Issue 100# "More than one problem?"

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"Aah, isn't this a conundrum?" He was briefly enveloped in the clutches of the mighty being, it's like his villains always seem rather inconstant when it comes to antagonizing his city. Severus keeps his eyes concentrated on the pint-sized figure between his fist, grinning. "I do wonder what would happen if I'd just destroy your city?" He used his free hand, arising it upwards, it's being leveled down to the streets itself. 'Aah've gotsta do somethin' 'bout 'im! This city is counting on me!' Jabez attempted to brute-force the clutches of the being, it failed, so he was desperately trying his hardest. 

'My city needs me! And I'm too impotent to even do anything about it!' Jabez was trying to write, but that suddenly gives him an idea. 'Yes! That's it! He's holding onto me, I've still got three seconds before he collides his strength into the city. 'Jabez escapes the clasps of his, utilizing his body supremacy. Temporarily turning himself into a flat form, effortlessly escaping it. 'No! I'm too late!' He leaped outwards the palm, it's like a colossal limb. 

'L.A can't just sink like this! It can't!' Jabez landed on the rooftops, he looked upwards at the colossal hand. 'I'm going-for-broke! It doesn't matter what happens to me, the people matter most of all!' He rose his hands up, the palm was overpowering Jabez. His arms and legs, wholly being, trembled towards how much he was taking. "Why don't you just quit?! There is no hope! You're nothing to me!" Severus continues to force his palm downwards. The building Jabez stood atop was beginning to crumble, once he was crushed under his palm. 

"Hey, I'm still here! Don't you dare close those eyes!" Oriel's voice changed things, staying right next to him. She forced Severus' palm aside, with merely one arm. "You aren't going anywhere, here me?" Jabez slowly arose from the debris he previously laid on. 'I didn't think Severus would be actually thinking of doing something like this, wasn't he more of a battle-hungry person.' Jabez slowly looks upwards the being, his being concentrated on them. 

"Aah hafta keep going.. even if my body's been pulverized like a rag doll. Ow." Jabez continues to go forward. "I knew you'd stay up! All right! Let's do this!" Oriel crept up a grin, cracking her knuckles. "Just, gimme a moment." Jabez paused his own tracks, he was lucky that Oriel came. Even though he never really did call for help, its like she knew what happened, oh wait, she's omniscient, of course, she'd know. "..Aah won't ever fall because of an insuperable odd standing beyond me." Once he had self-motivated himself, he looked upwards the being. 

"Let's do this!" Oriel teleported on Severus' shoulder, once she delivered a punch across his jaw. It causes Severus to retract greatly, it affected his movement including. 'Severus might be one of my most dangerous foes, but he isn't unquenchable! I've defeated him before!' Jabez hurled himself outwards the massive being. "Take this!" Jabez's hair attracts towards Severus, it shapes and warped to an incalculable size. 

The hairs entoiled his arms, legs, and eyes, he needed to do things this way. "Do you think hair can stop me?! You're too incognizant!" Severus emitted a shockwave thru his mere voice, causing the hairs to explode. Jabez regrew his hair once again, so his attempt in restraining Severus would be impossible. 'There has to be a way I can give Oriel an opening!' Jabez says, a few moments later, Oriel was hurled into another building due to the shriek. 

'Aah.. no, I'm smarter than that! Only a brute would think of such a method.' Jabez had an alternative, but due to his own character not wanting to expose it. "How are we supposed to put a number against a guy that is literally immune to meta and omnipotent level powers?" Oriel was practically unscathed after she met up with Jabez once again. 'There's got to be a way to shrink him down, it'd be nigh impossible because of his immunity. His ego needs a little more amplification! Maybe that should cause it?' Jabez knew one thing from his enemies, they were always so egocentric. 

"Enough.." Suddenly the being, Severus warped into someone else, he could recognize this assassin. Its none other than Veyra; A figure wearing modern style tomboyish garb with a waist belt for storing her weapons in, her eyes painted blue and brown whilst her hair color was black and hairdo ponytail form. "Didja like that trick? I bet you never thought it'd be so realistic." It must be the works of an assassin, she was standing on the concrete road. Anticipating for them, Oriel and Jabez came rushing towards the assassin. 

"Sensei! Get lost! This is between me and Jabez!" Veyra hurled the redhead overhead. 'How did she ever manage to fool me like that? She's smarter than she looks.' Jabez landed a few meters from her. "You, I've searched for nearly a long time. Ever since our first meeting, I became devoted to smite you down. You are clearly worthy of becoming my arch-nemesis." Veyra didn't talk a lot like this, maybe it was around other people she hadn't deemed worthy. "I've said those things so you'd be convinced it was one of your enemies," Veyra added. 

Unsheathing her own sword, there was an extra sword on her sword belt. "You want a sword duel? A little subtle in nearly demolishing me." Jabez cocked his brow after Veyra threw him her extra sword, it seems like this time. A hero's old enemy came back to strike, and it was truly overawing! Nobody suspected it was that assassin. 

She clashes her blade against his sword, horizontally whilst he was vertically pointed up.'I did not think my own disciple came all this way for Jabez. A little bizarre!' Oriel cocked her brow at how she managed to pull off a real McCoy expression of Severus. Jabez delivered a kick straight into the side of her neck, she used her unoccupied hand to counter the attack. 'Right off the bat, heh, Veyra.' Oriel watches the fight if her student wanted to grab Jabez's attention. 

She wasn't gonna hog it. 

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