--Chapter 61--

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Kaylee's POV:
I walk downstairs when I finish getting ready for the day. Jack waited for me to get my trainers on then we could leave. I still have to give Jack his present but we have both been to busy so I don't know when I should. He may get his present that's if it is right if not then he obviously won't get it. "What you doing today?" Jack asked as he searched for his car keys. "Helping out Rob then popping out somewhere afterwards." I said. He nodded. We hop into the car and buckle up for the journey. Jack drives to Sandy Park and parks the car in his usual spot. He has training so I went to help my dad out for the day. I always help out, it's fun. It's like my job but for free. I need to ask Rob about that. "Bye." I said. "Bye babe." Jack said. I kiss and hug Jack goodbye as we head in different directions and I head to Rob's office.

The door was open so I knocked on it. Rob looked up and smiled. "Hey, Kaylee." He said. "Hey dad." I said walking in, placing my stuff down. "What's on your mind today?" He asked because he could tell there was something bothering me. "Many things. Only a few stick out." I said. "Like what?" He said curiously as he sat himself up in his seat. "Can I have a job here?" I asked. "Depending on what you want to do?" He stated. "Helping out in the office, around the club. General stuff like that. Also help with the cleaning." I suggested. "I will see if you can. If you come back tomorrow and remind me I will give you an answer." He said. I sat down on the sofa and played on my phone.

"Kaylee. Could you round all the players up and get them into the hall for a meeting? I will meet you down there." Rob asked. "Sure." I said getting up. I walked out and head to all the places where the players would be. I walked into the changing room. Before I walked in I knocked and asked if it was ok if I walked in, they obviously said yes. "Meeting in the hall in 2 minutes so lets get going. Also if you see any other players on the way somewhere tell them to head to the hall please. Thank you." I said clapping my hands when I said "Let's get going." I walked out then after me the rest came out. I did one last check if there where any more. I walked up to the hall as Rob said. I stood in the back because I didn't fancy to stand or sit near the front.

The meeting was about the game coming up in a week. There where some other bits and bobs but I wasn't really listening. At the end of the meeting everyone went back to what they where doing. Jack M walked up to me. "Hi, how's Poppy?" I asked. "She's good." He said and walked on. Ollie D slowly walked past me. "Kyle." He said. "Ollie good to see you." I said smiling. I walked over to Rob and helped him carry some stuff back down to his office. I placed it on his desk for him. "Dad, I have to pop somewhere." I told him. "Do you need a lift?" He asked. "Nah. I'll take the bus." I told him. "Sure?" He double checked. "100% positive." I said. I took my bag and headed out of the office, then building and to the bus stop. A bus soon came and I hoped on. I arrived at the place I was planning on going to. The Doctors.

I went up to the reception desk and waited for them to see me. "Hello, how can I help?" The receptionist asked. "I have an appointment to see Dr. Smith at 12:45." I tell her. "Ok, thank you. Take a seat in the waiting area and the doctor should be right out in a minute." She says. I sit on a chair and wait. I read a few magazines so I wasn't that board.
"Kaylee Baxter." The doctor said. I got up, walked and followed the doctor into a room. "Hello. I'm Dr. Smith. How may I help you?" He asked. "Recently I've been experiencing stomach cramps and feeling sick in some mornings." I explained. "Ok. We are going to run a few tests." He said. I had to have a blood test and a urine sample. I had to wait a few minutes for the results.

The doctor came back in and sat down. "I have the results." He said. "Ok." I said as I prepared myself. "It seems to me that you are pregnant. Congratulations." He said smiling. "Pre-pregnant." I managed to say. "Yes indeed. Your symptoms match up with all the pregnancy symptoms and also it says positive for being pregnant." He explained. "How many weeks along am I?" I asked. "About 5-6 weeks." He said. Wow. "Thank you Dr." I said getting up and walking out the building. How am I going to tell Jack? I head back to the bus stop and back to Sandy Park.

My Hero -- Jack NowellWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt