Issue 178! "The perfect user of PM!"

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"I can't even touch him and I'm moving at faster than blinding speeds! No-- fathomless speeds!" She showed off her remarkable martial arts skills, yet they weren't effective against someone like Jabez. It's truly unbelievable to her that it angered her, no matter how much effort she wanted to touch him. It's a vain effort. "Don't think a personal mastery user could lose to a meathead!" Jabez delivered a punch to her solar plexus and a savate style kick. 

She thought if he was going to do these, he might have an open weak spot, she attempted the bear hug, alack, she missed and had herself thrown over to a distance. "You're really cheap! You know that?!" Kiana remarked. 'I've given Oriel a hard time but I can't even touch this guy?!' Kiana narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "Aah've warned ya, didn't aah?" Jabez says aloud. 

'I'm supposed to perceive all sorts of combat and any incoming unknown attacks yet--' Kiana's rage continued building. "RRAAHH!!" She sped towards Jabez at fathomless speeds, he dodged it without breaking a sweat. "WHY CAN'T I BEAT YOU?!" She outbursts after skidding past him. "What didja think this was? A boxing match with rules? Charlie, you don't get what's a PM user, do you?" Jabez straightened his response to her. 

"Aha, seems like you need to simmer down, charlie. You want to hit me,  all right then." Funlord Jabez had that tude around his enemies like they were toys.  He rose his hands up and hadn't moved a muscle, she charged towards him rashly. "This will be payback you mongre--" She was about to hit him, yet something stopped her from doing it. 'What's holding my wrist, why couldn't I perceive it?!' Kiana narrowed her eyes as her arm shook like a rock. 

"Aah have removed the limits of 'invisible attacks', not even your future perception and combat prowess can defy its power!" Jabez placed his index finger under her chin, then she was struck by an immeasurable number of invisible attacks. She marched back taking the blows prepared to take hits, this guy had taken his superpowers to another level. 'This can't be happening! How could he be beating me! Last I've heard he wasn't a match against Oriel then!' Kiana thought, unable to move due to her muscles stiffened by pain and a battered body. 

"That's enough! This woman couldn't put up a fight against you!" A civilian rushed out to defend Kiana from Jabez and a bunch of people too. "Willya stops bullying this young lady, ya creep?!" They say to him. 'Seriously? The plot thickens! Aah oughta scatter before things become heavier to lift!' Jabez fleed away while Kiana watched him leave in surprise. 'That's it! I know a way to defeat him now! Heh --- I didn't think it'd be that easy to figure out!' Kiana smirked as she remained where she was. 

The ambulance showed up to take care of her. 'A vigilante is discredited while a supervillain isn't? What a cruel world it is for that superhero! Once I recover, I shall defeat him! And claim my reward!' She was set on a gurney, these bruises and marks weren't normal. But that didn't stop them from mending them, entering that ambulance vehicle and it drove away real fast. 

'Gee! Aah had myself curbed by civvies, aah obviously couldn't attack her at an open spot like that. ' Jabez returned to his home, entering thru the kitchen window. An albino turned their head to look up at Jabez, it's his granddaughter. She was sitting on a chair across the dining table, a pile of assorted supervillain action figures remained on the table. "Waddup, Jabez," Rain waved to the albino. "That, yeah, aah'm all good. Aah'm still taking controversy from civvies, nothin' new." Jabez stated. 

"That really sucks. Can't you like retire? Give up? Let someone else take the mantle instead?" Rain held an action figure of the members from AT. "Couldn't and wouldn't," Jabez responded. "You actually plan to be a hero forever, even if society hates ya?" Rain set down the action figure, as Jabez walked into the living room. "That's about it, and what things do you do?" Jabez froze his tracks, close to the couch, turning his head to face the albino in the kitchen. 

"What things I do? We usually deal with alot of problems, I can't really help ya out 'cause its scheduled.." Rain explained, holding up an action figure to him. "It's fine, as long as what you're doing makes you happy." Jabez lifted up a smile. "You're the best grandpop." She gave a thumbs up to him. "Uh, don't do that," Jabez says to the other. "What? Isn't that a good handgesture?" Rain asked confused. 

Jabez informed her of the meaning. She recoiled and almost cursed at the meaning, returning to her normal activities. "Hey, dad!" Orphelia walked down the stairs, hoping to see the albino. As she reaches the ground floor, she looked to the right where the kitchen was and then to the left. There was Jabez. 

"Let's spar!" Orphelia gets into a fighting stance. "Maybe later," Jabez says. "An arm wrestle, how about that?! I've got  600 Doudecilion tons of strength!" Orphelia set her elbow against the dining table, Jabez just casually walked into the kitchen. Placing his elbow against the table, she attempted to move his arm. 

Jabez was known to be the infinity of Alikes, so he just lowered his arm so that she gets self-satisfactory from it. She's struggling like heck that her arm and muscles are straining, her face reddened with intense rage. "RRAHH!!" Orphelia then won, just as she walked away with a sore arm. "Man you're strong, but I beat ya!" Orphelia says to the albino. 

He leaned in close to Rain. "She would've cried, so I just watered her victory down," Jabez whispered that to her, that's why she didn't see him express difficulty. "Jabez attacked young woman in the streets!" The news had opened again. 

''re joking?' 

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