Issue 101# "Jabez vs Veyra!"

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'His martial arts skills are undoubtedly remarkable!' Veyra thought, slipping her leg thru his other one. 'She's about to trip me over!' Jabez noticed that she impacted a knuckle against his torso to expectedly trip him over. Luckily, the surefooted hero had body supremacy on his side. His fingers prodded up against the concrete road under himself, he's about to kip up. At the same time, Veyra charged in with her own sword like a shield. The two of their swords collided into one another, his feet was clinging on her legs. 

With his unoccupied hand, he forwards the sword's edge forward. "Familiar with sword fighting, that's why I'm overexcited!" Veyra used her unoccupied hand to grasp his blade and moving it aside, delivering a headbutt into the being. Jabez hurled back into a building itself, Veyra pelted towards the building she sent him in. Veyra hurtled her blade high into the skies, she's aiming for something. Once she's close to the other, it comes back to her, holding the sword upside down instead of the hilt itself. Striking it downwards on him, the hero had his sword horizontally held up. 

'If this is really a sword fight, aah oughta stray from using myself to block, otherwise, the sword will ll jus' break!' Jabez noted down in his thoughts. "You're kinda unabating, maybe this  will whittle you down to size!" Jabez performed a sweeping trip attack, tripping her over. He quickly toppled on the other, she readied herself to hold up her sword. He swiftly slipped his sword over hers, turning it to the side, rearing his other unused fist. Things were getting pretty intense, even if it was just a sword fight. 

Her lightning-fast reflexes caught the fist, she then hurled him overhead. She kips up while the hero was skidding back from the other, the two had their swords up. They charge directly at each other, clashing swords into one another. Veyra quickly ballet pirouettes as she strikes the sword precisely into the side of his neck. With an open opportunity, he impacts his elbow into her face as the blade missed by a long shot.'She's pretty robust, I've got a read on her body.' Jabez noticed something not every fighter would. 

She uses her own momentum to swing the blade at his shins, marking on his pants. Quickly delivering a flurry of kicks into Jabez's torso, sending him flying upwards for just even a minute. Veyra then swings her blade straight at Jabez, in dazzling speeds. It grazes against his tie and coat, she's doing much more than Jabez. Oh, wait, it's the morals that prevent him from actually causing more than an injury to his enemies. They were in the air. 

She impaled the blade straight into his torso, whilst Jabez's sword was missing for a moment. Until its noticed and seen whirling around his neck, it grazed her across the cheek. Blood hadn't even come spewing out from her cheek, she must be tough as nails. She remained unfazed by such an attack like that. He quickly used his free hand to pull the metal hunk of its form, forwarding the hilt in disproportionate speeds. 'She's still unfazed? Zowie!' Jabez hurtled the blade under her chin, as he kicks off the other's being. 

Veyra grabbed her sword quickly, holding the hilt of her sword with two hands. Leveling downwards Jabez, descending into the being in a matter of negative aeon seconds. They repeatedly swing blades at one another whilst in the air, it causes shockwaves capable of cleaving reality itself. Even Veyra herself withstood her own shockwaves, once they collide into the concrete road. 

Jabez's absolute will mended reality itself from riving apart. Due to the shockwaves being too great, they stood before one another. Holding up their swords, they began to crack. They both shattered after they forced the swords forward at one another. "We shall continue without swords!" Veyra stabbed the broken sword into his hip, whilst he sent it into an ulnar nerve. She casually removed it from her ulnar nerve without showing discomfort from it, heck, how is there still no blood coming out of her? 

'Izzit me,  is that  hide  and blood that THICK?' Jabez cocked his brow at the assassin. He casually removed the broken blade from his hip, she delivers a roundhouse kick at his face, no more swords so he wouldn't need to counter them. He's already tough, why bother countering them? No reason. Jabez grappled the other's neck thoroughly and bringing her forth for a knee into her clavicle. "Who cares about dodging?" Veyra clasped her left hand's digits together, she formed a ready fist. 

Delivering a punch into his eye. As the assassin arose like a raging lion, she added a horizontal drop kick into the being. He negated his own inertia to remain unmoved, he retaliated her attack by delivering a kick into the side of her ribcage and then across her jaw. 'Body Supremacy, huh? He never fails to arouse my eagerness towards this fight!' Veyra turned herself to face Jabez, rearing both of her fists. "GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT!" She demanded, they began to pummel on each other dead on. 

Even if Jabez would his strength to overpower her, she still remained, taking the punches, nearly everywhere. This was a battle of the fittest, who would fall faster than the other? As they say, one shall stand, and one shall fall. Blood was soon painting on Veyra's being, for Jabez, he literally had no blood, at all. It's just a battle to who'll fall. 

Until finally, hours later. 

Veyra took punches of omnipotent level strength and withstood them until she had finally fallen. Her clothes were unkempt, nearly destroyed so she was almost benuded. While Jabez was too, laying right next to the other. His clothes were nearly destroyed, she even managed to do the same to him."Heh.. you are now, my arch-nemesis." Veyra says, all beat. "Its supposed to be frequent antagonizing, but all right," Jabez replies. 

The police sirens were ringing, whilst Jabez had mended his own clothes and Veyra's. "Don't ever forget who made you fall." Veyra grinned as she remained prostrate on the concrete floor, the police did their usual thing. A sticky note was tacked on her shoulder, Jabez left the scene alongside Oriel. "I was tootin' my horn for ya, I thought you'd be standing," Oriel says to the other. "I might be tough, but that doesn't mean I can be knocked off my feet," Jabez responded. 

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