Issue 1#

570 6 0

{Los Angeles, LA} 

They say everything is difficult, hard, what if someone who'd brush off whatever came in his direction. Impossibilities surpassed under sheer will itself? Strength, what can you say, it's just about time, I had a life of my own. 

The albino stayed alone on this bench, what a fine day to do something for his entire day. He let his hands stay on his lap, the wind gently blows past him and throngs beyond him. He whisked out a butterfly knife, in unerring dexterity without making it seem like he'd futz openly. Everyone here on earth did envy good, great heroes, wanting to become one. 

He shifted to the side because someone wanted to take a seat on this bench. "They all think I'm bonkers! I am Blackbeard!" The bench made a small whine, as its body felt like extra weight atop it. "Hey, you! You believe me, right?!" He arose his hook towards Jabez, stopped his recreation because he's being asked. "Sure, bruv!" Jabez nodded, the pirate listened to the way he delivered it. 

"Oh, so yer one of those crummy teenagers? Aren't ya??" He sets his hook under Jabez's chin, Jabez rose his brow at why did he emit enmity in a snap!? 

"No siree! How about you put that down before someone gets hurt, please?" Jabez rose his hands up in defense, he's not a violent man, but if things do get messy. "Hah! You hurt me?? You must be outta your gourd to think a pirate like *I* would lose!" He pompously lets it out, his funky breath rushed past Jabez. "Tell me, boy, what are you doing to do? Huh? Call for help? HAHAHA!" He slapped his knee while laughing madly, just as he was waiting for what Jabez was going to do. 

Jabez threw a punch into his clavicle so fast that he hadn't bothered inspecting such a thing. "WHOOPFFF!!" He fell on the other side of the bench, his pirate hat flat on his face. "I did.. not suspect.. that.'' He grumbled, well, the self-conceited being got what he deserved. "It didn't have to be this way, just hadda?" He stood up, tucking away his butterfly knife away into his pocket. 

Just as he went his merry way to do his usual things.  "La-da-da-da-di-do-do-dah~!" He sings like a character straight out of a musical, he did attract the attention of other people. Its mellifluous timbre lightened the mood of people around him. He wasn't like the people on earth, human, he was more innominate to them, they don't know what he is. But who the heck cares about what being anybody is? 

He himself kept that knowledge to himself, known as an Alike. He stares upwards at the skies, he noticed a small detail in it. Like the skies had a cerulean dome to it, anatomizing whats above him. "What the heck, a dome?" He scratched the back of his head, fully understanding what he's inside of. Did someone ensnare these people for a specific reason, he knew someone that had intentions like this. 

It'd require a great mind to make it seem like they weren't in some trap. While he was examining what was up, the pirate he met earlier marched towards him from behind. "You rapscallion! You oughta think twice before thinking you got out easy!" He had his sword drawn upwards, ready to fight this albino. Jabez doesn't kill, and that's the reason why the guy's still breathing and alive. 

"Huh?" Jabez whipped his head towards the being, he fixates on the being. "ACK-" He froze like a mannequin, this wasn't Jabez's doing. "What the heck befell on this guy?" He wondered curiously, just what on earth was happening. "If it isn't a surprise, Jabez!" A familiar voice echoes from the distance, he knew whom's voice it was. 

"Demogorgon?!" Jabez turned his head to face the darkened figure, he paused his tracks afar. "Suppose introductions are inessential at a time like this," He shrugged his shoulders, Jabez gets into a fighting stance. "Heh- you honestly think I'd be down here to fight you head on? I've remembered what things you're capable of doing.!" He walked towards him, his shadowed being paused a few meters from him. 

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