Issue 84# "A little funny bumping into you."

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--1:30 pm--

'Aah still need to get a real job.. that has been a rather conflicting thing for me to achieve in awhile.' Jabez keeps his eyes concentrated on the pitch black television screen, he turned his head over to the distance. Jabez noticed Biming was doing her usual things, he made a smile and waved over to the other. "You look a little slap-beat, Biming. Something up?" Jabez cocked his brow, wanting to know what was going on with her. "Oh no, pumpkin. I'm just a little exhausted is all," Biming rubbed her temples, a teensy bit faltered. "Aah just caint help but, you need is good sleep." Jabez walked towards the other, she made a yawn, things were rather exhausting for her. 

"..son." She muttered to himself as she gently wrapped her arms around him. "How swate." Jabez formed a smile across his lips, as he carried her bridal style as he ascended upstairs. Upon reaching the bed, he gently sets her on the mattress. "Hee-yah!" Jabez says lowly after kissing the woman on the forehead, he left the room afterward. "She could've called me that if I really did mare Bai, but, I think I don't need to pitch a fit about it either!" Jabez says to himself, it was such a great thing to have. 

'But aah does wonder what my legitimate mother does, she kinda sayd aah'm her only favorite.' He added in his thoughts, descending from the stairs as he seen someone waltzing in the building. None other than Oriel herself, she slowly turned her head upwards the stairs, beaming upon his presence. "You still in that dray-ess, Oriel?" Jabez's sudden accent surprised her. "You sound so much different than you normally do." She cocked her brow, well, at least she knows more about Jabez then. "Is there something on your neck?" Its like she saw hickeys in another form of vision, she leans in close to the other. 

"Aah'm fine! We can just git along wit' own day an' play video games." He didn't want her to inspect it, more like she'd become angry is what he didn't want. "Did someone touch you?" Oriel grabbed his chin, lifting him up as she gazed into the other. "Yes," Jabez responded. "TELL ME WHO!" She demanded in outrage, he covered her mouth to prevent Biming from waking up."Don't be grayn, Biming be sleeping." Jabez responded she removed his hand gently."You could've called me, and that wouldn't have to be there." Oriel depicted, her brows were drooping now. 

She had a solicitude for Jabez's wellbeing. "That's really swate of you, but aah can manage just fine. Well, yesterday aah was searching for a job, 'til the lady almost fooled me into becoming her 'plaything'. It took me three days just to stop her, I don't even know who she is either." Jabez explained it to Oriel, she listened carefully. "Did she get away with it?!" She pertained to his situation of being depredated, he shook his head in response. "Aah just didn't want you to get involved in my conundrum." Jabez elucidated it to her why he was being precarious, so, she might've joined in but he chose not to ask for help. 

"Why are you so frenetic this afternoon?" Jabez added. "I don't want anything like that happening to you, okay? It scares me!" Oriel leaned in close to him, wrapping one of her arms around him as she moved a strand of his hair aside. "Of course it is! Aah nevah thought in mah entire life was easy!" Jabez pulled down her arm as he retracted from the other if she only was there for him. "Okay, let's just drop it, ray-ed?" Jabez didn't want this conversation to keep on going, it needed to be stopped. 

"I get it! I wasn't there for you! What about now?" Oriel added. "Please, let's just drop it, I don't want mama hearing about this," Jabez replies. "Sorry, I just, care a lot. You aren't mad, are you?" Oriel continues, she just decided to give up instead of coercing Jabez. "No, aah'm not mad at ye. Just try to get that anger managed, okay?" Jabez made a shrug with his shoulders, she made a nod to the other. "I'll try, just don't let that happen to you again, okay?" Oriel folded her arms calmly, hoping these emotions wouldn't have to be bottled up at all. 

'Waitaminnit. I know who. I just omitted my own omniscience, it's that new villain! Chiara!' Oriel thought to herself, knowing Jabez wouldn't want her to violate the law at all. 'And..' An image of seeing her placing hickeys on his neck made her angrier deep down, she had noticed they were still in a middle of a conversation. "I just remembered! I've something to take care of, catch you later!" Oriel made up an alibi so that she'd pay that criminal a visit. 

"Later!" Jabez says as he watched her leave the mansion, a maid closed the door for Jabez. "Is there something wrong, sir?" She questioned him. "Nothing, you don't have to worry!" Jabez says gleefully, he made a graceful nod to her. 

Oriel was outside. 'What he doesn't know couldn't hurt!' Oriel teleported inside of the prison Chiara was being held in, as the figure appeared before her. "Help me get out of here! I'll do anything!" Chiara pleas for the other. "Anything? You sick piece of #$%^." Oriel merely passes thru the bars in her cell, she grabbed the other by the throat. "I'll make sure you won't be despoiling anybody!" Oriel had been beating and pummeling on her, she overpowered the other due to the fact Chiara's powers are from being empowered. 

She wasn't empowered to do anything at the moment. so much blood stains Oriel's fist until a prisoner woke up and saw the unconscious body. "Guard! Guard!" The prisoner says as she teleported away before anybody could make out what she was or whom she was. 'Serves that wench right for doing that to him!' Oriel utilized her claymore to fly over L.A itself. Chiara wasn't dead, she has just beaten the heck out of, she faced irreversible destruction, but somehow she withstood them, however, blood was blotched in her cell. 

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