Issue 151# "Juma and Jabez."

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{Jabez's personal domains} 

"Causa Suis is in my personal domains?!" Jabez's present visit into his own place to contemplate his actions was filled with other entities. "Who's doing this?" The hero frankly thought they were taken care of, what's causing these problems for him. If he had only realized what he did previously start this causation, he remembered abrogating the Causa Sui's rights to ever visiting this universe. Not a single Causa Sui spoke, so, he had to deal with this problem, no, he knew he did what was right, its just, someone else is behind this. 

"You did? Jabbesh?" They assumed he was the same Causa Sui that was welcomed by him. 'Jabbesh? Is someone trying to be my carbon copy and get away with this?' Jabez turned his back on the figurines in the distance. "Jabbesh. We're your family! Don't you turn your back on us!" A voice called out to the other, the figure unveiled themselves to him. It's like Josiah's exact appearance, he froze and turned to face the other. 

"It's me, Jedidiah!  Don't you remember us?" Jedidiah extraordinarily looked like Josiah inexplicably. 'How does this guy look like Josiah? And he's.. that's impossible!' The rest of the Causa Sui entities unveiled themselves to the other, they looked exactly as alikes did. 'Aah'm just imagining things.' Jabez's every particle began fading away whilst the other ran towards him, in desperation, calling out this 'Jabbesh', it's unbeknownst to Jabez. 

{Los Angeles} 



'Aah hafta take mah mind off whatever that was.' Jabez casually made his way onwards, he hadn't denoted that he was going out for a crime. Because obviously crime itself does occur when it needs to. Something like two hooded and shifty characters in the distance, talking in a quiet tone so that nobody else can eavesdrop on their conversation. Their eyes turned to aim towards the albino, they decided to zip their lips automatically to make it seem like they weren't going on about something. 

Jabez had much bigger problems to deal with rather than handling a little petty crime that could be handled by even professional policemen. As Jabez passed by them without uttering a word the slightest, they sighed in relief he hadn't knocked their clocks out. It was an assumption, easily, because Jabez was the superhero of L.A. "Wonder what's goin' on with him. Maybe all that crime fighting made him want to give up?" They briefly now pertained about the superhero, his aura, inaction at the moment. 

"Don't know.. we never really know what's his motives." The other shrugged off the matter so they wouldn't make it such a big deal. "Guess you're right." They preceded to talk about the matter they needed to. 

"Jabez! My good ol' enemy! Finally back in the streets." Demogorgon watches from the rooftops, fixedly aiming towards Jabez. 'I've finally made something new, just for my archnemesis! Where I can enforce the true reality into this plane of existence!' Demogorgon's suit was like a man dressed up for a business, a mask to hinder his pitch black skin. To test it that it'd work properly, he flicked his eyes towards the skies. 

'Although testing it in the universe might damage it greatly and I live in it... I'll just use it against Jabez! He seems tough enough to handle it!' Demogorgon had a scruple to test it out, so he flew down to the direction Jabez went out to. 'Why do aah feel like somethings-a-coming?' Jabez froze his tracks, he widened his eyes in abrupt realization. 

Flicking his eyes towards the extremely small hissing noise, he found an entity dressed in a tuxedo and mask. 'What the?' Jabez was confounded for a moment to what this person was aiming at, he narrowed his brows together in attempts to fathom which direction. 'Waitasecond! He's aiming at me?' Jabez leaped backward to a high and tall building, clutching against its form, the other had paused his pacing, floating in midair. 

"So you've come to understanding now, now do you realize that you'll lose everything now! Don't you Jabez?" Demogorgon's voice increased in a tone so that its straight to the point. "A little out of your modus operandi?" Jabez remarked, everytime Jabez's managed to land a noticeable hit. Its acknowledged, the air was gentle and easygoing on this scenery."The science here, it doesn't make sense at all. Right?" Demogorgon's change of usual pompous attitude made Jabez a little more vigilant. 

"So, you don't want to answer me whether if its true or not?" Demogorgon added. "Aah'm just used to the good ol' overbearing you, this is just inexplicable to me at the moment." Jabez shoots a string of arteries and veins inwards the other, attaching it onto him. "But, kickin' yer wazoo is mah goal!" Jabez zipped towards him, a flying knee underneath his chin. 

Demogorgon skids back while in mid-air, the force was quite potent. He was about to hit a building but he did not. "I am about to change the universes' aspects to reality! Do you not know how much I can do?" Demogorgon grew bored of trying to denote things for the albino so, frankly, he explained it succinctly. "You wouldn't." Jabez landed on the concrete road, his aura beginning to flare up in from his entirety. 

"Heh. You want the world to continue how it works? Like fiction?" Demogorgon continued on. "ELELU!!" Jabez's galaxy aura crackled around him, he leaped outwards the other. 'Jabez has REAL POWERS?! Of course, Indomitable Will can exist in just about anybody!' Demogorgon made a brief scan about Jabez, yet he can do much more against this universe. "Nobody's changing anything! Ever!" Jabez leaped outwards the other, Demogorgon looked up to the whole universe. 

"I endow many aspects of reality to slip into this one!" Demogorgon exclaimed, yet nothing had changed. 'Why isn't anything happening? It must because of Jabez curbing me from doing so! If it were someone else this would've turned out differently!' Demogorgon takes a headbutt into the head, flying backward to a building. 

The Pollyannaish-JabezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora