-- Chapter 95 --

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Kaylee's POV:
Now our wedding is planned all we need to do is wait for the day. I'm excited, nervous.... I have so many emotions going through me. I can't wait. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Jack. He is the best. I just have a normal day today. Nothing planned.

Jack was at the training ground for the morning so I was by myself. I made some breakfast then ate it. After that I went to shower. I came out of the shower and changed into some clothes. I went for a morning run. I ran down the road, through the park and back again. I felt like someone was following me. I looked back and know one was there. I carried on running. This time when I looked back I saw a guy in black running the same way as I was. I quickly sprinted home and got in. I shut the front door and waited a few minutes. I walked upstairs and took another shower.

I wore, Nike leggings, a t-shirt, Nike trainers and a baggy hoodie. I came downstairs and sat on the sofa. It was just a normal day for me. I was just chilling on the sofa when the doorbell rang. Wonder who that could be. I got up and answered it. I opened the door expecting someone to be there but there wasn't. I looked down and saw a letter addressed to me. I shut the door and walked back inside. I sat back down and read the letter.

To Kaylee,

I just want to say it's so good to see you again. It was fun before hand but now I'm back it's going to be even more fun. I can't wait to begin. Well I already have. I hear your getting married soon. I wonder what I would do I was there. It would be great fun. Those times. I have more planned up my sleeve so don't you worry. My next target is your beloved boyfriend Jack. If you want to save him, don't marry him, marry me. I think you should keep an eye out 24/7 just in case I do something to Jack any time. Don't worry he will be fine once I done with him. It means you won't see him again. I'm going to see him now so I where you I would do something.

From the one and only man who would do this, Brandon.

I dropped the letter on the floor, grabbed my keys and phone then legged it out of the house. I locked up and got in my car and drove to Sandy Park. I drove as fast as I could hoping nothing would happen. I parked my car and ran into the building. I ran down to Rob's office. "Rob.... Have.... You.... Seen.... Jack!" I said out of breath. "He should be in the changing room with Henry. Is everything ok?" Rob asked. "It's Brandon." I said leaving. So I ran to the changing room. I knocked on the door waiting for a reply. "Kaylee." Sam S said. "Jack... Where is he?" I asked. "Oh, he left with Henry." Sam said. I raised my hands to my head. "No, no, no! This can't be good." I said worrying. I ran down the corridor and outside.

Rob and few of the team followed me outside. "Where could he be?" I said panicking. "Kaylee. Calm down. Jack should be fine." Rob said. "It's Brandon. He's going to hurt Jack." I explained. "He won't if we're here." Rob said. I took a breather and calmed down a bit.

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