Issue 168# Tessa:"Fooled ya!"

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{Los Angeles} 


It rained heavily that night.

"It HAD to be done! It hadda!" Jabez fell on his knees, while sunk his digits thru his albino strands. "And... aah don't feel so proud about it." He looked down at a puddle reflecting his mug, it's like a part of him was removed. "Aah thought aah coulda gave Oriel the child she wanted! But in the end.." A cloth wrapped around something, it's not emoting out a single thing. 'Dead..' Jabez stood up, utterly soaked in water. Continuous rain hammered everywhere in the city, only a small number of people would try going outdoors. 

"Look at that poor, Jabez. Just pathetic." Josiah sat on a bench, not a single drop of rain touched him. "He could've just stopped, yet, an alike can never truly give birth. It is Father's inhibition to all those of His Creations." Josiah watched the albino walk to the cemetery, he chose to follow after his sibling. It's a bleak sight, there was nothing Jabez could do, to defy their Father's Will. Once reaching a grave, the albino hadn't shed a single tear, he gently set his stillborn before his grave. 

"You are truly ignorant, little brother. It has been said by Father, yet, you thought He'd give you a chance at it? Don't get your hopes up!" Josiah ridiculed the reticent superhero, he wasn't sad, that's the problem if he wasn't sad how was he supposed to fathom things like this. He pointed his finger at the short figure in the distance. "But needn't that be a problem for you, this century will eventually dissipate for good!" Josiah added. Its weird, truly, he wasn't able to feel human because of the emotional state negates him from ever feeling like that. 

"Maybe, you're right. Maybe, aah'm just down on my luck. And you're just the 'luckiest' Alike. Yeah." Jabez shrugged in responding, while Josiah was surprised to hear him say something like that. 'He still... doesn't make it his concern. He wasn't able to provide a biological son for his wife, too bad for him. Neither can I, I can't bypass Father's law. In fact, no alike in history EVER has.' Josiah narrowed his eyes and turned the opposite direction, uninterested at the moment, usually, he'd be out for chasing Jabez for his superpower. But this time, he wasn't interested about it this time, he understood what Jabez was going thru and decided to stop, even for a little bit. 

'Its time to look up to the incoming future!' Jabez looked up to the early development of changes in technology, things were airborne and buildings were almost similar to alien tech. "You really have no idea how much Vaewolves are worth, do ya?" A group of goons was talking to one another, it's about a specific matter. "Yeah, but have you ever thought the same superhero running about L.A is still around? The exact one? No changes, I've heard he's like an anomaly." The other says. "Still weird how this city hasn't replaced its superhero." Another interposed. 

"Supernatural entities are considered test subjects but superheroes and supervillains are marked off the list." Jabez read a newspaper while perched atop a newsstand. A fuss was going on about in the far right, its a person being chased by android like machines. "Caint intervenes, it been the law. Aah must abide by it." He stole a glance from the figure and a few people did, as he continues reading the information in the newspaper. 

The albino hadn't aged, he's practically ageless. So he had remained the same way as he did back then, its the technology and laws changing. "Aah oughta--" A flashing light appeared in the center of the streets. Its an eye catcher, causing people to fix their phones towards the sight of it. "This world is artificially made by Tessa! And aah gotsta destroy it!" It seemed like there was another Jabez that appeared before them. 

"Fake! You're a fake!" Jabez lunged outwards to the other, landing before him. "Figgers, if aah knew me too well. This wouldn't end in words." Jabez gets into a fighting stance, he knew the strengths and the weaknesses of the other. "Aah've killed me before, and aah can do it again." The one that entered this realm, thrust his own palm thru the other's torso. "How... could, aah ever be that .. Powerful?" Jabez slowly turned into nothingness, and in a snap of his fingers the entire realm of this faded into utter nothingness. All of it, the people, and etcetera were just figments of imaginations. 

Once it did, he teleported back to Earth. "No way, he prevented that future from happening! Is by destroying it!" Tessa has seen the whole thing via Omni level powers. He reappeared before staggered Tessa and unconscious supervillains. "I almost tricked his audience.. He just knows how to ruin my fun!" Tessa narrowed her eyes, holding her stiff arm. "Tessa, no games, nothing. Any other tricks will be nullified." Jabez pointed his finger at the other. 

'He's remorseless! I'll just give him the fight he's going to get!' Tessa slowly gets into a fighting stance. The police soon arrived in the scene, she was cuffed in a matter of minutes. "Curse you! I'll have you dead! I swear it, albino!" Tessa hissed outwards the other, being escorted away into the police car. 'But you'll never send them to jail! Ever!' She then was seated in the car, the figures laying about the concrete road, gone, not a trace of them to remain. 

'It is about time! Jeezums! Does Tessa really think the future's gonna be like that?' Jabez scattered, leaving the scene without emoting out to one of the policemen. 'Nah, methinks no.' Jabez paused before a group of goons cornering a woman. He had his attention turned to it, the goons then had their attention drawn to the albino. 

"Awright, boys. The jail's waiting for ya!" Jabez casually knocked down each of the goon via incredible martial arts skills.

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