--Chapter 29--

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Kaylee's POV:
I let them in. "Need a drink?" I asked. "Water please." They said. I walked into the kitchen to get the water from the fridge while they sat down. I walked back in with the glass and put it on the table for them. "Rob, what do you want?" I asked as I sat down. "I know it has been a rough few days but you can't hide forever." He said. "I know but I just want to right now." I tell him. "Nice little apartment you have here." He said changing the topic quickly. "Yeah, it is my back up house. If I need to be in London, I will stay here. It was only ment to be a temporary home until I moved to Exeter." I said. "It is nice. I like it." He said. "Thanks." I said back.

We sat in silence for a while and then chatted again. "When are you planning on coming back?" Rob asked. "Sometime soon, maybe tomorrow or the day after." I said. "Why don't you come home with me tonight?" He suggested. "I don't know if I should." I replied. "You can stay at my place for the night and then come to work with me the next day." He asked. "Let me think about it for a while." I said. "How did you get here?" I added. "One of the team where coming up here so I caught a lift with them." He said. "Ok. I think I will have to go with you because you have no way home." I say. "Right. Pack you things, we're going back to Exeter." He said.

I walked into my room and packed all my stuff back into the suitcase. I finished in 10 minutes. I took my bag outside and put it in the boot of my car. I headed back inside to the living room. "I think I should drive." Rob said. "Sure. If you really want to." I said. I sat down in a chair and watched some TV. I chucked the keys at Rob and he catches them.
"Shall we go then?" He says. "I guess we should." I said smiling. He pulls me into a side hug and we walk out to my car. Rob and I get in, he starts to drive back to Exeter.

It was a long journey. I fell asleep for an hour. I woke up and we where still on the road. "How long left?" I asked. "About a hour and 50 minutes." Rob said. "Let's play a game." I say. "Ok.", "Eye spy?" I suggest. "Sure why not." He agrees. "Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with..." I looked out of the car window. We where on the jewel carriage way. I chose to look at a Bird. "Something beginning with the letter, B." I said. "Boot.", "No.", "Bird." He said. "Yes. Your turn." I said. "Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with, E." He said. "Elephant.", "Nope.", "Eye.", "No." He said. I listed a load more but they where wrong. "I don't know what it is!" I said giving up. "Exeter." He said pointing at the sign which said Exeter. I nodded.
We carried on playing this game until we arrived at his house. I got out of the car and went to the boot to get my suitcase. I wheeled it to the house and bought it in with me. Rob showed me to the guest room. It was really nice. I let Rob go back downstairs to see his wife. I didn't bother to unpack so I just left it in the suitcase. When Rob and I where in the car, I told him that I was tired, so he told me to go straight up to bed. I did what he said. I looked into the full length mirror that was in the room. I still had a few bruises and cuts from the fight. Not between me and Poppy. I was so tired I fell asleep on the bed with the clothes I still had on but I obviously I took my shoes off when I got into the bed room.

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