Issue 68# "Justice must be served!"

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--9:45 am-- 


"Keep 'im busy, boys and girls!" Jape affirmed, not wanting them to interlope in their battle. "You can't stop me!" Jape pelted towards Jabez, coming at blistering speeds. 'He's fast, but, if I can somehow help the policemen while fighting Jape! Nobody will get hurt!' Jabez thought, taking a headbutt to the face. "You might be right about that!" Jabez manages to keep himself standing, he whipped himself to face the opposite side, then his posterior struck him an sent him flying outwards his gang members. 

Putting a number on his crew, they had fallen, whilst Jape quickly kips up again. "Its time to do anotha' weird move on ya, boyo!" Jape began motioning his hands like a flag, what was he trying to do this time. Even if the movement had nothing to do with the actual thing, a large fork made out of Jape's hand appeared behind Jabez. 'Good thing I don't feel discomfort from this.' Jabez arose his hands up, pulling off the fork pierced to his posterior. "You oughta think twice before pullin' that out, mate!" Jape stated; briefly, the fork began to enfold its metal being around Jabez's arms. 

'All right, this fork is strong as Jape! But even if its strong as him, it wouldn't have any clear effects against him either!' Jabez hit the fork into his own head, it was pretty strong. 'There's only one way to break free of this!' Jabez thought, then Jape grabbed Jabez by the face and began beating down on him like a rag doll. 'Is by doing this!' Jabez utilized his body supremacy powers, his hands formed into a two-dimensional plane, easily getting out of it. Jape turned his attention to the police, assuming Jabez was down for the count; he was actually playing possum to fool him. 

'And doing this!' Jabez effortlessly carried the folded fork and placed it around Jape as a constraint, like a straight jacket. "Oh, puh-lease! You think that can hold me down?!" Jape expanded his chest like a superhero, easily breaking thru it. He held up his bicep like Superman would, so that failed, it had no chance against him. 'I better strike him where it can only hurt him!' Jabez bounced atop his shoulders, Jape turned his head upwards the superhero, Jabez then pointed into the ground. "Your shoelace is untied!" That was enough to make him look down, as Jabez's palms were engulfed in flames. 

He sent the flames downwards to the male's posterior, he sniffed the air. "Is that bacon I smell? Waitaminnit--" He perceived the smell, then focused on his butt. He began running like a man with his butt on fire, Jabez knew only comedic things such as burning his pants would be enough for him. The hero leaped away from the other, as he was blowing the fire off his butt. "You cheap, underhanded superhero! That's the oldest trick in the book!" And it was indeed 'liar, liar, pants on fire.' 

"That was actually funny!" One of the policemen were laughing. Jape's face was filled by rage, he came charging towards them like a bull. "Whoops! Your shoes are tied together!" Jabez pointed at the other, he froze on his tracks and not a single one of them were. "I made you look anyway!" Jabez blurred before the other, sending a skyward kick under his groin. "GUK!" Jape grunted in the amount of pain he got, he narrowed his eyes at the other. 

"RRAHH!!" He screamed to the point Jabez's head was thrown off his shoulders. Immediately Jabez's body came rushing towards the head of his, he didn't want a life to be washed away because of a single villain. Once he got his head back on himself again, Jabez's warped his body into rubber as he stretches his arm towards the other as he held him in place, keeping his arm wrapped around him like a noodle. "Pick on someone your own size!" Jabez forwards the other to him, then Jabez reverted himself to normal after Jape was close to him. 

"Hows about I beat on you! Like a madman?!" Jape automatically turned his head to Jabez, sending punches downwards the other. A flurry of them, he had an outraged look painted on himself. "Dont'cha think about winning easily!" Jape added, he wasn't stopping the pulverizing on this albino. 

Jabez's being sinks into the earth, escaping from his punishment. He popped out of the concrete road, behind the gag villain. Jabez sends a palm strike into his funny elbow, he staggered upon the damage done to him. "HNGH!" He takes the palm's brunt, he staggers forward to the light post. "You wanna keep fighting? I'll show you what it means to win! And it isn't thru determined luck either." Jabez walked inwards the other, Jape swings a backfist against Jabez's cheek. "Keep your mitts off me! Hero!" Jape exclaimed aggressively. 

It's like the villain didn't want to admit losing to him either, still, isn't it a little humiliating to lose to someone about 5'6? Jape was about 6'1, whilst Jabez wasn't that tall. 'I need to stop him, otherwise he might bolt out and I've to search him before he causes more trouble in my city!' Jabez bounced off the air and lunged inwards Jape once again, he needed to think fast and now! 'Jape's too familiarized with my fighting style against him, so instead. I'll just drunkenly punch him!' Jabez stopped on his tracks, feigning his inebriated state to a realistic level. Jape was actually confused why Jabez was moving like some pie-eyed man, that's until Jabez sent a punch across his face with a jocund smile across his lips. 

It takes him down, as Jabez reverted to his normal state. No longer breathing in as someone like that, the cops couldn't believe it, those acting skills were top notch! "Awright, officers! You can handle this! I've things to carry out!" Jabez left the scene, unhindered or questioned, he still succeeds. Ain't he just the greatest superhero in the whole world? Breathing into a life full of thrill and action is always invigorating. 

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