Issue 102# "Gotta keep my spirits high!"

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{The Hospital} 

{Operating room}

"Hunh...?" Harold arches his head over to the heartbeat monitor, it beeps calmly. He's cuffed to the bed, arising his own wrist to hopefully break thru it. It failed, it's like the drugs were sapped outside of his body. He writhes in desperation for escape, but the effort was clearly futile, he decided to stop trying escape from it. It's like his own were no longer strong as they used to be. 'That's right! That godawful superhero knocked me out, and I had to face justice because of him!' He added in his thoughts, remembering the time Jabez has smited him down like he was nothing. 'I want payback! I want it!' Harold hadn't realized Jabez actually saved his life the last time an assassination was aimed directly at him. 

A nurse entered the operating room alongside a guard. She dragged a wheelchair, it was for Harold, the drugs had huge byproduct on his own body."You're awake, good to see that." The nurse uses a key to uncuff him from the bed, he decided that fighting would utterly flounder himself. 'I'll just have to play along, for now, I've got nothing to use against them.' Harold swings his legs over to the edge of the bed, keeping himself from looking oversuspicious.  He stood up and sat on the wheelchair, as the nurse began to drag the wheelchair towards the doors. 

Somewhere in L.A 

{Yancy's hideout} 

{An invisible hideout} 

"WHICH ONE OF YOU PILFERED THE DRUGS?!" Yancy drew out a firearm, firing towards her thugs, they duck and cover. "Is none of you going to answer me?" Her gun emanated smoky fumes from the barrel, painting a detested expression because of their mere presence. "Mag did it!" Someone suddenly says, Yancy calmly holstered her gun. She walked up towards the one that answered, her expression alternated to a blissful kind. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" She hadn't touched or brought harm to her goon, she then turned her head to the sound of footsteps outside the building. 

She walks up towards the entrance of her hideout, she now knew who did it. She pauses before the entrance, the bouncer stood up and inspected thru the mail slot. "Mag, the boss wants to see you." He casually says to the late goon, he was allowed entrance afterward. Once Mag entered, Yancy threw a punch faster than the speed of sound. 

Knocking him against the metallic gate behind him, his cheek was bruised. "Poor, poor thing. I'd really hate to shoot one of my own guys, that's why you're here!" Yancy knelt over to him, patting him on the head, then she threw the firearm towards the bouncer. "Finish it." She instructed, pointing her index finger towards the helpless goon. "Please.. I won't steal again." He begged the bouncer not to kill him. 

"The boss says, what she likes to say." Gary pulled the trigger, killing him. "Ain't that the easiest thing to do," She retrieved her gun. Whilst Gary, thru initiatives, disposed of the body to rid of its evidence from being found. She whisked out a cigar from her pocket, looking into its form. Its white color reminded her of Jabez, she narrowed her eyes as she said to her. 'And here I thought you were on my side,' She crumpled the cigar in her grasp, its crushed in her grasp. 

'There's still one thing I need to take care of! And its a loose criminal in my city.' Jabez's mind and whole being was centered into finding his ex-friend. 'I don't know where she would be hiding either.' Jabez keeps his eyes concentrated on the left and right sides. It's quite difficult finding where she would be, he used buildings, high ground to snuff out for her. 'If she's doing heinous acts of crime, I just--!' He thudded into a wall. 

'I need to pay attention to what's in my path. But how am I supposed to?! When I let someone get away! Who knows how much she's killed!' Jabez scales upwards the building, narrowing his eyes in the image of the last time he took care of Yancy. But failed to bring her to justice, she was nothing but a mere human, nothing enhanced of her. 'Someone has to know where she went! But I can't just antagonize people if they knew a ganglord.' Jabez reaches the top of the building, placing his digits to his own chin. 

'I know I can't do everything, but I'm doing everything for this city!' Jabez squatted on the edge of the building. Keeping himself naturally calm, he needed an idea or a hint where she'd be hiding in the first place. 'There has to be something I can do.' Jabez uncupped his cheeks, looking down to his city. 'It doesn't matter! I'll keep trying!' Jabez lunges outwards another building, his search wasn't going to stop there. 

Something draws his attention, its someone calling out for help. 'I can't let someone gets hurt!' Jabez strides into the sound of screaming, once he found the exact spot. Its a goon, the goon failed to realize Jabez was standing there. The goon grasped on the person's clothing while holding up a knife at the civilian. "Ahem," Jabez says, causing the goon to be struck in utter dread. "S-stay back! I'll kill--" Before he got the chance to threaten the life of the man, his wrist was grasped upon. 

Pinned to the wall, and the civilian managed to escape his grasp. Jabez delivered a knee into the other's abdomen, knocking him down for the count. "I.. thank you!" The person thanked Jabez,  the police arrived at the scene a little late. The nearer policeman draws out a gun, noticing Jabez took care of it. Jabez casually waved to the other, the police would just casually do their job. 

'If I were a criminal, where would I be hiding?' Jabez's sense of realization lacked something, he wasn't looking hard enough. Still, who says giving up is an option? He just does his job. 

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