Issue 147# "Juma's identity unveiled!"

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{Los Angeles} 


"You can't be honestly serious about protecting 'Jabez's reputation as a hero!" Josiah incredulously says with a slightly high voice. "I'm downright serious about protecting his entitlement as one," Juma reciprocated with an unchanged expression. "Then tell me the secret to earning 'Personal Mastery' like what you did before!" Josiah explicitly demanded sharply towards the other. "Did you bother Jabez with your unrelenting obsession over gaining more power?" Juma rubbed his temples, of course, Josiah hemmed for a moment due to his oddly specific question. 

"This is why I can't give you access to it. You've become dogged to your own obsession." Juma was about to turn his back, knowing how irrelevant Josiah's presence meant to him. "Don't you DARE walk away!" Josiah hurtled his fist into him, his rage already crackling towards Juma. The other skidded back without the need to defend himself, cocking his brow at the other's expected attack. "Do you never learn? You're still mulish like you used to be." Juma stays unimpressed about the other's actuated state. 

Juma slowly clasped his fingers to form fisticuffs. "You showed Jabez the way! Why can't I get what he did?! I should be getting it! I have meta luck! Not him! NOT HIM!" Josiah recollected every moment he's ever had fighting against Jabez from before, every fibre tingling to earn those powers for himself. Josiah charged inwards the being, the two's surroundings was rather tight due to walls impeding the left and right sides. 'Josiah just can't stop this obsession of gaining the powers I earned.' Juma streaks over the building he was behind, Josiah automatically tailed after the other. 

"A little too offed, aren't you? Oriel." Tessa had a few marks covering her being, the two's battle continuously happened on the abode of hers. "I don't want to see that fugly mug of yours, you've had your allegations far long enough." Oriel curled her fingers to form a fist, as she kept her eyes narrowed inwards the other. "Is that it? Are you going to set the blame on me for Jabez? That is awfully brash of you, ignorant impudent." Tessa keeps her eyes trained on the redhead. "Want me to share a little something with you? Jabez's no longer around, the one you've been seeing is nothing more than an imposter." Tessa smirked pompously whilst saying so to her. 

"Just shut up! I've had enough of your mind games! You won't be fooling me this time!" Oriel incredulously remarked, bringing out her arkansas flag as she rushed towards the other. "He's alive! He's never dead! NEVER!" Oriel flipped on the side as she struck the tip of her spear, tapping it atop the head of Tessa's. Flipping atop the spear, she leveled the spear into the lumbar of hers to send her straight outwards the ledge of the building, her metapotent strength put  a number on Tessa. 

"You all oughta tell me where my son is!" Murdercia stood proudly, she had exponentially defeated a certain amount of the villains; Jape, Singe, Angular, Severus, and Demogorgon. 'She isn't anything profoundly close to Jabez..' Chiara flinched from the other turning her head towards her direction. 'I don't think I'd be able to stop her!' Haunti witnessed the other going inwards the direction of Chiara, the supervillain cripplied in indecision. 'She's a monster! Too much for anyone to fight!' Chiara punched herself to the point of being knocked out, casually the blonde turned her glares inwards the remaining ones. 

'How on earth is this woman Jabez's mother? They have nothing in common! She's a bloodlust and bizarre type! Jabez's a pacifist!' Haunti readied herself for a fight of her life. 'Has she gone beyond anger just for one single being?' Omit analyzed the whole situation before attempting to approach Murdercia. Its because, this person did state that she was the mother of him, despite the lack of similar features. 'I can't be whistling in the dark like this! Not to someone like her!' Haunti weaseled out of it, knowing what she was going to face. 

"Is that it?! You think I'll let you run?!" Murdercia chased after the other into the corridors of the building. 

'Why can't I approach her? What is this crippling weakness I feel?' Haunti thought, she was shook-up in her ever-present being. "TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO KNOW! TELL ME! TELL ME!" Murdercia punctuated. 

"I can't even put a scratch... on Juma..." Josiah puffed uncontrollably. "I recommend surrender, there is nothing to fight for. Josiah, end it now before I do." Thru this entire time, Juma hadn't thrown a punch yet not even a scathe mark appeared on him. 'This is useless! I can't even do anything against him! He's overwhelmingly terrifying!' Josiah stiffly stood upright while holding a fighting stance. "Don't you know how long I've been waiting to become like you?! And knowing my little brother bested me?!" Josiah increased the mass of his into an elongated shape and size, unnatural stretching capabilities. Going inwards the other's present location. 

"Your begrudging tone isn't going to earn your way to the path of righteousness." Juma snapped his fingers, Josiah reverted to a normal size. Josiah froze paralyzed, terror-stricken of his brother's capabilities. "I'm telling you to stop, right now, end this obsession of yours. I do not wish to reiterate myself, brother." Juma grabbed the other by the throat, his mere grasp was inescapable to Josiah. 

'I can't EVER hope to win if I'm losing like nothing to him!' Josiah was rendered powerless against the might of Juma. 

"Jabez earned his way because I believed he needed it the most, the most to become the hero his city needed. What about you? You aimed for power, nothing but an artless motive." Juma loosened his grip, the other gently thudded on his knees. He gasped for air, breathing unevenly due to the illogical powers of Juma. "Believe me... I could never give it to you, whether you like it or not." Juma walked away, leaving Josiah on his own. 

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