Issue 74# "Thinking about Bai!"

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{Oriel's hideout} 

{Hot tub} 

'My girlfriend might be worried about me, the news must've spread so far!' Jabez decided to concentrate his hearing on a global scale, its news about him being kidnapped by Oriel, what an understatement. "It must be great, right?" Oriel tapped her elbow against Jabez, her body was covered by a towel whilst Jabez was completely naked inside of the tub. "Yeah, even though I can't feel a thing," Jabez replies, it didn't really change much, he had much more disadvantages than she did. "Your kid's name?" Jabez brings up a question, Oriel wanted to answer the thing he stated, but things digress don't they? 

"Orphelia, haven't seen her in a while, you'd actually mistake her for me. But I'm much more ravishing than my daughter anyway!" Oriel pointed out, fixing a strand of her hair. "What's it like? To yanno, actually, have someone possessing your genes?" Jabez added. "I'd say its chill..-- oh I.. just let's talk about something else!" Oriel was about to continue discussing the topic until she realizes Jabez couldn't have something like that. 'I feel so bad for him, an unfixable problem for even a hero like himself.' Oriel actually hinted out that she saw him as someone. 

"I get it, you care, I know that you do, but I've managed things on my own before," Jabez replies, she quirked upon his fast-understanding of it. "I've no idea what you're talking about, there's something in my eye! Yeah!" Oriel turned her head to the opposite side of the other, awkwardly unsure what else to add. "Are you all right?" Jabez cocked his brow, what was she going on about. "Just give me a few seconds." Oriel rubbed her temples so it'd be more convincing, she finally turned to him. "You look like your mind's all concentrated on something?" Oriel cocked her brow at the sight of him, it's like something instinctual told her. 

'Bai needs me. I'll have to bail, and so that I can clear up Oriel needs me.' He stood up from the hot tub, Oriel automatically stood up, walking towards the other. "We need to keep a low profile, people still think I kidnapped you!" Oriel pointed out. "I knew the whole time, that's why I've to clear up your name, and my second reason is personal." Jabez paused his tracks a few feet from her, he was only doing the right thing. "I'm not going to give up on you, you said you'd change yourself, for a better cause. Right?" Jabez's clothes began to veil his being, she lifted a smile. 

"Easier said than done, huh? I'll leave you to it then, I really owe you big time!" Oriel thanked the other for doing this for her, he made a nod. It took him minutes to find a way outside of the secret base, nobody could find where it was. Once he left, and he made his way to the inner sections of L.A, there were poster signs of Oriel's bounty count as an Anti-Hero arise more than it usually was. 'I'm not going to let that warring go against someone that wants to change for the greater good!' Jabez saw policemen patrolling the streets, he decided to greet himself to the policemen instead of surprising them, so nobody would have to be befuddled out of the blue. 

"Did you take care of that anti-hero?" Police no. 2 asked him, he really needed to take care of that. "She didn't kidnap me, but, its a long story, but don't judge a book by its cover officers. I'm headin' out to affirm to the rest of the people in L.A, I'm not a kidnapped victim." Jabez elucidated it to the police officers, they tipped their hats in agreement to him. "I still don't get why that guy's still not an employed cop, he'd make a great policeman!" Policeman no.1 stated, watching the other head off to the city hall. 

Where things were melodramatic about the whole situation still going on, it takes him, Planck, seconds to reach destination due to speed walking. "Hey! Enuff with dat talk about Oriel being a kidnapper!" Jabez pointed his index finger inwards them, the protesters turned their head to the hero. The president arose his brow, he wasn't harmed or inflicted with anything. "Well, would you care to explain it then?" Bryant stepped aside from the platform, beyond the flight of stairs, stood his platform. 

Jabez made his way towards the platform, unbothered by their unintelligible murmurs, he readjusted his tie. He pauses before it, circling the platform and taking his ground atop it, alternating his own voice to reach out to them. "Listen up, folks, the reason for this controversy is my recent battle with Demogorgon, he succeeded in winning. Oriel merely carried me out to safety, she said it herself 'change is possible' so I believed wholeheartedly, from now on, she's a hero as I say she is. She isn't a kidnapper, okay? I'm not going to force any of you to believe me either," As he was talking, someone to his familiar appeared behind him. All of this was being aired live. 

It was Oriel herself. "I'd cry right now, dude." Oriel hooked her arm around Jabez's neck. "You better show us you can be a hero! Oriel!" Another familiar voice stretches out to them, it was none other than Demogorgon himself. "Voila! I'm about to show you the meaning of hero! I think!" Oriel unslung her arm from his neck and charged towards the other. "You better prove it!" Protester no. 7 exclaimed. 

"Stay focused this time!" Jabez tailed after the redhead. "You think victory is sought in mere belief? Well, Transonic is capable of such things. Still! You haven't a chance against me!" Demogorgon flies towards their direction in fathomless speeds. "Negate--" Oriel outstretches her digits inwards the other's being. "Doesn't work on me!" He hurled her overhead, as the people were protected by the incoming policemen. As Jabez sends kicks savate style, then the hero skids back into Oriel's direction. 

She jumps briefly then sends a superman punch into the back of his head. "Dolt!" Demogorgon grunted in her attack. 

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