Issue 127#"Jabez decides to talk to Jill."

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'I'm getting better than I used to be.' Jill enjoyed the view from above, its good that he wasn't fixed on his problematic sides; being unable to connect the one he's eager to meet, and dealing with some unbelievably powerful being. 'I don't think I should have worries, considering that I've got a girl in my life... I'll ask her out when the time is right!' Jill dressed up like a fine man from business, white gloves on, his hairdo mop style. Its the first time he ever had serenity in his entire life, he still was far from learning the exact things. 

'I'm just glad that damned person isn't around to rattle me up again.' Jill thought to himself. 


--Oriel's home--

--1:30 am-- 

The redhead had cried herself to sleep, unable to continually hold her own sanity without the presence of Jabez. Every second, every moment, minute, hour, day or month. 'I can't take it anymore! Every day without you makes my life more miserable! I have nobody to hold.. nobody to talk with.' Oriel clasped her fingers against the mattresses, imagining Jabez was right next to her. She could only hope to imagine, it would be unjust of her just to create one out of selfish desires. 'What am I supposed to do?' Oriel forced herself to sleep but she opened her eyes once again, this depression was making life hard for her to continue on. 

She opened her teary eyes, looking upon her own digits. 'That won't solve my issues.. it just won't.' Oriel sat upright, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. Oriel still had someone left, and that was her daughter, but their time together would be seldom, considering her own daughter had a social life. Oriel was trying to manage her own life, keep things to herself, no trouble or things to worry about. 

She stood up from the king-sized mattress."Why aren't I strong enough? To be happy?" Oriel fell on her knees, she was a trainwreck. "Be independent like you would be?" Oriel didn't want to continuously cry, so she'd gnaw on her own bottom lip. Life had no meaning to her anymore, this loneliness was killing her much more. She might've been just a bestfriend around Jabez, but she had feelings for him and losing him was quite withering to her mentality. 

'Get a grip of yourself, Oriel. Crying over him isn't going to bring him back..' Oriel wiped her own tears away with a sleeve, looking towards her makeup table. It had a few pictures of herself and Jabez tacked on it, she didn't have to courage to be independent, she lost all of it. Her world was gone, and this was building her own insanity. 




"Let me tellya something. Lout." Josiah huffed out vape into Jill's mug, this was how he usually acted. "Have you ever realized you got a death warrant already?" Josiah stated something that made Jill push him back, more like in disbelief."I don't believe it! You're just bumbling to yourself, you crackhead!" Jill hissed angrily at the other, he was having a fine and normal day until this guy decided to come to ruin it. Josiah began laughing to himself, knowing how it actuated his feelings into rage quickly. 

"What's the matter? Don't you believe me? I'm your older brother and you should believe in what I say." Josiah lets out spiral fumes of smoke, with a pompous look plastered on himself. "You think I'm going to listen you tell me some poppycock?!" Jill remarked, he hadn't realized something yet, he was merely incarnate of someone else. "Ooh, let me guess. You've got a girl you want to have for all yourself? Too bad, the world isn't fair." Josiah added something a little offensive to Jill's notion, he threw a punch into the other. 

Josiah withstood it, he used his unoccupied hand to grasp the other's wrist as he bent it over to the side. "What the actual heck are you?! How can one person be so powerful?!" Jill's ken lacked the power to fathom how powerful Josiah was, as Josiah dropped his vape object on the concrete floor."Haven't I already told ya? I'm SUPERIOR compared to lots of alikes. You think a little improvement is going to help you beat me? You must be an ape." Josiah crushed his wrist thru brute strength, it's too overwhelming for Jill to take. 

Slowly falling into unconsciousness, his blood circulation was crushed in the strength of Josiah. "It doesn't matter if you're my brother's incarnate, heck, you put up a piss-poor impression of his character." Josiah loosened his grip after the other was no longer able to do anything against him, defeated and left inside an alleyway. 




"And that takes care of that!" After delivering the coup de grace on the creature, it died instantly. Vamos sheathed his sword once again, the rest had put a number on other monsters. 'I'm just glad everyone's palliated of... don't want to think about it too much!' Vamos turned his head to what was beyond them, it appeared to be a radiant aura leading to something. He had no time to waste in these sewers, the group reunited again and followed in Vamos' lead. 

"Where we goin', chief?" Iboet eagerly questioned. "To finish what we started," Vamos responded, their vibe returned to a more friendly and caring type. "I can't wait to finally sit on a couch!" Aledran says. "We're getting there, Aledran. We just don't know what else to expect, don't think there has been any--" While talking their attention draws towards the bubbling sewage right next to them, arose the figure Jagir again. 

From the nastiest of substances. 

{Dwelling in the other world} 

"You're.. really talking to me? This time?" Jill looked to his side, he never thought Jabez was going to be the one opening up. "Yeah, and let me tell you who created you in the first place.." Jabez responded. 

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