Issue 26#"Failure isn't an option!"

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{L.A Santa Monica Pier} 


"No!" Jabez had returned to where he has last seen her, everything in Santa Monica Pier was taken care of, the firefighters came in time. Luckily the people chose to flee instead of stick around for what else was to happen, of course, Jabez must've done something, since she was a force of energy. She must've mimicked his Alike DNA, great with someone capable of virtually capable of surviving anything. Its a threat indeed for him, someone in his familiar came towards him."Wowza, ain't this gauche. The place me and my kids wanted to go had undertaken this." York says, noticing Jabez from the distance. 

While Yancy had followed behind her father, so he was talking to someone? "Dad, you talking to a fri--" Yancy froze in her tracks, unhooding herself in the sight of Jabez. "Hey, man. Hows you been?" Yancy interposed on their conversation, the shorter male turned his head to the taller figure. "I failed to stop a villain, I won't stop now." Jabez preceded York, Yancy outstretches with her fingers towards him. "Hey, wait-" She grabbed his shoulder, York turned his head to the two. 

"You have a family, Yancy. I've got a job to take care of, I'll meet you at the carnival once I've handled the threat." Jabez gently grabbed her hand, she quickly grasped his wrist. "You need to rest, you've been doing a lot for the city." She wanted to talk to him more, with all this crime fighting he'd never be able to connect with them."It isn't enough, Yancy. And let me take care of my job, there's only one hero in this city." Jabez retracted his hand inside of his wrist, then drawing it out after he manages distance from her. 

'I hope she understood that.' Jabez knew the consequences of being a hero, it causes this, yet he didn't gripe about it either. He went out, let her alone. His own career is the causes of things like this, he heads out to where he could find his enemy. And if it's his fault for having a career that'll never reach its limit, he recalibrated his vision to snuff out the particles in the atmosphere. 'You're about to meet the inevitable, Singe!' 

He continues skywards, he does the same method to find the being. Landing on the clouds once more, he had spotted her atop a  building. 'She said I helped her evolve, she managed to overpower me like some classy villain would. I'd have to outwit her, she no longer has that body of thingmajig.' Jabez lunged downwards the building she was on, she had turned her head into his direction, listening closely for the atmosphere."Not staying down? I'd expect that from you indeed." Singe folded her arms, grinning, as something like a hand appeared before Jabez after he landed aesthetically on the rooftop. 

"Crikey!" Jabez was smacked on like a fly, outstretching his palm towards the other. Singe saunters inwards the being, placing her foot against his head."Odd, you don't have brains or anything inside of you, yet you live normally." She quizzically retracted her foot from him, he arose both of his arms as he hurled the hand away from himself. She retracted from him, he was readily admitted to fighting her. "You think you can do anything? Because of what I did to you? Let me give you a newsflash." Jabez came at her like a pile driver, the two descend from the building. 

"You need to get that power doesn't change a thing, that's right. I can alternate my own body's strengths, speeds, dexterity, jump, and other etcetera at will. Body supremacy, that's the real thing. And just in a Planck second, you'll attempt to change." Jabez explained while they were descending, sending a punch straight into her nose. It makes a cracking noise, blood trailed down to her mouth."I'm bleeding! What have you done to me?!" Singe kicked herself off him, busting through a building. "You wanted it, this power, and never thought about the consequential effects it has." Jabez stood on the air, running inwards the other. 

"Its called 'trial-and-error' everyone gets them, eventually. You've lost yourself living as a being composed of an ancient force, forgetting the limits of a physical body." Jabez reaches the other, she's atop a pool. "That's just hot air! I can still do what I used to!" Singe narrowed her eyes, scrunching her eyes together. Forcing herself to regress into her old self, before she was able to do that. Jabez grabbed her by the mouth, leveling her head into the waters. While he was standing atop the waters, doing something directly implausible. "For example, you have to learn how you'll adapt to this." While she was still being drowned in the water, this experience of fighting for Jabez gained something. 

'He's going to kill me! I HAVE TO-!' Singe thought, and abruptly she bursts from the waters. "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME AGAIN!" She returned to her normal self, no longer to that second body she had. Back to her original, great, this was what he was forced to fight. 'Swell.' Jabez was sent groundwards the city, she dragged the being from a highrise and straight into the streets. Causing debris in the streets, she began to beat on his face like a murderous rampant thing. 

She suddenly arched her back, watery fluids trickle downwards her nostrils, eyes, and mouth. It must've been the water blocking out her lungs. 'It's a good thing I did that, because if she really wanted to keep her life. She'd have to reverse herself back to her needed state, it'll be a while before she fully regains herself. Her body is currently overflown with water, she hadn't thought twice, maybe experience was a fruitful thing. And,I, Jabez will always defeat my enemies in the end. Because I'm the hero of L.A!.' He stands up, just as he knelt down to her body. Pressing his palm against her upper back, watery fluids discharge from her mouth, letting her breathe like a normal person. 

The police came to the scene afterward.. doing their usual routine. 'And the next time I fight her, I won't be expecting mercy from her.' So for a month, he'll be off from work.. at least he won't be seeing paparazzi in awhile. 

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