Issue 12#"A hero's always restless."

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"Jabez, you deserve a break from work, judging from your dustup with Demogorgon you're jarred still. Come back when you've fully recuperated, Jabez." Joe had reminded Jabez, he's right about that, I haven't regained myself. "Of course, Boss." Jabez turned his back on the building, so Jabez wasn't able to get back into work. 'Eugh, I could've pressured his shoulder if he was in his office! Dagnabbit!' Tessa watched him retract from the building, what was he supposed to do like this. This'll be harder maintaining his job more than it is, so he wasn't going to be at work for this reason then. 

".." Jabez heard a few people talking about the fight he had with Demogorgon, just making it sound like it was an awesome thing to ever transpire. "All right, its just crime fighting on my capricious career," Jabez remembered his duties outside the health community centre, it's his second job after all. 'Who'd come out to attack me in broad daylight like this?' Jabez knew he had sent most of his villains in jail, the only two he hadn't been the quaint entities like Severus and Anim. 'I'm not perturbed, nor can I ever, I'm just expecting it to befall onto me because I'm a superhero.' Jabez preceded people, keeping his lips invariable among them. 

"Master will be delighted to fight you!" A voice echoed in the breeze, its a forewarning for Jabez. While people had continuously done their own things, Jabez merely continued onwards. Should he even be disquieted because someone wanted to fight him, don't think that can serve as a minatory towards Jabez. Is it him, the mysterious figure who came from another world again, he's trying to configure something out once that exact thing happens. 'I wonder who might that be.' Heck, he isn't agitated about his wounds either, he wants it to happen. 

What a brave guy, just as he pauses before something. While every human was no longer in sight, he discerned something in a microsecond. He whipped his head upwards a building, its the exact figurine, Severus. Really, at a time like this, Jabez couldn't get the guy to kneel so how was this going to go for the jarred hero. "Alright, let's tango!" Jabez leaped upwards the building, going on the opposite side of where he had been standing. He landed elegantly on the rooftop, narrowing his eyes at Severus, so this guy was a battle-hungry guy then. 

'No holding back, if I'm ever going to defeat this guy, I need to self-exert myself more than I've.' Jabez gets into a fighting stance, immediately coming outwards him. 'He's striking in ferocity! Is it something actuating him to come forward without saying a word?' Severus analyzed his opponent, once Jabez closes in on Severus. The Alike strikes his armpit if there weren't any internal ways to deliver withering damage. SO aim for something like that, twisting his waist and body weight forward. 'He never fails to bypass my immunities, defenses!' He felt the damage on his armpit, then Severus sends a sweeping blow across the figure's cheek. 

"A--" Jabez grits on his teeth, baring the pain surging through both his legs. He held on both of his thighs, how could he hope to win like this, don't heroes need a rest? Jabez stands upright, baring it, narrowing his eyes into the being. 'I've gotta beat him, somehow! With my shoulder and legs killing me, I've got no hope of winning.' Jabez engulfed his hand in flames, hurtling them towards Severus, nothing, he withstands the flames. 'Meta Power Immunity, so any method I imply might never reach success?' Jabez distances himself from the being, Severus appeared behind Jabez faster-than-blinding speeds. 

"Being dodgy isn't how a fighter should fight." Severus drop kicked Jabez, quickly maneuvering himself for the causality, he had no time to think so he used his weaker arm. Just able to perform a killer move, he continues to bite on his bottom lip. 'How long will this take before my recuperation, its almost unendurable.' Jabez gripped on his shoulder, this was a no-win situation for him. 'Turning lily-livered isn't my alternative. I'll just have to fight like this!' Jabez lowered his back, trip sweeping his opponent from behind. 

'This guy is very robust, I gotta bring him down while my body is in aversion.' Jabez toppled the being, delivering punches across the jaws. He hadn't stopped hurtling punches into his face, he had stopped punching him, did he finally stop moving? He couldn't be sure, as he walked away from him, going outwards the ledge of the building. "Where do you think you're going?" The being stands up casually, pointing his finger inwards Jabez. "We aren't done!" Severus tackled Jabez, grabbing him into a bear hug since the pain was still there. It's causing to pressure more in his body, people were below. 

"Move thataway peeps!" Jabez told them, while he shoots arteries and veins inwards buildings to prevent them from being crushed. Jabez was buying them time then they scoot out of their way, once they collapse on the concrete floor. 'I wanna squawk at the top of my lungs, but I don't, its about winning the fight, not the griping.' Jabez sends knees and kicks under him to loosen his grip, once he's hurled away from me. I regain my ground, it's a good thing the pressuring of pain wasn't permanent but the jarred spots might take awhile. 

'I just gotta feign my death so he'd stop.' Jabez suddenly collapsed to the ground, he hadn't yet found a way to defeat the guy, it's taking awhile. And fighting like this wasn't helping him or anybody, once the being closes in on Jabez. He searches for any pulses, there wasn't any, Jabez had a defunct physiology so he had the advantages of diddling him. In disbelief the warrior left the being alone, Jabez waited and waited for him to leave. 

An hour later, he opened his eyes and found himself resting behind a stone slate with his name in it. "AAAAH!!" The person had left Jabez alone, this was the cemetery and he figured out that playing dead lead him here. 'Abit of the pain had palliated, but I should keep a low profile.' Jabez walked down the hill of graves, not stepping on any of them or touching them, revering the dead was a proper thing. 

Jabez had humility. 

'I outfox my foes, I still need to regain my strength and defeat that guy!'

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