Issue 121# "The Newfound Alike 'Jill'!"

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'I never thought I'd get such POWER, it feels unreal.' Jill clings against a billboard, he hadn't felt such suppleness overflowing him.'Perhaps its time I test it on these lowlifes.' He whipped his head towards the figures slinking from the distance, he didn't want to get seen like this, so he'd leap outwards them. 'You are nothing...' An image of another person like himself, instead of landing in remarkable grace,he thudded into a wall. 'You can't ever truly grasp the powers of an alike..' Josiah's face was marked in his mind, the albino shook his head in annoyance. "What was that all about?" Jill held his head, turning his head towards the figurines once more. 

They're drawing closer to a woman.'They don't dare!' Jill acted without analyzing the situation, once he closes in on them, he grasped the light post and swings his legs straight into the men. Knocking them down effortlessly, the woman turned to face the direction of the figures defeated. "What do you think you're doing?!" The woman exclaimed, she was angry at his actions, why was she angry. "Those people were my cousins! You jerk!" She slapped him across the face, he had no idea, he was simply acting because its instinctually telling him to do so. 'Oh yeah, sure, I'm the hero and I get this kind of treatment?' Jill narrowed his eyes into the direction of the woman and just headed off. 

'Look at your own actions, you're a trainwreck, nothing like he would be.' The voice continues to echo thru his mind, Jill decides to ignore the voice. 'Was I programmed with an annoying voice to downgrade me for no reason?' Jill thought exasperated. He shoots arteries and veins outwards a building, freely roaming the junctions of Canada. 'What the..' He felt suddenly dizzy, the vines rip apart quickly causing him to descend into the top of a light post. 'Do you dare.. defy your superior? Do you know nothing? Expatriate?' It's that same guy's voice echoing in his mind, though, its like he's struggling to control his own body. 

Jill descended from the light post thudding into the concrete road. A figurine walked inwards Jill's direction, its the exact figure from his mind. Josiah grasped the other by the torso and placed him on his shoulder, he shook his head in disappointment."How could one wield such powers and be so enfeebled quickly?" Josiah says pompously, as he carried the unconscious being into a certain structure. It's more like his fun house, a house covered in multiple colors and stars so that it appears unsuspicious on the outer surface. 

As he entered the building, there were so many things used for training oneself. He tossed the being on the floor, dusting his fingers. "Get up, you ignoramus." Josiah stamped against Jill, then the other quickly performs a sweeping trip attack. Josiah evaded the other's attack. "What the?! Do dreams come to life now?! You're that same guy that keeps annoying me!" Jill kipped up, narrowing his eyes in distaste of the being's presence. "Ugh, if you're going to sound like him, you should at least put up a better impression of him." Josiah rubbed his eyes in annoyance, the other charges towards Josiah. 

"Don't think about fighting me, you're out of my league." Josiah snapped his fingers, causing the other to deform into a pile of organs, blood, tissue, and bones. "What good are you as an alike if you can't do something right?" Josiah began to walk away, letting the other alone on this one. Jill puts himself back together via body supremacy, once he fully regained his body's composition. He saw nothing but a training grounds area, he didn't need to waste his time on this area. "Eugh! That guy! I just want to pulverize him!" Jill bounces outwards the window, once he gets thru the window. 

'He thinks he knows so much.. what is he supposed to be?! Is there more than one of me?!' Jill clearly was incognizant of the race he belonged to, borderline acceptable. He pushed the window open, taking an alfresco for all himself. He inhaled and exhales, feeling the breeze pass by him incredibly. 



"This place is seriously desolated." Iboet picks up a piece of cloth, gently releasing it as it slips thru the gap of her fingers. The buildings and everything appeared to be inhospitable, while the rest of the friends looked around the junction of this street. "I thought there was supposed to be freakish monsters lurking about here?" Aledran rose his brow, wondering why things were a little too quiet. "That's what they want us to think," Soasa replied to the other. "And it's too quiet, makes me wonder what those monsters are up to." The creatures they were intently looking for were hiding in the darkness, beneath their ground, from above including. 

They were smart monsters, so attacking them broadly like this would be unintelligent. "MONSTERS! C'MON! FIGHT US!" Iboet exclaimed at the top of her lungs, wanting the creatures to come out ravenously at them. Still no answer, so she shook her head in annoyance. "From what I heard, these monsters can adapt and learn every second. So we need to find them quickly.." Vamos informed them while waiting for things to change. 

The four regrouped together and made on their way... The sound something heavy and windy, catching the attention of Vamos. He turned his head up to focus on the source of the sound, its a flying type of creature. "Duck!!" Stating that so the creature would make a mistake trying to grab them, it then thought of a solution to solve that. It enveloped itself in its own wings and whirled like a drill towards them, they rolled away from the center of the streets, scattering. "Is this really the kinds of monster that are going to attack us?!" Soasa readily brought out a bow and arrow and fired it towards the direction of it. It turned into her direction and evaded her attack, something like a hoard of monsters come into her direction. 

"Uh-oh!" Soasa was cornered, luckily her friends came rushing towards that direction. With haste! Not a second to waste. 

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