Issue 58# "Angular and Blackbeard again?!"

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{The Health Community Centre} 

"I'm so glad you've returned to work, but for Tessa..." Joe and Jabez were talking with one another, its about time he called for Jabez's return to work. "I wouldn't say much, she became a villain in her own accord." Joe shrugged his shoulders, unsure of who'll replace Tessa's place."So, who'll supersede Tessa then?" Jabez suggested, Joe was thinking to himself, it'd be too dangerous to let her back inside of the building, those powers in her hands are impossible to put a limit on. "I don't know who will take the job," Joe replies, honestly, things were so much easier when Tessa wasn't a superpowered woman. 

"Finding another psychiatrist would be difficult, I guess it was a wrong time to call you? Wasn't it? I'm truly sorry, we'll just have to let this building crumble then." Joe walked inwards a wall, placing his elbow against it, he hadn't moved at all, but his lips did. "Waitaminnit! We can't do that, the people, dudettes need the inspections of their health! And think about how many people are working here, this job really means a lot to them!" Jabez stated while he had something surging thru him, like shooting pain, its Anim inside of him. 'I gotta keep my ground strong, Anim's only trying to falter me!' 

Jabez keeps this to himself, hoping this poltergeist would go away already. "I wish I could do that, but I am not some almighty being. I'm simple as a man is, so are you." Joe walked away from Jabez, the alike watched Joe move on without a word. 'Sometimes, being the hero is the easy part for me.. but losing this job? I can't bear up that guy, even if I tried, maybe it's for the best my only career is being a superhero?' Jabez really was going to miss this place, he hadn't wanted another job than a psychologist, where he can connect and help others. 

'Maybe its time I just find another job then.. but I don't want to be outside all the time, makes me look like one of those vigilante dunderheads!' Jabez retracted himself from bothering the other, he respected privacy so he let him be. 'Doctor Jabez, no more!' As Jabez left the building, leaving his psychologist things behind, what should he aim to be? 

People saw him leave, other workers, what engendered him do something like that? Is it perhaps that he no longer wanted to help people? In truth, he couldn't help the building maintain its employees. 

A car was driving straight inwards an old lady's direction, its honking gave an obvious vibe, the hero automatically reacted in Planck seconds as he leaped inwards the direction. Snatching the old lady away from danger, the old lady somewhat felt pudgy, less wrinkly, as the wrinkle-like and antiquated figure was saved from him. "Oh, thank ye... BOY!" Blackbeard disrobed himself, revealing himself to Jabez as he pointed his gun underneath Jabez's chin. "Too gullible to fall for that one, ain'tcha?" 

The so-called vehicle that was about to hit Blackbeard hadn't crashed into a wall. A group of pirate dressed figures exit thru the car doors, another figure to Jabez's familiar, Angular. "Bang!"  Blackbeard pulled the trigger, the bullet bypassed all forms of defenses, to a subjective, reality,  irreversible destruction. Due to Anim still causing Jabez toil, it's like this victory for the pirates was off-putting, he had fallen like that? Jabez willed his own hole under his chin to close up in seconds, thru just sheer will, he spat the bullet out to the side after denting it with his teeth. 'Give in...' Anim's voice echoed in Jabez's mind, Angular sashayed inwards Jabez's lifeless body on the concrete floor. 

"Stand," Angular outstretches with the inside of his digits inwards Jabez's collar, forcing him upwards to him. "What's the matter, not feeling the mood?" Angular says, whilst the other members of Blackbeard's gang were cheering the two for overpowering Jabez.  Jabez curled his digits to form a fist, he sends it straight at him, but something froze Jabez's arm from continuing to harm him. It's like Jabez's arm was retracted from his face, Anim was doing this to humiliate him! 'Heh! How do you like that?!' Anim thought. 

Angular's eyes held disappointment. "If you aren't going to throw the punch, shall I?" Angular sends him straight thru multiple buildings, they shatter utterly upon each time Jabez collides into one. Angular leaped high enough to find the other, he was quite far from this building. "Give me something, hero! You want to keep your city safe, correct?" As Angular spotted the alike, Jabez was forcing himself to stay up. 'Things are really difficult this way for me!' He stood up from the piles of debris, Anim was still being a nuisance to Jabez's career. 

As Angular aimed himself like a bullet inwards Jabez. 'He wants some action? I'll give it to him!' Jabez self-exerted himself, it causes devastating damage on the other.  It was a kung-fu kick! 'That's the first time he's ever thrown something lethal like that! It must be him utilizing his body supremacy powers.. or perhaps has his wrath incurred?' As he was sent straight into the building, his own shockwave was powerful enough to be considered god-tier level. 

'Its because, only an omnipotent can punch like that!' Angular hopped off the wall that had a hole, he speed rushes inwards Jabez. 'I shall deliver blows that can not only KO him instantly but the punches of the source of power itself! How will he continue standing after that much had been weighed like that?!' As he sends a flurry of palm strikes and intricate fighting styles at Jabez. Once Jabez fell on the concrete floor, Blackbeard and the rest of the crew met up with Angular. He was the victor. 

'I have to fight! But, my body wants to disagree with me! I-I DON'T CARE!' Jabez was close to the inevitable until he arises like a raging cheetah. 'He's survived punches that not even cheating death is plausible, punches like that could nearly bring death to an omnipotent!' Angular thought, keeping his distance from his enemy. "This is my city.. and falling to villains isn't my priority!" Jabez pelted towards them once more. 

How will he continue fighting after such extreme punishment, and with Anim holding him back? 

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