Issue 75# "Nobody blink!"

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{City Hall} 

"Does the title have to be a death battle reference?" Demogorgon sends an elbow back directly into her clavicle, he arches his head so that he can headbutt her swiftly. 'Jabez is my worthy adversary, not this behemoth of an anti-hero!' He teleported before the albino, curling his digits to form into a fist. "You'll be taking the weight of the plot! You don't even possess armor from it!" Demogorgon stated, explaining the amount of what Jabez was going to take. He was hurled straight towards the policeman's car, it's like Jabez was surrounded by a myriad of words. The complexity and profundity in its story.

'This guy is actually using that big brain for louche intent, still, does someone like him have to be Jabez's arch-nemesis?' Oriel thought, analyzing what was surrounding Jabez. The policemen and people kept their distance from it, right beside Demogorgon, he created a facsimile of Jabez himself via almighty replication/absorption. "You're serious? Right now??" Oriel cocked her brow, the two charge directly inwards her position. 'It is, in fact, him, but it seems anything on this newfound Jabez is even beyond my omniscience! He must've really prepared to annihilate me then?' Oriel concentrated on herself, preventing any alterations from befalling upon her. 

"Do you not realize I'm Jabez's greatest foe? You're out of your league!" Demogorgon casually sends a sonic emission towards her direction, it can even cause deafness to the superlative listeners. She simply brushes it off without being affected, the villain narrowed his eyes inwards her direction, how is it that she isn't affected like Jabez is whenever they fight? 'What's it going to take to make her grunt at all?!' Demogorgon grits his teeth under his helm, he speeds up towards the other. 

'I can't seem to cancel out his speed, its as if he's made his suit virtually immune to all superpowers.' Oriel thought, then the facsimile Jabez shoots arteries and veins inwards Jabez. 'If that one is based on the real Jabez, he could be just as robust as Jabez normally is! But he doesn't appear to have ulterior motives either, which means he won't will himself back to existence, he's taking his time to understand how they work.' Oriel thought, it merely passes thru her, clenching her digits against the arteries and veins as she draws it forth. 'What he doesn't know, wouldn't hurt him!' Once the other comes in close, she headbutts the other. 

'You're serious? Jabez hasn't gotten up yet? I've got to help him!' Oriel turned her head towards true Jabez, lying atop of a vehicle. 'Of course, he doesn't have plot armor, it isn't his superpower.' Oriel thought, just as she rushed to the other, she was hurled away from the vehicle by Demogorgon. "Where do you think you're going?! You keep your grubby mitts off!" Demogorgon angrily stated, he then forwards to Oriel's direction. 

"Who are you, people?!" Jabez stood in a spotlight, surrounded by several figures like he was in another universe whilst in an unconscious state. "That isn't important." One of the Authors stated as the main and center one stood before him. "What matters is that you leave, and to never speak of this, to anyone." The author no. 1 depicted to the other, they left the being alone in the spotlight. As Jabez sinks into the light itself, drawing back into the darkness on the other side Its like this world was made for something bigger, for much bigger people. Things were intense, really compelling, but it had to end.  

'What is this?!' Jabez arose, seeing this before him. 'It doesn't matter, I just need to get OUT!' Jabez lunges thru the words, they scatter due to his unnatural will existing within him. It wasn't able to suppress the being for a long time, it's just a matter of will. "Impossible! How could it have a flaw?!" Demogorgon turned his head to the being, who had withstood the words that he passed by. "Flaw? Demogorgon, you aren't perfect. You think -- whatever the heck that was, you've made a mistake to invent something like that!" Jabez remarked to him, speeding his way towards the other. 

'I don't believe it! He achieved it by merely defying it unquestioned..' Demogorgon charges towards the other. 'It doesn't matter, it's not like he wins because it's demanded! He wins because of his wit!' Demogorgon thought, whilst the facsimile Jabez rushes towards Jabez. "Stay out of this fight." Jabez willed the other purely out of existence without limit, it didn't matter to Jabez if he did that, it was himself. And he's seen and experienced death before, so doing that to himself was hardly an issue for him. 

"Hey, snowflake!" Oriel waved over towards to the other. "I'm really glad you managed to handle that, I would've screamed in Italian if you didn't wake up!" She impacted her shoulder against Demogorgon, causing him to wobble his steps instead continue effortlessly."Darn, you!" Demogorgon hissed outwards the other. "This is where your shenanigans met their interval!" Jabez concentrated on his single fist with all of his efforts, rearing it back. 'A mix of strength calling and self-exertion?! You can't be serious!' Demogorgon's suit takes impact into the sternum, it was aimed there, so that part of the suit was jarred. 

"Zowie!" Oriel froze at the fallen villain. The people and policemen cheered the two for their victorious win against a villain, so as Oriel was congratulated as a superhero. Still, its gonna take some time before she actually gets used to not 'killing' part. 


"I don't know, entrusting a murderer to be a sign of justice is a little dicey." Bai and Jabez were communicating with one another, whilst Oriel was examining the things in the living room. "I know it is, but if she really wants to be a sign of justice. Rather than a wanted criminal, there isn't a problem, but if she draws back to her old ways, I'll hafta do something about it then." Jabez replies, stealing a glance from the redhead in the distance then returning his gaze inwards Bai. "All right then." Bai sighed in relief. 

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