I love you. Your my perfect star." Jack explained making me smile. A tear fell down my face. "I love you so much Jack." I said. "I love you." He said back giving me a kiss.

We shared a kiss for a while.

The two of us walked back into the changing room. Most of the team where acting strange. Some where on their phones and had no clue what was going on and the others that weren't on their phones or acting strange were busy talking to staff members. The ones that where acting strange were, Luke, Ollie, Olly, Henry, Sam S, Sam H, Joe S and Jack M. I gave them a stare. Jack on the other hand sat on the bench and played on his phone. In the corner of my eye, I saw Henry stand up. He was holding something round and it was a pink colour. I think it was a water balloon. He popped it on my head. I was wet. "SLADEY!" I shouted. All the others were saying, ohh or burn. I walked over to the side and found a cup. I filled it up with water and walked back over to where Henry was. I approached him and poured the cup of water over his head. "Kaylee's back." Sam S said. I smiled and walked out of the changing room to go see Rob.

I found him standing in the corridor talking to someone. They left and Rob stood there. He stared at me. "What happened to you?" He said. "Let's say Henry popped a water balloon on my head so I got him back by grabbing a cup, filling it to the top the chucking it over Henry's head." I explained. "You are definitely back then." Rob said. I hugged him. We both smiled up at each other. "I'm sorry dad." I said. "No need to be." He said. I pulled away from the hug.

I found Jack in the reception so I sneaked up behind him. "Boo." I said. He didn't jump unfortunately. Jack turned around to face me. "I want to ask you something." He said. "Ok, sure." I said. "Exeter are playing against Saracens the next day after tomorrow at Twickenham for the premiership final. I was wondering if you would like to come up with me." Jack asked. "Of course I would. I'm your biggest fan don't forget." I told him. "Thank you." He said. We leaned in for a kiss. It was a nice moment. Jack took my hand and we both walked to our cars. I drove home and met Jack there.

A/N: I can't remember if I did the premiership final in this book. I do remember doing it in my other book. Thanks for the comments and votes. You can still tell me what you think by either commenting below or sending me a message. Thanks again. Don't forget to....

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