Issue 55# "Jabez's own superhero followers?"

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'This city is safe and sound as it should be.' The alike anatomized every building, person, infrastructure, vehicle, home, apartment and other et cetera. 'Everything's a-okay, nothing has fallen awry, awright!' Jabez paused his tracks in relief, he just needed to be sure of L.A's condition, he suddenly had a thought come up in his mind.'The president! Where would he be? He needs to lead L.A, I'm just its bodyguard!' Jabez couldn't let things just slip, as he headed for city hall until something in his pocket vibrated. He whisked out his phone, answering the call. "Hey, sweetums! I was wondering, about the movie night we should go to. I was thinkin' a horror movie, waddaya say?" Bai's heavenly voice spoke thru the phone, he kept his steps inaudible so she wouldn't suspect he was doing something superheroic at a time like this. 

"Horror movie? I'm totes with ya there." Jabez replied excitedly. "I'm so glad we're on the same page! Sweetums, I never thought we had so much in common!" Bai replied with glee, while Jabez had landed atop city hall. "Horror's my favorite genre!" Jabez replies, then suddenly Chun takes Bai's phone."Hiiii big brother!" Chun greeted, then Chen interposed by running inwards her sibling. "Is that Ani?!" Chen over-excitedly says as Jabez chortled upon them talking on the phone. "It's your ever-present Ani, of course! Chun and Chen! Hows my little munchkins?" Jabez says in his affable tone, while they were thinking of what to say. "Can you minister our school? Ani?" The two say together in synchronization. "Sure, I can do that for my lil' munchkins!" Jabez responded, they really loved him like an older brother. 

"Here you go, big sister." Chun handed her the phone, she calmly got the cellphone."We're perfect, Jabez. Its as if we're husband and wife already!" Bai says to him, as Jabez entered thru the window, whilst he keeps the phone attached to his ear. "I'm really glad ta hear that from my dotin' woman, but its gonna take time before we touch up on that," Jabez responded, while she snickered. "Awright then, my snowflake. Love ya~!" She made a smooching noise, as she hangs up. 'Where would the president be.' Jabez scanned the dismal hallways, and corridors, upon reaching an ajar door. The hero walks inwards the door.

'I've been gone for a week, there's no way the president would've capitulated like that.' Jabez searches for the presence of any humans lurking in this building, it's not that old so things like dust weren't going to exist. As he entered the main room, the lights automatically flickered on. A sound of cheers welcomed Jabez, he froze upon the scene. They showed themselves and had hats on themselves, it's like trying to celebrate Jabez. The president unveiled himself in his basketball jersey, as the rest were clapping for Jabez. "Aw, that's very kind of you to surprise me, mister president!" Jabez hadn't needed to be alarmed of the others' presence. 

Its meant for him."Of course, you saved the day. I felt like it should've been anticipatory already, you've done so much for this city, well, the both of us. I've kept it together and you did everything for everyone's safety, you're a remarkable hero." Kobe walked up to the shorter figure, he respectively placed his palm against Jabez's shoulder. "I'm just glad I'd devote myself to be L.A's needed superhero, you do you, and I do me!" Jabez pointed with his two digits upwards the other, like pretend fingers. "Hah, you never fail to remain brighter than most. That's why L.A needs you, I want to start a program to help people see you as the great hero you are." Kobe retracted his palm from Jabez, as Jabez placed his digits under his chin. 

"No, I couldn't take this offer. I mean, I'm already doing so much for L.A, why do ya gotsta do this for me? I don't really wanna force people to believe in me, mister president!" Jabez arose his hands up, he has made up his mind. He had never wallowed in the ornamental things, but the president arose his hand up for a high five. "Still, you deserve better. Half of L.A doesn't treat you like the hero you are, changes need to be made." Kobe added, extending the ball under his left arm, handing it to Kobe. "For me, it's not eminence for saving other people, it's just the things I do that matter. You can do this program all you want, I'm not stopping you from doing it either." As Jabez gently held the ball, he spun it atop his index finger, while doing the talking. "Heh, you really are unique. Aight, I'll letcha do your thing." There was cake in the center of the room, but since Jabez didn't eat at all. 

He didn't attract himself towards it, he waved to the people working in the building. 'Guess everything's all right then! I better get back to Bai--' As he banged up against a group of taller figures, just about five, two black skinned costumed figures. While the three were a mix of white and brownish, Jabez cocked his brow at them. "Whoops, didn't mean to thud into a group of cosplayers! My bad!" Jabez says they had their jaws dropped. "Wuzzit somethin' I said? Did I come out flippant, you can tell me!" Jabez arose, suddenly realizing their expressions alternated. 

Bella feigned a cough. "Well, we helped protect the people while you were gone. We just never thought you'd be standing right here because we're like your biggest nerds!" Bella says, its a rather youthful brown skinned costumed girl. "Aw, pshaws!" Jabez says, as Bella turned around and repeatedly formed a fist and thrust it up and down. "Yes! Yes!" She muttered to herself. Jin was unsure of what to say "We really want your autograph!" He suddenly brings it out his autograph book, while the rest were beginning to get unnerved if he was going to refuse. 

"Sure, I don't mind." Jabez opened it as he grabbed the pen, aesthetically signing his signature on the autograph book. He lets them alone, waving to them. "Good day, and do what the law would want you to do!" Jabez says to them, they made a nod. "He's such a great guy," Iho muttered to himself, as he left them alone. "He just thought of as superheroes! Best day of our lives! They told us to not meet our hero in real life, but look at that. What I just don't get why half of L.A doesn't like him." As the group was talking to one another.. discussing how Jabez talked to them. 

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