Issue 161# "Identity crisis!"

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{Los Angeles} 


"Who am I?!" Standoff's reflection unveiled himself as a multitude of villains and then into Jabez himself, he recoiled from glistening water puddle that reflected his face. "I can't be everyone! I should be someone!" Standoff scurried out of the alleyway, he wanted to have his own face and identity, it's because of these memories he's forced to follow like his guideline. People watched the entity scatter away, nobody understood exactly why he ran away like that. 

'There's got to be a place for me to get a job, there has to be!' Jabez hadn't stopped himself from continuously searching for a job. A cloaked figurine ran past the albino, around the corner, he was confused why the other was running like that. 'Izz there someone chasing them?' Jabez turned his head towards the direction of the corner yet nothing came out of it. "Reckon aah'll hafta follow 'im!" Jabez turned his head towards the shadowed figure in the distance, he memorized the direction he took and takes an alternative to get to them the fastest way. 

'He's following me! That isn't a good thing!' Standoff glared from a shoulder, for a moment, he grumbled lowly to himself. 'I shouldn't have made such a scene!' Standoff flicked his eyes towards what was beyond him, he thought he wasn't going to be followed. Its inanimate objects, he turned to a corner to witness a group of men taking a woman into their car. "No you don't!" He dashed past the men, with slight touches of the insides of his fingers, they were turned into utter nothingness. 

While Jabez stood there with eyes widened in shock."Who would.. do THAT?!" Jabez exclaimed the cloak lays about the concrete sidewalks. Revealing the half-light and dark manifestation in the distance, the hero narrowed his eyes inwards the other. "I'm doing justice for people! You're only causing them problems!" Standoff remarked while sashaying towards him. "Ending life like that isn't justifiable! There are rules that must be followed! I'm taking you to jail!" Jabez curled his fingers to form fists, while the woman bolted from their conversation. 

"Is that what you are? Some law-abiding hero? Forget the law, its people! They need help!" Standoff attempted to influence the other to believe in his words. "Less talk more action!" Jabez hurtled a fist into the other's jaw. 'Why can't I get thru him?! He's got the mind of a rigid barrier!' Standoff clutched on Jabez's wrist while taking the brunt of his punch, he was waiting for something to happen to Jabez. "A little too slow!" Jabez threw a roundhouse kick across his jaw. 

'How did he withstand my absorption powers? Is he immune? What? This isn't right! How is that not in my memory? There's no record of him having that!' Standoff skidded back into a vehicle, he hadn't ever known about that of Jabez. Or was he being negligent by basing his knowledge of Jabez on certain things, but not his personal mastery? The newfound power he attained, instead he'd utilize the powers of Angular. "I will create an attack that's strong enough to nearly kill an omnipotent!" The exact way he says it to Jabez reminded him of the attack belonging to Angular. 

'Waitasecond!' Jabez assessed the words, concluding this other must've done something to Angular. He hadn't wanted people to enter in the range of their battle, yet a couple was heading down in this direction. 'Aah'll just hafta cover this whole battle!' Jabez increased his palms to an immense size, like mittens, to counterattack the other's attack. Raising them up to cover while the couple stood behind the albino. "Sir, we need to go thru?" The woman says while Jabez turned his head over a shoulder. 

"Caint! Too dangerous! Take the other way!" Jabez says as he takes the attacks of the other. They decided to just turn the other direction, then he had fallen on his knees. His hands had been immovable due to the other's attack, he wasn't expecting to withstand it. 'Caint move a finger, pain.. throbbing!' He looked down to his digits while Standoff walked towards the other. "I am the hero this city needs. You are nothing." Standoff curled his fingers to form a fist as he walked inwards the other. 

Jabez slowly vanished like a ghost, quickly the villain splayed towards Jabez. He missed, once he looked around him. He was confused and uncertain due to the albino's presence lurking about everywhere around the globe; spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. 'What on earth is going on?!' Standoff had lost connection of Jabez, luckily the powers of Jabez were fruitful. 

'Caint move my hands... aah, needa negate this.' Jabez had walked his way on home. 'Whoever that guy is, aah have him befooled temporarily.' Jabez banged his shoulder against the door, it opened up briefly to unveil Chun. "Ani!" The taller chinese male clasped upon Jabez, he noticed how Jabez's hands dangled over so he leads him into the living room. 

"Aah'll be fine, aah just need time." Jabez was gently set across the couch. "All right, Ani." Chun walked back towards the opened door and closed it. 

'Why is he EVERYWHERE? UBIQUITOUS?! It doesn't make sense! He's trying to imbalance me! It sickens me!' Standoff searched for wherever the other hid, that involved antagonizing the people. They were in a panic, their own essence as humans gave off the albino. 

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Standoff stopped his actions, nobody was going to answer him, self-evidently. 

"You!" A feminine voice drew towards the other. It's a short female, velvet hair streaking down over her shoulder. She's not Jabez, but something about her was offputting to him. "This is my city too, put any harm to it and I'll bring justice to you!" Shan narrowed her eyes inwards the other, her outfit was just like any modern person. 'Never have I experienced this.. someone else is inside of Los Angeles?' Standoff was shocked at the sight of seeing the other. 'Yet.. something inside me is crippling about her!' 

The Pollyannaish-Jabezजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें