Issue 90# "Transonic antagonizes Col. Barry , again!"

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{L.A-Twin Towers} 

--8:45 am-- 

'He really did that to me! For all what I've done for him!' Yancy sat on a bed, there were a few fist holes in her prison cell. "Figgers Jabez would do that to ya! It's really predictable of him to choose his duty over a friendship!" Jape hangs his arms outwards his cell, he cocked his brow upon Yancy's presence. "Shut the **** up." She hissed back at the other. "Easy girly, language like that is too strong for the kids." Jape briefly turned his head inwards the audience, winking at them. "Listen 'ere, you dolt. It's not like you'd understand rejection, all you know is the crime and being a supervillain." She remarked, adding a point to what she understood to what they hadn't. 

"Touché." Jape pointed his finger at the other like a finger pistol. "I'm tired of this waiting around! I'll get what I want!" Transonic bolted his cell, thru means of brute force into the wall itself. 'And that good for nothing superhero isn't going to stop me from doing the one thing I want!' Transonic added in his thoughts. "Reminds me of my old days, but with that Jabez curbing me from it. I sometimes think, why the heck should I even try?" Singe says to herself, lazing on her own bed whilst keeping herself somewhat calm. 

So Transonic's brilliant idea was to come out into broad daylight? He believes constantly about killing Barry, that it will relieve him of this aggression he was enveloped in. Once he found himself in L.A itself once more, he hid in the alleyway. Anticipating and waiting for someone to pass by, hoping he can use someone's clothes. Once someone passed by, he pulled the person into his clutches and began beating on the other without causing injuries on him. 

He just needed the clothes to look right, he disrobed the other, it takes him moments for him to suit up. Transonic ditches the unconscious person, whilst taking the identity of the other as his own. He passed by people, whilst greeting them happily, keeping his eyes concentrated on what was beyond him. 'Barry is going to die!' Transonic thought, keeping his exterior from showing an ill-intention face. He manages to slip past the albino superhero along his way, still, Jabez was concentrated on reading the newspaper. 'Heh! I managed to continue without him becoming an irritant on my side!' Transonic thought, smirking in Jabez's direction. 

He shrugged it off, maybe he can actually succeed with it for once. Jabez turned his head into Transonic's direction, its like he can sense ravenous evil from him. The vibe was familiar to Jabez, so he decided to just remember what direction he ambled in. 'Something about that guy isn't right, it's just the vibe he gives. Murderous!' Jabez keeps his eyes concentrated on the figurine from the distance, wondering what his goal was. 

'I can't just stand here and do nothing! He might be up to no Bueno!' Jabez streaks over buildings in the east side, at least what he can hope for is to stop him in the scene. What he can rely on was staying out of the shady figure's vision. Its best to keep him assuming something like he isn't being shadowed, Jabez targeted on this figure. Something about him is familiar, but he shouldn't be antagonized because he needs solid evidence. 

Transonic reaches a hotel of some kind. 

'Yes! All of this is according to plan!' Transonic paused before a familiar foyer. He walked inwards the building itself, hoping he'd be able to find wherever the guy was. 'He's in room 58.' His presence was concealed thanks to merely believing in it, not even the manager could notice the other.'Is this predestined to happen? No Jabez to bother me for once in my entire life?! This is what I want! The feeling of relief hit me!' He walked up the stairway, what he hadn't realized Jabez was following after him. Unseen, hiding his own presence including. 

Once he reaches the door, he kicks thru the door. Letting it pop in his force, as Jabez watches from a few meters away. "Barry! It's time you met the inevitable death of yours!" He suddenly says, Jabez recognized the voice. 'Of course! It had to be Transonic, who'd antagonize col. Barry?!' Jabez began to rush towards the other,  Transonic was already in the apartment. Coming after Barry himself, he hadn't rushed this kill, because he still omitted the fact Jabez was right there! 

"Don't think so, buster!" Jabez lunged outwards the other, his legs tied around his waist. Placing his arm across his throat whilst the unoccupied hand pulled his wrist forward into his throat. "You insolent small fry!" Transonic grabbed Jabez by the hair, hurling him overhead towards the mirror. It cracks upon collision, and the speed Jabez went thru was beyond all forms of understanding. "You dare come at me like this?! Do you have any idea what I'm trying to achieve here?!" Transonic exclaimed. "Sorry, it's my job. And there isn't a need fo-wah me to stop doing what aah do best either." Jabez leaped away from the other's kick. 

"Letting myself become ignorant of my own city is going to be my own failure, to meh. Mah duty is to succeed even against the toughest of fights!" Jabez delivered a muay thai knee into his stomach. "You think you can defeat me? Puh-lease! I'd just believe to become an omnipotent like I once was!" Transonic retracted from Jabez, then he sends a kick into Jabez's torso. It can bring down even the mightiest of beings without the slightest effort.'He's really strong! But there's no way I can let myself fall!' Jabez collapsed into the bed, he quickly arises from the bed. 

Transonic had Barry cornered. "Don't even try!" Jabez ran towards the other, trembling in his steps. He self-exerted himself, delivering a punch into the side of his temple, it's enough to send him knocking back thru the apartment's walls. 'He's mad strong, but letting him kill someone isn't my job's description!' Jabez lunges thru the gaping hole of the apartment, leaving the building to come after Transonic himself. 

"Come at me with your best shot!" Transonic demanded, anticipating for Jabez to come at him. 

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