Issue 70# "Are you kidding me?"

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"Hey!" A voice called out from the distance, whilst Jabez was engrossed towards reading the newspaper. The silhouetted figure skulked quietly towards Jabez, hoping Jabez wouldn't bat an eye since he's focused on being updated. Its figure and shape were lightened, unveiling that it was Oriel herself, she pressed her face against his newspaper. "Hey..." She says in a low and raspy voice, sounding creepy, it's like her face was popping out of it. Jabez's newspaper formed a hole, unveiling Oriel beyond them. "I was in the middle of perusing that!" Jabez exclaimed as it turned nothing into ashes. "It happened, what did you expect? That'd stay together?" Oriel's response was a little sardonic, whilst having a self-congratulatory expression placed on her. 

"Har-har, are you a comedian?" Jabez responded. "So, does that mean we're gettin' there? *wink* *wink* !" She nudged against him with her shoulder whilst making the awkward actions. "Let me think.. 'no'." Jabez quizzically placed his finger under his chin, he responded afterward. "Even just a little?" Oriel made arches her index and thumb closely to one another, how did she even know where he was. "How did you even know where I was?" Jabez questioned. 

"I've my ways, so what crime we gotta stop then?" Oriel looked to the left and right, whilst placing a hand over her temples. "You're an anti-hero, your methods are too lethal. What makes you think, doing the whole moral business be easy for you?" Jabez cocked a brow, placing a fist against his hip, she quickly turned her head inwards Jabez. "Touché. Its like you know my Achilles heel before I even say it!" Oriel faked taking a bullet whilst opening her mouth with a tongue. 

"Do you have a social life or something?" Jabez wondered why she aimed towards him, as a sort of friend, things would've turned out easier if they had the same sides. It's the 'anti-hero' part that makes a slight difference between them. "You." She made a clicking noise with her tongue, pointing at him with a finger pistol. "What is that, a 'claymore'?" Jabez turned his attention down to her waist, she smirked. "Of course, you'd ask me before I'd even flaunt it off to you!" She brings it out, its shaped like a box at first. 

Once she tapped against the button in the center, it formed into a hoverboard of some kind. "Let's patrol like heroes!" She thudded her head against his by the side view. "I'm one," Jabez says, as she sets her foot atop the hoverboard. "Why do anti-heroes always have some sort of inventory slot?" Jabez inspected the hoverboard, as he stood at the opposite side she stood on. People were astounded at the tech she had, as they lift off from the ground area. "Isn't this just great?" Oriel says. 

"How many people you've killed?" Jabez questioned. "How many? That isn't even a question -- >koff< >koff< what I meant to say is that not even one!" She was about to proudly mention her kills, as Jabez had a dour look inwards her. "Your ways need to be changed, Oriel. Life is important, killing might be the easiest thing for you, but it isn't right to take away a life." Jabez looked over a shoulder at her. "I'd really find it difficult doing, especially when you're considered a criminal in the eyes of other people." Oriel sat down on her hoverboard, the hoverboard gently passing by buildings. 

"I don't really hate you, honest, it's your methods I've problems with," Jabez responded, she beamed up. "I knew it! You and I had a thing!" She nudged against Jabez's shoulder a few times. "I do not want to even admit it," Jabez muttered to himself, things were quite quiet. "I was wondering, do you have a social life?" Oriel retracted from the other, just slightly, giving him space. "I do, and they're like my family." Jabez turned to her, lifting a smile. 

"What do you think about me?" Oriel questioned. "Moving on, next question, please," Jabez replies,  she stared at him from head to toe. "Now that is stonewalling, why must you stonewall me?" She placed her palm against her own frame. 

{L.A-Twin Towers} 

"I grow bored! I must fight!" Severus rose from his lunch table, the guards inside the building weren't able to stop him, but that doesn't mean they'll do nothing. Severus jumped high up to the ceiling, aiming himself towards Jabez. Was this just a casual thing where the villains aren't threatened by the law itself? 

"What's that large orb speeding into our direction?" Oriel looked inwards the being. "Wait, is that Severus?" She utilized her capabilities to have a full picture of the other. He hurtled past the two, Jabez arose from his seat. "Ain't he the guy that's immune to everything? That's like the cheapest book in the trick, what can I do against him? Like SERIOUSLY?" The hoverboard zoomed inwards the destruction caused by Severus. "I was being sarcastic, what? It wasn't self-evident?" Oriel turned her head to the alike. 

"I knew, its just. I don't use that atrocious phrase, 'I--' you already know what it is." Jabez made a sort of shrugging gesture with his shoulders. "What the? What's Oriel doing with Jabez? Are they cooperating?!" Severus saw their entrance in the scene, flames were set across everywhere. Jabez willed the destruction to be retrograded into a normal looking scenery around them, then Oriel rushes towards the other. Jabez blurred behind him, sending a kick into his lumbar as Oriel sent a flying knee kick into his jaw. 

"I'm not saying that we're cooperating!" Jabez says. "Playin' I can't admit it, ain'tcha?" Oriel landed on the side Jabez was on, he takes a massive elbow to the face. "Ooooh, that's gotta sting! Luckily, Oriel's coming back for that retaliation--" She leaped towards being, he sends a headbutt against her. "Or not!" Oriel was sent back towards the structure, as Jabez was grabbed up like a toy. "Don't worry, I've got your back!" Oriel comes towards the being, turning her fist into a meme. "You're going to attack him with memes?! What are you, a memelord?" Jabez says utterly surprised. 

"TAKE MEMES!" Oriel sends a glut of memes into Severus, temporarily blinding him so that Jabez can free himself from his grasp. He widened himself, the fingers no longer held him down. "That was such a weird attack," Jabez says, then Severus flicked away the memes. "Such an attack won't stop me!" He began to charge towards the two, like a bull. Swell, ain't things just GREAT! 

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