Issue 64#"Omit, not gonna omit me!"

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{Living room}

--2:30 pm-- 

'How many times has a supervillain appeared in L.A so far? Lezz see..' Jabez marked down the names of the arch-enemies he has, it still hadn't filled out his notepad, there's still plenty of space, deep in his memories of fighting them. 'Protecting L.A's been my day and night job, I sure miss having an actual job than this.' Jabez plopped on the couch, watching Chun and Chen playing videogames together. 'There has to be one place where I can station as a psychologist.' He keeps his eyes upwards the ceiling, imagining what it would be like to have his own job again. He loved being the protector of L.A, but he really wants to do more than one thing. 

'What's it really gonna take to have a job like what I had? A diploma? Do I need to go to school again?' Jabez ran his digits thru his ivory strands, he wanted something to remind him of helping people mentally. Bo threw a newspaper inwards Jabez's direction, he caught it without the need to turn his head into its direction. "Maybe, good ol' newspaper can freshen you up!" Bo reminded him, as he had a newspaper under his pit. As Jabez began unfolding it, he did pay close attention to the recent things happening in this generation. 

Then his eyes intently stare downwards at 'help wanted' for hiring.  'A job! This might really get me something to do, all this loafing around isn't my forte!' Jabez sets it aside and stood up gleefully. "Thanks, Bo! Now I have got a job to get." Jabez waved to him, whilst the Chinese man made a bow to the other. The house was repaired, as Jabez made his way towards the landline. He began electric dialing against it,  he hadn't needed recollecting of the number. He tapped against the floor with his feet, waiting for the person to pick up the phone. 

And once it picks up! 

"Yes?" Says the receiver.

"Pardon me, miss! But, I've heard you needed someone for the job. I'm very capable for its needs!" 

"What's your name, sir?" They added. 

"It's Jabez!" Once he said that they hung up. 

Oh right, he was a superhero and they wouldn't accept danger that'll come to their company. People were afraid of having a superhero inside of their building and might cause danger to everyone around them. Bo stood behind Jabez, patting his shoulder. "It's all right, Jabez. You'll be able to find a job." Bo says as Jabez returned to the living room. "Don't worry Ani, you'll find a job!" Chen and Chun overheard the phone call Jabez made. 

"That's really kind of ya, munchkins, but something like failure won't ever degrade me!" Jabez responded he hadn't shown a frown at all. He was completely unfazed by what befell to him, what would be the most similar working place to what he once had? He was sure being a policeman was pure redundancy, the dude's already a superhero, why do the same thing? 

"Maybe you could help me sell cookies, Ani!" Chen paused the game and turned her head to the albino. "No, Ani! Help me sell cookies!" Chun interposed. "No fighting, it isn't necessary to fight over one thing. I'll help the both of you sell your cookies, how about that?" Jabez acted responsible around them, Bo was about to do something, but Jabez had it covered already. "I'll get dressed!" Chen quickly rushed up to the stairs, then Chun followed afterward. 

"Are you and Bai thinking about having kids?" Bo questioned. "I don't, because I'm sterile, Bo." Jabez turned his head to the other. "Oh.. I'm sorry for asking, are you okay?" Bo almost repented his own question towards Jabez. "Nah, that's chill, just like the rest of my siblings.  We were all born like that." Jabez shrugged his shoulders while keeping up a smile, Bo was in relief. "You never really worry, do you? That's quite a relief." Bo chuckled lightly, maybe a good ol' dad joke wouldn't bother Jabez at all, then? Jabez made a nod in response to the other. 

{L.A- Twin Towers} 

'No prison shall hold me down! And my enemy will be brought down!' Omit had escaped from prison, nothing or the guards could even stop her the slightest at all. Once she made her way into L.A, she sees Jabez walking alongside two kids, they looked like one of those boy and girl scouts. . 'I can make L.A my hostage, my mere presence can cause so much destruction without touching a single thing!' Omit flies directly over a building, streaking over people, Jabez had to quickly react to save the people. 

"Wait here, okay?" Jabez tells the kids to wait there whilst he had to handle the saving. 'This feels awfully like deja vu-- waitaminnit.' While Jabez was saving people from death itself, he whipped his head inwards the direction of the kids. It was as if there was another verisimilitude of himself, he widened his eyes, being able to see thru the disguise. 'Omit! She's going to put the kids at risk, but these people--!' Jabez had finally set the people away from danger, he decided to rush out to their time of need. 

"Listen here, Omit! Nobody gets to wear an Alike's face!" Jabez exclaimed as he ran towards their direction. "Awright, kiddies. Hop on my back of safety!" Omit says, openly saying it to them. "Ani calls us 'munchkins, not 'kiddies'." The two retracted from her presence, she narrowed her eyes deeply at the children. "You're coming with me, you dolts!" Still disguised as Jabez, she grabbed them and scurried off. "Where do you think you're going?!" Omit saw Jabez above her, standing on the solid surfaces of the building. 

"Don'tcha worry, my little munchkins! Ani's going to put down this counterfeit!" Jabez leaped inwards her direction, she snapped her fingers as the two were inside of a bag. "Heh, he wouldn'--" Omit had her attention drawn to the bag, as Jabez sent an elbow sidewards into her sternum. Then a Chinese kick, sending her away into a building. 

Several people take the amount she did, she transferred the damage elsewhere. People were screaming all suddenly, as Omit comes straight towards Jabez's direction, Jabez quickly helped the kids get out of the bag they were stuffed in. "Thank you, Ani!" Chen says, then what was Chun going to say? 

"Kick her butt, really good, Ani!" Chun says as Jabez flicked his head towards her direction. "No more sending damage elsewhere, Omit! You keep this fight just between us!" Jabez lunges towards her direction. "With pleasure!" Omit answers him. 

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