Issue 62#"About time to kick baddie derriere!"

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--4:30 pm-- 

The hero was drenched in cold water, from head to toe, scaling this building by sinking his fingers thru its solid surfaces. 'How do you like being pulled down?!' Anim forced Jabez downwards, pulling his shoulders downwards, unintentionally grinding on the wall. A light is pointed inwards his direction, it was the news chopper. "It looks like Jabez is trying to save a civilian, but the way he's trying to save her isn't efficient enough!" Says the reporter, he wasn't going to let a problem hinder him from doing what he needed to do. 'Give in! Do it, do it! Your body isn't doing the one thing you want it to!' Anim whispered into Jabez's ear, were these words enough to strike defeat into Jabez? 

People were watching the news, even Bai was. She was worried about him.

Jabez narrowed his eyes inwards Demogorgon, such ingrained devotion to do his sole duty as a hero. The process was getting there, he forces to speed up the process, Biming watched Jabez scale up the building with such exertion. 'You can do it, I believe in you!' Biming thought, waiting for his rescue. "I'm a little bored of your poky pace, C'mon!" Demogorgon fired a beam of energy at Jabez, he takes it to the face, causing him to skid back. "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Biming shouted loudly, Demogorgon then covered her mouth with his digits as muffled words came out of her. 

"You want a fight? I'll give you one!" Jabez hurled himself towards him, despite the amount of pain surging thru him. 'I can't use my arms, they're in too much pain.' Jabez landed atop the skyscraper's usable ground. 'My arms aren't the only thing I can use, my legs are still in my arsenal!' As he stood before the other, his arms lowered and unmoved. "You can do this! I know you can!" Biming supported Jabez. "You can totally count on me!" Jabez shifted his legs, this would be so much easier if he had his hands in use still. 

Demogorgon came rushing in blistering speeds at Jabez, he rammed against his let arm, he winces in the pain he had to take. Jabez ballet pirouettes, as to send a kick behind the other's skull causing him to go almost straight to the edge of the building."Still can keep fighting? That's what I like!" Demogorgon whipped towards Jabez's direction, he hadn't chosen to fly because it was underhanded already. As Bo was taking the stairs up to the building to save Biming, this battle was intense. 

'The pain he sent into my arm was already a lethal action.. darn it.' Jabez whipped into his direction quickly, he ran like a bull then headbutted Jabez into the stomach. Jabez skids back, he hadn't tilted or fell over at all. 'Not gonna fall today..' The villain sends a flurry of punches inwards Jabez, causing the rain droplets to repeatedly burst. Several times, his punches were millinillion times the speed of light, he was definitely overpowering Jabez like this. 'I can't do anything about that, this pain hinders me from moving like I normally do. And he isn't even giving me a second of rest!' Jabez staggered his steps back to the edge of the building, then Demogorgon teleported behind Jabez. 

Sending a kick that was fast as five hundred negative aeon seconds, then Jabez realized something. 'Wait, I can still move my legs.. correct?' Jabez performed a series of acrobatics without the use of his hands. Those were nigh impossible movement, he hadn't appeared to be hindered of his own movement. 'Ignore whats holding me back.' Jabez moves as if he was lightweight, then Demogorgon readied something in his palm. "Bah, suppose this should rid of you." He shoots something like a bright white ball, it sends Jabez away into a dimension or another realm, into a realm where it connects to all superpowers, even the omnipotents' powers. 

It was like a white bright realm,  there was hardly anybody. "What.. are you doing here, little brother?" A familiar voice speaks out to Jabez, and he was standing before Jabez. His features were similar with one another because of them having nearly the same appearance. "Juma.. you're alive?!" Jabez exclaimed. "I'm glad you haven't forgotten who I was, it's almost risible how our powers were alike. Yours was body supremacy, while I was personal mastery. I deemed that even being this powerful was incessant, I wanted peace.. but must I add, you're quite resistant to this realm. Only those of indomitable will can survive, you've taken just about every superpower. " Juma stared down at the other, grabbing his hand as he helped Jabez stand up in this realm. 

"Your body is healed, thanks to one of the omnipotent powers dwelling here. What surprises me is how you've still lived from the omnipotent powers here." Juma added, he was right. My body was better than ever. "Or perhaps, I commanded it to," Juma added. "But please, keep this as our little secret. What stays dead... stays dead." Juma finally says before uncurling one of his digits to tap Jabez's forehead. "You can totally count on me!" Jabez made a salute when he was sent back into Earth. 

"Wait, wait. Can't we just work things out?" Bo was defending his wife until Demogorgon thrashes at them. To the villain's surprise, Jabez was standing right there, taking the punch for Bo. "What?!" Demogorgon retracted his fist from the other. 'I better just send punches to his temples to knock him down, because of his being inside of the suit.' Jabez thought, as he both his palms against his temples, knowing it'd dent and effect him from within. Demogorgon was stunned and incognizant of what things were happening, Jabez merely pushed him lightly, letting him fall gently to the rooftop they were standing on, Jabez took advantage of him, while he was still in confusion if you want to get something done. You better do it fast. 

The raining had stopped finally, as the sunlight returned to the city. "Lezz go home," Jabez says to the two, just as the three went home safely. 

"And it seems like Demogorgon was defeated by our righteous hero! And here come the police!" The news reporter had described the whole thing, things were happening fast. 

So.. who was Juma? That will remain a mystery...

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