--Chapter 64--

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2 days later.

Kaylee's POV:
Jack's parents are going to visit. "Are we telling them about *points at stomach* today?" I asked. "If you are comfortable with it. We can wait if you want." He said. "I'm ready if you are." I said. Jack smiled. I sorted myself out. I changed into some comfortable clothing for the day. I put some shoes on and grabbed my phone. "Babe, I'm just going to collect my dad and see if he wants to come unless he's busy then, yeah." I said to Jack wherever he was. "Ok. By the time you get back my family should be here. See you in a bit." He says. "Bye." I say and walk out of the house to my car. I texted my dad telling him I'm on my way. It takes me sometime to get there.

I walk into the building and to my dads office. "Are you free?" I asked as I walked in. "Right now, no." He said sorting out paper work. "Ok. That's fine." I said. I leave him to his business and go home. Unfortunately my dad is too busy to make it today. I texted Jack. I got an instant reply. Don't worry, maybe another time he could come spend the day. I smiled at the text and began to drive home.

I got in the driveway and saw another car parked there. Jack's family must be here. I open the door and walk in. "I'm back." I say so they know I'm here. "In the lounge." Jack said back. I walked into the lounge and saw his family there. "Hi." I say taking a seat next to Jack. "Hey Kaylee. So good to see you." His mum said. We all got talking about sports and many more things. "Mum, dad and everyone else. We have some news." Jack spoke up after a while. "Kaylee's pregnant." He said. "Wow... Congratulations." His mum said. "I'm proud of you son." His dad said. His whole family congratulated us. Now that was out, I am relieved they took it nicely.

Jack's family left after spending most of the morning and about 2 hours of the afternoon. All of us spoke a lot. "Jack when will you tell your mates." I asked. "Soon. But not now." He said. Jack had training to go to so I got in the car with him. We got to Sandy Park and parked in the usual spot. Before Jack went to training, I gave him a hug and kiss. I walked to Rob's office.

Jack's POV:
I walked down the corridor to the changing room. I walked in and saw most of the team already there. I walked over to the bench and put my stuff down on it. "Let's go train." Sam shouted. We all got up and walked out onto the pitch. The whole team trained for hours. It was good training. When training was over we all went back into the changing room and sorted ourselves out.

I finished changing back into my clothes. I went on my phone for a bit. In a few months I'm going to be a dad. I can't wait but I'm just nervous. I put my phone in my bag and put my hands on my face. "You ok, Jack." Henry said. I removed my hands from my face. "Just a bit stressed and nervous. That's all." I said. "Is it something we need to know about?" He asked. "I'm going to be a dad in a few months time." I told him. "Kaylee's pregnant. Congrats mate." He said patting me on the back. I think the others heard what I said to Henry. "Jack is going to be a dad." Sam S said. "Congrats." They all said.

Kaylee's POV:
I walked out of Rob's office and to go find Jack. I knocked on the changing room door. Jack M answered. "Is Jack in there?" I asked. "Congrats." Jack M said before letting me see him. "Jack, I'm going to go home if that's ok. Rob has offered me a lift." I told him. "Sure. Are you ok?" He asked. "I just need to lay down and be along for a bit. You can join me if you want." I said. "Ok. I will see you when I get back." He said. I gave him a hug and Jack kissed my forehead. I smiled and walked out. I found Rob and we went to his car.

Rob drove into the drive way and I got out. "Take care." Rob said and drove away. I got in the house, I put my bag on the table and then went upstairs. I layed on the bed and soon fell asleep.

My Hero -- Jack NowellWhere stories live. Discover now