Issue 135# "Jabez awaits the unexpected!"

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{The Forthright Restaurant}


The two deliver a punch on both sides of Veyra's jaws, the redhead winked at the albino for a brief moment."Focus on the task at hand!" Jabez shortly remarked about her action, the two deliver their knees flying upwards under Veyra's chin. Veyra hurtled backward at a wall, the amount they delivered were considerably omnipotent level attacks. "When are you going to put on something that covers up, 'that'?" Jabez turned his head towards the redhead, gesturing to her frames. She wasn't naked or anything, it's just, he isn't used to Oriel dressed up for a romantic date. 

And he himself wasn't the type for relationships, he had been far gone from those kinds of things. "You aren't aroused by what I'm wearing?" Oriel thought it'd attract him. "Frankly, yes," Jabez replied, rushing inwards the direction of Veyra whilst using supernal acrobatics over inanimate objects and people. Snapping her fingers she alternated the outfit she wore into her casual anti-hero getup, once again as Oriel unsheathed her flag as she hurled it straight into the direction of Jabez. 

Jabez outstretched his digits outwards the flag in cobra reflexes, grasping upon its form. He switched its vertical position to horizontal with both palms, Veyra quickly recuperated afterward. Pushing herself outwards the wall, she rose her hands up to defend herself against the attack of Jabez. "I never knew you took interest in my master!" Veyra says, which had Jabez baffled for a second. "That's not the case! It's just a long story!" Jabez hurled the other overhead to Oriel's direction, Jabez was only here because Oriel gave him a call. 

'Why do I feel like I've caught myself in a situation I shouldn't be in?' Veyra thought, switching her position into a flying kick directly into Oriel's face. Deflecting herself back to where Jabez was, Veyra wanted another round in fighting the albino once again.'She wants a fight that bad? I'll just give it to her!' Jabez threw himself outwards Veyra, thudding into the other. 'Using his body supremacy cleverly like he always does?! Hah! It proves there hadn't been a single change in him!' Veyra and Jabez burst thru the walls in opposite directions. 

'And nothing can stand between our rivalry!' Veyra casually regained her ground, waiting for the other to show his face. The Arkansas flag was hurled over the building itself, she effortlessly caught it in her digits. "Jabez! Show yourself! Where do you think you could go when I'll find out where you'd hide?!" Veyra hadn't realized something soon enough. "The hero doesn't hide! Ever!!" Jabez unveiled himself as the flag itself, with his unoccupied leg he struck the other across the jaw swiftly. 

'How could I have missed sight of that?!' Veyra skidded to the left side of the streets, she once again concentrated to the direction she last saw him. "Don't be playing smartsy around me!" Veyra sunk her hands thru the concrete floor and managed to take ahold of him, hurtling him outwards an incoming tour bus. 'Caint let the people get hurt in this fight!' Jabez added an extra jump, defying the physics existent in reality due to body supremacy. "Voila! Now I've got him vulnerable if I go on a fell swoop on those innocents!" Veyra lunged outwards the tour bus. 

With murderous intent in her eyes. "This is my city! And NOBODY gets hurt when aah'm around!" Jabez was incredibly humongous like a giant, his immense hand outstretched towards Veyra. "Yipes! I haven't seen him ever do that!" Veyra froze in the sight of him, using the bus to push herself back away from Jabez. 'Although, he might be bigger than me. But that doesn't change a thing!' Veyra sped around the bus and inanimate objects to get in close at Jabez, she then used her centrifugal speed to fly upwards the other. 

She delivered an uppercut under Jabez's chin. While the tour bus preceded onwards, obviously, who'd want to be around when a fight like this is happening?

"Size doesn't change a thing if you're no different from it!" Veyra exclaimed. Striking him all around the face of his, he skids back towards a skyscraper. Thudding his back against it, the building crushed, Jabez's unbelievable weight caused other buildings total destruction. He reverted to his normal size, Veyra casually walked towards the defeated albino. "You practically made yourself easier to hit for me.. yanno?" Veyra shrugged her shoulders pompously while closing in on him. 

Those driving stayed in their car or just drove away from the scene. "He's standing up again!" Veyra paused her tracks a few feet away from him, watching him kip up briefly. "Don't think aah've given up jus' yet!" Jabez narrowed his eyes inwards the direction of Veyra. "Wouldn't dream of it." Veyra gets into a fighting stance. 

Jabez needed to think of a way to beat her down and fast. "Can you really stop me?" Veyra dropkicks the albino on the torso. A sudden whistle caught the attention of Veyra, making her turn to face the certain direction. It was Oriel that knocked her out in the face, she had lifted up a smile at the sight of Jabez once more. "Didja really hafta do that?" Jabez cocked his brow at the sight of the defeated Veyra. "What? I just wanted to see how you were holding up." Oriel stated. 

"Its mah job, Oriel, and aah do it solo. Like aah said, aah caint hold a relationship with ya," Jabez turned his back on the redhead. Deep down, it was all true to him, it's not because of what befell to Bai, its because of his job as a superhero. "Aah'm just asking you kindly not to fall for me." Jabez flew away at high speeds. "It can be the best for the both of us.." To her, she thought he was just playing hard to catch but hey, at least she's kissed him. 

The police arrived in the scene afterward. "All right... I'll do better to make you a part of my family." Oriel casually walked away from the defeated supervillain. 

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