Issue 11# "And Demogorgon strikes again!"

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The woman Jabez heard squawking at the top of his lungs, was his arch-nemesis Demogorgon. He had made Jabez look like a babe in the woods, off the ground, and in the skies at hyper velocities. Both of the alike's ankles were being held by cuffs, he's dangling upside-down because of what he did. "Okay, ya gots astuteness, I'll avow!" Jabez pointed out.

Being dragged from blocks in the air, passing by an unending sight of building and other et cetera.

"HAH! I've befooled you, haven't I??" Demogorgon talked pompously, while he's being self-conceited with that. Jabez twists himself upwards, reaching atop his appendages, Demogorgon felt something on his shoulders. "Blast it! Your freakish flexibility, I shall just whirl you around like  cartoon characters do!" Demogorgon pirouettes in faster-than-blinding speeds to hurl him inwards a structure, his opponent crashes through a window. 

"Did he really say that?" Jabez turned his head to those behind him, its a family having a dinner. "Waddup, havin' dinner? I bettah git, letcha guys eat yer dinner!" Jabez stood up, carrying the shards of glass in his palms without discomfort as he leaped through the popped window as it had been fixed at the second he left the house. "That was a superhero! The best day of my life!" The kid says, continuing to dig through his food afterward. "Never thought Jabez was a redneck, I thought he'd be like a British person." The teenager girl mumbled to herself, so it seems people knew who this guy was. 

"Demogorgon, where are ya?!" Jabez exclaimed waiting for him to come out, standing on the sidewalks, he was waiting and anticipating for something. "Jabez, Jabez, do you think I'd fight you straightforward? I'm smarter than that," Demogorgon's shadow creepily crept over Jabez, he turned his head inwards the being. "I can take you out in smarter methods, like this." He draws out a knife, his armored arm retracts itself into his backpack. "The pain is excruciating but the results are worth it!" He pierces the knife through his own forearm, Jabez's arm had been endamaged, holding onto it like its something unendurable. 

"Feel it, Jabez? The pain of a mere man?! DO YOU!" He disrobed his shoulder and leg armor, jabbing it straight into his shoulder. Jabez staggers backward, he saw a car was honking outwards him, its coming straight into his direction. Demogorgon pierces his leg, his ectoplasm fluids spewing from the parts he stabbed as Jabez held his thigh. "Kk!" Jabez used his other leg to bounce to the otherside of the street, his other leg is in excruciating pain suddenly. 

He managed to stand up, he winced in pain. "S'matter, is poor ol' Jabez impotent to put up a fight?" Demogorgon speeds inwards him, sending a blow across his face as he sends him into a garbage can of a nearby house. Demogorgon lands himself nearby the trashcan, picking Jabez up by the torso, holding him up with both hands. "Know your superior, Jabez!" He exclaimed the social media was videoing this. Jabez's eyes were closed, only someone like Demogorgon had proven his worth to be called 'Arch-Nemesis' of Jabez. 

"Yes! Kill that damned Jabez once and for all!" Tessa watched it via cell phone, keeping her exhilaration to herself. Most people were unsure of what they were seeing, L.A's great hero fallen and defeated, it's not like he was invulnerable. Police had surrounded the scene, drawing out their guns inwards Demogorgon. "Drop 'im! Creep!" The policemen threatened Demogorgon, he began to laugh ominously. "Really, you oughta think twice before threatening the great Demogorgon!" Their guns had been distorted like telekinesis was being utilized, and they were cuffed by their own guns. 

Jabez needed to do something about this, he opened his eyes fixating on him. He slowly curled his knuckles into a fist, both of his fists, he delivers two hook punches across his jaw. "Nobody's going to die on my watch!" Jabez's vim was practically limitless, he'd continue fighting. 'Ack... I still feel the pain, what kind of intellect has he reached? It's taking a while for recovery to come back to me, no wonder he's dangerous still!' Jabez held his shoulder, tightening his grasp on it. 

As Demogorgon gets back up, Tessa was cheering on the villain to win. While a glut of people was cheering on for Jabez to win, Demogorgon anatomized Jabez silently, noticing he hadn't recovered from it yet. 'What is he trying to pull, he knows he's still wounded and he bothers fighting still?' Demogorgon grabbed his wrist, then impacting his elbow on his shoulder. "Yeow!" Jabez takes a few heavy steps back, maintaining his balance keenly. He thuds against the house's fence, placing one of his digits against the fence. 

"This is how I like our fight, unbothered and just between us! Hah! It's like Christmas!" Demogorgon shoots an energy beam meant to blind Jabez, he has taken the flash through sheer will. Demogorgon tackled him, this fight was relentless making fans of Jabez wanting him to win most of all. Jabez distances himself by performing a series of incredible acrobatics, the only thing Demogorgon had the advantage of Jabez in terms of superior intellect. Jabez was resistant to an omnifarious scale, but he wasn't immune to the effects. Just highly resistant to it, narrowing his eyes inwards Demogorgon. 

" How will you put a kibosh to this fight?! Tell me! You're more vulnerable than you once were!" Demogorgon hopped over the fence, walking inwards Jabez. The Alike was preparing to send something straight into his throat, as the being came inwards Jabez unarmored. 'Big mistake!' Jabez anticipated for him to come closer, just at in a nanosecond Jabez sends a punch straight into his throat. Knocking him down to the ground, Jabez had defeated his arch-nemesis, while the police had been able to free themselves from the manipulated tools of theirs, nestling closely around Jabez. 

"So, we just bring him 'im in the stir?" The police officers asked him, while Jabez turned his head over to them. "Do what the law would want you to do, I'm not here to judge your actions." Jabez left them alone, the people watching the live fight were relieved the hero had won. While the villains in jail glared at the winner, knowing how close that guy was able to bring Jabez down. 

The Health Community Centre

Four floors high.

"Eugh! Why couldn't that doggone villain just abolish things, letting Jabez win like every hero does in the end?!" Tessa's phone set aside, narrowing her eyes inwards the window. 'I hate the ever-present existence of Jabez, I hate the way how he lives life. Always full of vim and vigor, damn him, hate him to the very end!' Tessa thought until she looked downwards to see Jabez entering the building. 

'What a goddamn coincidence, the bane of my existence came here.' 

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