--Chapter 84--

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A/n: at the end of the last chapter I wrote some more and it didn't save. I will write it in this chapter so this one maybe short.

I walked in the house and changed into some comfortable clothing. I showered first so I smelt nice. I was waiting for Jack to get back from wherever he was. I sent him a message saying I was at home. He hasn't replied so I'm guessing he is with Henry. I collected my laptop from the side and bought it in with me to the lounge. I worked on a piece of work I had been working on for a while. I yawn and carry on. I do this work for an hour. I began to get sleepy so I saved my work then shut the computer down. I placed it on the coffee table in front of me and made myself comfortable on the sofa. I adjusted the pillow so I was comfortable. I slowly shut my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

"I woke up on the exact sofa I was originally on. My phone rang multiple times. I looked at it and it was Henry. I answered it.

Hi Kaylee.
What's up?
It's Jack. He's gone and everyone at the club is trying to find him.
Please say he is ok I'm coming over.
Ok. Get here quick please.
I will. Bye.

I hung up the phone and left the house. I drove to Sandy Park. I found Henry standing outside waiting for me. "Thank goodness your here." He said taking my hand. Henry led me to the room Jack was last seen. We searched everywhere for any evidence. "I'm looking over here." I tell anyone who was listening. I looked on a place where there where books. I found a folded piece of paper. I wonder if this has anything to do with Jack's disappearance. I open it up and read it.

I came back for my revenge. Next victim will be you!! -B

It was like I was ment to find that. "I found something." I shouted out. They all gathered around me. I read it aloud. "I came back for my revenge. Next victim will be you!!! -B" I said. "It was like you were ment to find it yourself." Henry said. "Who's B?" Someone asked. "I have no clue." I said. I began to think. Who is B? I started to think for a while. It took me ages to figure it out. I walked out of the room and down to reception. "Excuse me are you Kaylee?" The receptionist asked. "Yes I am." I said. "I have a note for you." She said handing me a piece of paper. "Thanks." I said sitting down on a chair. The note read:

I'm getting closer so you should watch out. Don't worry about Jack he's fine not breathing. I think you should start to watch your back because I can come at any time. -B

Another note from B. Who are they? I think to myself. I read it again. They have Jack. He could be dead. No! He can't be. I get up and run to Henry. I run in the room crying. I look around and no one was there. It was dim in the room but I could manage on what the writing on the walls said. The walls where spray painted read. Loser! No turning back now! Say your last words b*tch! Now I definitely began to worry. I heard footsteps in the room I was in. "If it isn't the one and only Kaylee Baxter." The familiar voice said. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" I shouted. I didn't know where he or they where standing. "Oh darling. I came here for my revenge." The manly voice said. "Leave me alone." I said. "I will after I get my revenge." He says. The guy stood under the light.

He was wearing a mask. "Where is Jack and the others?" I asked. "Underground or waiting to be buried." He said. "Why would you do that? What have they done to you?" I shouted. "On nothing. I did it so they wouldn't save you." He said. "Reveal yourself." I asked. "You wish is my command." He gladly said. The guy removed his hood then mask. I gasped. "B-Brandon." I stuttered. "That's me." He stated. I wish he was gone. Brandon took my wrist and gripped it. He held me close to him. He whispered in my ear. I didn't listen because I didn't want to. I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I looked down and saw Brandon pull a knife out of my stomach. "Now you will no longer exist." He said with a hint of evil. "I hate you." I managed to get out. "Any last words?" He asked. "Your a big... I hate your guts. I wish you were dead." I said. "Sweet dreams princess." Brandon said pushing me to the floor. As I hit the floor everything went black."

I woke up gasping for air. "Babe. I've got you. Shh." Jack cooed. "Thank you." I sobbed into his chest. "Tell me when your ready?" He said. I took a deep breath in then out. "I saw Brandon." I said. The two of us went dead silent.

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