Issue 179! "Back to the legit superhero!"

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A nerd was chased down to a hallway by a group of bullies, with every ounce of his effort to escape. The bullies paused their tracks in the narrow alleyway, it's a dead end for the nerd. "Now, bullying isn't something you kids should be doing." Jabez arrived in the nick of time, bouncing on the concrete floor. The bullies have seen and heard of the things he has done, they chose to run for their lives because all they saw was a monster and the nerd ran away too. "Oh, come on, what did aah do," Jabez felt the nerd pass him, rubbing the back of his head. 

'Must be the news gaslighting people nowadays.' Jabez scattered, there were many, many buildings in the UK. 'Aah caint consider me a superhero. Just a vigilante among people.' He leaped towards a building, he clung on it, scaling upwards. 'Waitaminnit! Why am aah suddenly getting bad omens?' Jabez halted his tracks on the building, looking side to side. What's making him so wary of what's around, perhaps another threat or something that could happen later? 

"Jabez!" A voice called out to him, it's Kiana standing on a building. There were children crippled in fear of her, he instinctively turned his head to where Kiana stood on. 'She must really have the backbone to pull such a louche trick!' Jabez narrowed his eyes deeply at her, as she picks up one of the helpless children. 'Don't worry kid, aah won't let 'er geddaway wit' dat!' Jabez's entire body outstretched towards the building, the kid falls from the highrise. 

His hand shaped into a huge mitt, catching the child. 'Too easy! He's no longer Funlord Jabez!' Kiana leaped to the albino while carrying two kids on her shoulders.  "I dare you to save these kids while I behead you!" Kiana sideswiped the other's neck, it's falling from the skies. "You're egocentric! You'd risk the lives of children?!" The head of Jabez remained conscious, his eyes outstretched towards the two falling children. 

"What're you doing to my body?!" Jabez's pupils noticed that she wore his body like a suit after thudding on the concrete road. "You have no more superiority to me, Jabez!" Kiana watched the kids that were saved scatter to safety while holding up Jabez's head. Her own arm acted on its own and uppercutted herself, throwing her out of the body itself. 

"Simmer down!" Jabez says as his head returned to its original place. Kiana kipped up as she gets up, running towards Jabez as she brought something out, it's like a device that can tilt a building over to the far right. The children were hanging on for their dear life, he was paralyzed at the sight. He's in a fight while trying to save kids, this woman's persistence in bringing him down is unfathomable. 

"Aah hafta save those kids--" Jabez leaped towards the kids hanging dearly for their lives, his ankle was grabbed. "Let go!" Jabez automatically turned to face her as he threw a fist at her, she dodged the attack. "A little rash, aren't ya? Just face it, you aren't the hero as you deemed to be!" Kiana threw him down to the concrete floor, as the few children were falling to their doom. "Look at how weak you're to me? You couldn't save those kids!" As the kids thudded into the concrete road, blood stained their bodies. 

".." As the hero rose up to look at the corpses of children, they rose up without signs of injuries or damage. "What did you do to them?!" Kiana was paralyzed at the sight of the kids that were fine. "What aah had to do." Jabez turned his head to the female. "You're a monster! You could've just left them to die and now you've given them the biggest weight to carry!" Kiana threw punches into Jabez's mug. 

".." The hero lying on the concrete road, unmoving. "C'mon, show me just what KIND of hero you are!" Kiana says in an angered tone. She toppled the other, he pressed his foot against her abdomen as he hurled her overhead. "You're the one imploring me to be the hero! How does that make me the crazy one?" Jabez ran to her, then raising his elbow as he smashed it to her solar plexus. 

She spat blood upwards to his mug, he widened his own eyes at his actions. He grazed his fingers against his chin, he chose to scatter instead. 'Aah didn't want blood to come out of her!' He wiped the blood away, while Kiana stood up, staggered. 'He isn't a match for me! But, there needs to be a replacement for him.' Kiana thought if she wouldn't be able to bring him to justice if he's tenacious like that. 

"Have you seen that? Those kids survived that fall, find them!" A few feebs witnessed that said scene, it seems like they had no idea how to keep their eyes out of it. 

"I need to kill those kids before the humans discover  immortality." Kiana dwelled on the streets of UK, well, of course. This was a far more significant task she needed to take care. 'And if I see that albino, I'm slapping that mug of his. He's taken things too far!' Kiana added, putting something into mind.

"What? Aah'm the monster?!" Jabez found one of his old enemies in a certain street, it's Omit. "Give up this heroism, you aren't fit for it anymore." Omit says in a detested tone. "You couldn't accept deaths of children, so you gave them immortality to save their lives. Had you not thought of what things they will experience 'cause of you?" Omit added. "Aah'll thwart you to prove you wrong," Jabez remarked. 

"You're defensive of something, it just means how much you've lost." Omit was the first to attack, leaping on his shoulders as she clutched his head with her fingers. Repeatedly striking him against the concrete floor in a spiraling motion. 

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