Issue 56# "Just, who broke out this time?"

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{L.A Theater} 

--8:30 pm--  

"Isn't this great, sweetums? We're really going to see a movie together, and us alone!" Bai and Jabez walked alongside one another, she was dressed up in a tee shirt with an arrow pointing at Jabez. 'My man, so beat it!' She had her arm wrapped around Jabez's neck, while his shirt was saying something similar. Just change the word 'man' into 'woman', so doesn't need to be pointed out, other people were just amazed at how lucky that short entity managed to get someone like her. His arm was wrapped around her hip, she was wearing something to curb her perfect sized butt so nobody would think of anything else about her. 

"Yep! This honestly is better than fightin' crime, Bai!" Jabez stated after heading inside of the said area they needed to be in. Once entering the horror movie section, the two casually made their way to find good seats. Once they found their seats, their digits intertwine with one another. "The movie's startin', this better be good, not some middle-of-the-road horror material," Jabez says in a low voice, as the two excitedly watched the movie together, it begins to play the movie for them. 

After an hour of the movie, they finished it. "That was sorta good." The two were leaving the structure itself, Bai's comment about the movie stated already. "They slightly changed the ending, suppose it's not half-baked when most of the horror movies always have the antagonist winning always." Jabez depicted his rating of the movie, so its just an okay for him, not that it was an overused concept, but the threat level needed more. "I know right? That's why nobody can replace my sweetums!" She says after kissing him on the side of his temple, Jabez froze his tracks. "Somethin' bothering you, sweetums?" Bai piqued her curiosity towards why he froze his tracks. 

Jabez immediately scooped her in his arms, she widened her mouth in surprise. "Oh honey~, you make me feel special!" Bai says, just as Jabez leaped off the ground and atop one of the vehicles, making it rock back and forth due to the weight of Bai. 'There was a presence here, just a Planck second ago. I can't let it just fly off my nose!' Jabez was being anticipatory of the scene, and his girlfriend was here, so he had to. A silhouetted figure remained behind one of the vehicles, waiting for Jabez to notice them, keeping their lips still and quiet. He scanned the area to be sure, while Bai was playing with Jabez's albino strands. 

He noticed a figure in the shadows, its something, in his familiar. 'What? That.. that can't be, its Anim!' Jabez leaped away from his elongated arms, keeping his girlfriend safe from harm. 'I hafta find the car, so that Bat's much safer than here!' Jabez goes thru his memories, once he found the vehicle, he began heading in that direction. "Trying to escape me?! This time, you won't!" Anim exclaimed loudly, its only visible to Jabez due to him being able to see thru his absolute concealment. 

'I don't want to tell him a thing, Bai's my priority.' Jabez says once he landed atop its being. Bai whisked out her car keys, she recognized the vehicle they were atop, as the albino leans in close to the driver's seat. He used his unoccupied hand to open the door, gently placing his girlfriend inside of the driver's seat."You mind drivin' us home, Bai?" Jabez questioned, she nodded as she closed the door and began doing the usual procedure of driving. "You think you'll get away from me that quickly?!" Anim grasped Jabez like a toy, Jabez keeps himself attached to the vehicle's being. "Didn't think you'd pop out like this, Anim! But, you better unhand me before things get real butt-pulling." Jabez's arms weren't available, so he ballet pirouettes to spin him in his control. 

"Do you ever swear or hex at all?!" Anim questioned. "No, I don't!" Jabez then slipped out of his grasp, as Jabez's fist was engulfed in variegated colors. He sends a punch across Anim's face, sending him away into a distance. As Bai was driving, she opened the window and sticks her head out. "Do you really want to stay out there, sweetums?" She questioned. "I'm a little engrossed in handling an arch-nemesis that decided to swing around for no reason!" Jabez responded as she fathomed what he needed to do, she retracted herself from the outside, closing the window afterward. 

"Where didja go, you ghastly villain?!" Jabez exclaimed, wanting him to come out of the shadows. He arises behind Jabez, widening his arms like a bat, quickly pulling Jabez into a tight bear hug. It'll be hard escaping from something you can't touch exactly, I needed to think fast, and Bai was still inside of the car. "You're relentless at a time like this? You oughta think twice before comin' at me like THIS!" As Jabez warped his existence into something similar as the poltergeist, he slipped his arm under the right arm, as his left had yanked his open palm. Jabez then sends an elbow behind the other into the face once he turned himself tangible again, he managed to hit him?! 

'How is he doing that? I know he could've hit me with turning himself into a similar like me, but with his own physical elbow! That isn't even logi--' Two hook punches into the being. 'He's defying it thru sheer will! I must conquer his body!' As the being comes straight into Jabez's body, its like he was Jabez was forcing him out. 'Stay out of my body!' Jabez exclaimed the being was still running thru his body at a conceptual body. 'He isn't getting out.. but I'll keep fighting, I don't want to lose this battle. Especially with a ghost inside of me!' Jabez knocked on the other side of the car window, as Bai pressed against the car window to slowly open it for him. 

As he gets inside. 

'I won't give my body up to this ghost, he's really forcing himself!' Jabez held his stomach just lightly so it's apparent he doesn't have a problem. 'I can't call this a straight up win if he's inside of me!' 

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