Issue 187#"A new enemy that's damn redoubtable!!"

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"Your demise is imminent..." Binary codes were marked everywhere, inside and outside this universe. All of the supervillains had seen the imagery of binary codes before them, it's rather perplexing most of them, but Omit knew exactly what this was. She remained stagnant on the kitsch couch while cats scattered from the binary codes floating around. "Why'd you have to come to earth of all places? Little brother?" She says as she looked up at the skies casually, she wasn't interested in living like those opulent people. So more of an outdoor person, this was the dump.

So think of it like this, she hangs around wherever the hell she wants to. Whereas our hero was had returned to the police department to hand over Yancy, she was still human so what chance could she have stood against someone like Jabez? While Shan walked towards the albino, she had something to offer him. It was a badge but it was replaced by a binary code, she dropped the object intentionally as it turned into a plethora of binary codes. 

"Your doom is imminent." It says to the police officers, Shan, and Jabez. "Wussat supposed 'ta mean? Don't tell me we're in that situation? Where some anomaly tries to end the world?" Jabez cocked his brow, he turned his head underneath him, a pillar of binary codes surrounded the albino. He transferred all the binary codes down into his personal void thru the abdomen, and palms. Once that was taken care of, there was an ominous feeling running in Jabez's mind. 

"What's happening to me?!" Jabez has a grimace on his mug, scattering immediately without consulting Shan about this. "Alike.. you are indeed powerful. But lesser than...." Once Jabez exited the building, he collapsed on the concrete floor defeated. Shan walked towards the unconscious superhero, she was going to guess this was some other being of unbelievable power. 

{Jabez's personal domain} 

"Omit too, huh? You're straight as a string for me to meet my demise!" Jabez was hurtled back to a building, knocked off 'cause of Omit aligning forces with Blink. "Little brother, I didn't think you'd ever pay a visit. Terminating this albino once and for all shall give us a rest!" Omit charged at the debris of bricks, although there wasn't a body."Boy, you ain't got a lick of sense to think aah'd let that happen to me?" Jabez flashes behind her, delivering a high roundhouse kick and then a flying roundhouse kick to really send her flying back to a statue of Jabez. 

The binary code being appeared behind Jabez. "Death. Death. Death." It hooked his right arm while other sinks into our hero's temples. "You're dark as the inside of a crow, like, legitimately." Jabez dissipated into nothingness, the entity froze at the disappearance of Jabez. "You both are too powerful fowah to me to take on, aah oughta just take you out of it!" Jabez apparates above them, high up. "So... you truly wish to take me out of existence? With pleasure." Omit walked in on the scene, unscathed from the albino's previous attack. 

"..." Jabez hesitated for a moment. 'Omit's far more powerful than me, aah couldn't even touch her with my powers!' Jabez decided to apparate before them, this was our hero's end. No- instead he dives deeper, in the woven depths of Omit herself. She allowed it to happen, she could've just reflected it but no, she allowed it. "What are you doing, Omit?! You're going to let him win?!" Blink says in a loud tone. "No, I'm testing what he could do against me." Omit says. 

All previous methods Jabez had done to her failed. To leave no stone unturned, once he appeared inside her dreamland. "Did you forget how powerful I am in this realm, Jabez? It is my boundless realm." Omit says to the other, they were in her version of the Earth. And how the universe should be working, it's all the work of a mighty entity. Like a futuristic and systematic world, the hero wasn't planning on fighting. "You stand no chance against me, what are you to do against me?" She added, opening out her palms as she left herself wide open. 

"Aah'm not going to fight you," Jabez balled his fingers to a fist. "Because this is your own power comin' back at ya!" Jabez conjured the powers of Omit from all those years back then, it was potent enough to stagger the other physically. Meanwhile, outside the boundless realm, she was knocked out as Blink was frustrated. How could she have let him succeed with this? 

"Show yourself! Don't make me kill you!" Blink says, what were his powers? Dualism embodiment. Our hero apparated before the other, with his back lowered. "You want me? Don't bet your luck on that!" He materialized powers from another realm, where there was a being so powerful that even Synonymia couldn't stand a chance. 

Jabez one-shots the other. "Should aah just end it?" Jabez walked towards the unconscious body of Omit. "Hu--" Jabez's hands moved upwards to his face, they were in the control of Omit. "Well, I do wonder how the story would be... if the Jabez the people loved wasn't who he was? That someone else had his vessel?" She says as she walked towards the body of Jabez, sinking her fingers into his back. Our hero was being overwhelmed by her powers, he wasn't able to withstand her boundless superpowers. 

His soul was seen screaming coming out of it. "Protections, immunities, meta power immunity. They mean nothing to me, I sure would like to feel respected..." Slowly she continued hoisting the soul out of his body until Jabez teleported himself to safety. He reappeared in the UK, safe and sound while his enemies were somewhere there too. He just had to watch his back and take things with precaution, he didn't want to think about that traumatizing situation that much. "That was faster than a hot knife through butter..." He says finally. 

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