Issue 65# "Spaghettio!"

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--6:30 pm-- 

Skyscrapers and buildings surrounded this battle, passerby vehicles including. Street lights lit up, as the both of the fighters reared their fists back. 'I know she isn't going to agree with me.. so, I'll just have to force her!' Jabez sends a flurry of punches and Omit does the same thing, and the two coincidentally hit one another into the face. She hoped it'd reflect in another direction at a limitless level, after all, she was an omnipotent being, her hopes were too high. Its as if someone was willing the damage to stay where it needs to be, she widened her eyes. 'I had no idea Jabez had Absolute Will this entire time!' Omit finally stated the other superpower Jabez possessed in his arsenal. 

'He's indeed a challenge! But still, I can overpower him in this fight.' Omit sends a punch into his abdomen, then raising her fist upwards as she sends him skywards. "Spaghettio!" Jabez exclaimed. As the villain flies straight towards the other, expectedly Jabez contacted on the air as if it was nothing but a solid surface. Omit sends a flying knee into the being, he thuds up against the air itself. 'Every attack she makes, it's always enhanced to the pinnacle!' Jabez described the amount she delivered to him. 

Jabez sticks his fingers against the air, then sends a drop kick into the other. She merely skids back in the air, instantaneously appearing behind him. "You might have a upskill with ya, but you'd never win that easily, you know it too well!" She hindered his arm and throat with a blood choke, there was a minor problem, she knew it wouldn't affect him at all because of his lacking inner etceteras. 

She goes charging inwards a school bus she sees, Jabez widened his eyes. 'Not gonna let that bus get destroyed because of a fight!' Jabez spreads his legs out, once they contact against the bus. The hero forces his back away from it, whilst using his self-exertion to prevent her from getting away with it. "I knew you'd do that, " Omit then interchanges her hands to clip on opposite halves, sending him groundwards 'German suplex' style. The kids on the bus saw the two fighting beyond their windows, they were cheering for Jabez to win. 

"Now then, to--" She outstretches her digits towards the hero after he regains his ground. He grabbed the back of her wrist and forearm, sending her groundwards as he flipped her over."Not bad, but still, not enough!" Omit was flat on her back, she then sends a kick under Jabez that sends him up spacewards with ease. "Heh!" Omit flies towards the direction she threw him after she found herself in space itself. 'Where did he go?' She began to snuff for the other's presence until he blurred before her. 

"Return sender!" Jabez sends a punch straight into her sternum, sending her straight back down to Earth. 'If we'd continue a battle in space, Genesis would reset!' Jabez then goes hurling himself straight downwards the direction he sent her, it was into Earth. He then landed on Earth in a matter of negative aeon seconds, once he made it there. 

"Crikey!" Multiple buildings were above the albino, Omit had dusted her digits, whilst adding two or five skyscrapers into the pile. They leveled onto Jabez, he was laying on the concrete floor with the number of buildings atop him. He hurled them skywards to reduce damage to the city, as Omit levitated gently to the concrete road. 'She's really trying to throw me off balance, huh?' Jabez turned to her, fully facing the other. 

'I guess we're in some area of L.A, luckily nobody's here!' Jabez scanned the area before thinking about fighting the other. He rushed inwards the other, Omit sends a roundhouse kick to counterattack his presence. "Shouldn't you have seen that one coming?" Omit snickered at her own statement, then adding a tripping attack. 

Just as Jabez arose his foot, sending it into the back of her skull. Striking her there, she skids back into a certain direction away from him. Omit reared her fist back, as she sends a shockwave directly at Jabez, its as if he took a punch from the source of power itself. Nothing in L.A or in the multiverse, or any other universes was damaged, thanks to Jabez willing them to stay together. Until suddenly Omit snapped her own fingers, a cat carrying a minigun appeared before Jabez. 

"What kind of attack is that?!" Jabez lowered his back and then sends a Mario style uppercut into the cat's chin. It poofed out of existence, as she began to exist everywhere and anywhere. "How can you stop me? What strength do you have to take out someone that's practically everywhere?" Omit stated, her voice sounded like an infinite number of herself. 

"Elelu!" Jabez exclaimed an aura surrounded the albino thru pure will. "This." Jabez widened his arms and slapped his palms together, it sends out a shockwave centralized to knock out the being everywhere and anywhere's locations. As Omit retrograded into a single being once again, she kips up. 'Just as the second his aura came out, its as if he was able to stop my attack like that!' Omit wiped her cheek, well, this does make a fair count to what she did to him. 

'Still, that kind of feat with  a mere clap is beyond the grasp of even the mightiest beings!' Omit surrounded him, sending all kinds of attacks at him. Meant to overpower him, his aura had fainted from existence, as he takes so many blows from her. "No matter what you do that's impressive, I won't fall that quickly!" Omit exclaimed once she had overwhelmed him with overpowering strength. 

"Is it me? Or I don't ev'n need preparation for you!" She held him up by the collar, his body was hardly moved at all. "Perhaps those kids want to see their 'Ani!' " She began to drag the being's body to the said spot of the kids, once she had found them minutes later. 

"Look at Ani? All hurt, and unable to win." Omit crept a grin across her lips, lifting him upwards like a reward. "Let him go! Meanie!" The two demanded, they did exactly what Jabez asked them to. 'I need to fight and protect them..' Jabez thought, he was feeling powerless at the moment. 

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