Issue 142#"To be the hero, is to be the hero!"

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{Jabez's inner realm} 

"That woman is indeed powerful, how does my brother thwart her?" Josiah had a few marks on his face, whilst the opponent of his held none on herself. "Do you think your meta luck could defeat me? I've faltered it, what a poor choice of superpowers.." Tessa casually walked towards the being, drawing out an improbable amount of firearms towards the other. "I'm almost sickened you'd just want to leech Jabez's newfound powers, " Tessa pointed the barrel into the head of his, grinning evilly, knowing that she was the winner of this fight. 

"Only someone DENSE enough would think luck saves the day, better yet, I've removed you of your plot armor. Isn't that a conundrum on your side!" Tessa added, firing an indefinite amount of totality bullets into the other so that not a single thing would be evaded."The fourth strongest alike? I'm hardly impressed with what I'm getting around here," Tessa hoisted her array of guns over her shoulder, looking down at Josiah's nearly defeated state. 

"Things could've been swift.. and quick if you hadn't interloped--" She was about to deliver the coup de grace with her meta power manipulation powers until Jabez swooped Josiah out of harm's way.'Is he crazy? Saving the guy that wanted to usurp his superpower?' Tessa watched witnessed the scene, Josiah was set gently against a wall. "You'd save me? But.. why?" Josiah looked upwards to the other. 

"Hey! This fight was supposed to be between the two of us!" Tessa wasn't willing to accept the fact of not killing her opponent. "Wind yer neck in, Tessa. It doesn't matter what rules exist in the fight, 'killing' isn't going to happen in my territory!" Jabez knew that these two were physical beings inside of his dream realm, considering they had an array of unfathomable powers. "You hadn't thought about siding in the dark path? Its easier than all this autonomy and heroism! Less work more chaos!" Tessa pointed out for the albino, the facts of reality. 

"Ixnay aah say!" Jabez sped towards the other via unsurpassed athletic movement, on solid walls, inanimate objects in the area; such as cars, light posts, stop signs. "Do you EVEN hear yourself talking?!" Tessa's entire being emanated psionic based energy from her being, to show out how much more things she was capable of doing. Luckily he had body supremacy intact still, he used the tendrils of psionic energy as a pathway to close in on the other. 'Aah caint let her cause destruction inside of me!' Jabez was about to close in on the other. 

"Fool! You won't thwart me that easily!" Tessa somewhat caused cracks to form in this inner realm, her utilization of her powers. He fell on the concrete road before her in defeat, whilst she lifted up a smirk. "You know, I just don't get what motivates you anymore, to be a hero? Honestly, you lost your precious girlfriend. What's there to stand up for? What's there to be out in the city for?" Tessa clasped her digits on his collar, uplifting him to meet face to face. "It doesn't matter what you think, to me, as a hero means you risk your neck out for anybody even the lowest deserve a second chance." Jabez clutched his digits upon her wrist with a brazen expression. 

"Have you never given up? Perhaps you haven't realized I've got the powers of Omit including! Wouldn't that tell you to quit for once and for all?!" Tessa sharply reciprocated to him. "Dispiriting me won't EVER work!" The cracks in the inner realm began to seal up, she turned her head to the melding parts of it. Jabez delivered a punch straight into her solar plexus in a Planck second, she spits up blood upon his attack. The supervillain retracted from the superhero whilst holding her wounded location. 'Of course, he's had an increase in superpowers,' Tessa effortlessly knew this Jabez wasn't like what he used to be. 

'Perhaps I can steal his powers thru grazing this realm!' Josiah -- what an ungrateful alike! He skittered away from the fight to find something he found lay his hands upon, he was still weak yet he was going to do this against his own sibling. 

"Do you truly want to fight me to the end of time? Jabez, have you thought this thru? There's nothing you can do to send me to jail, this is your realm and I wish to savor every moment and second of making it toilsome for you!" Tessa pompously shrugged her shoulders casually. "Then, aah'll be sure you caint ever leave this place. Aah will tap into mah absolute immortality do make it function." Jabez delineated, she was shook-up in his explanation for retaliation. "You wouldn't dare do that to me! I'll never be your arch nemesis if I remain to dwell your mind!" Tessa gripes aloud that it drew the attention of Josiah. 

'How did he.. tense her up?' Josiah turned his head towards the source of the sound. "The choice is yours to make, aah've got nothing to fear when aah'm doing my job." Jabez's expression held a callous marking. 'I know Jabez thru and thru. He never hesitates to stop... he's actually had me on the ropes! I'll weasel out of this for now!' Tessa wasn't able to respond to him, instead, she teleported herself out of the domain. 

"UNBELIEVABLE!" Josiah felt no more Tessa in range, she had truly left. 'He really thwarted her.. she had meta opposition, she had the superpowers to counter his.. yet he managed to win? My powers are returning!' Josiah looked down on his hands, and his being, like he was refreshed. 

{Los Angeles} 


'I shall keep this news to myself, nobody is worth imparting about Jabez's comatose!' Tessa casually walked past people in a trench coat, shades, pandora hat to evade being noticed as a supervillain by others. Whilst Oriel surveyed the city from above, watching the figure slinking down the streets. 

'I've seen it all, what's the real deal?' Oriel surfed towards the supervillain's direction while on her claymore surfboard. 

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