Issue 30# "Man is it hard to see where I'm going!"

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--9:45 am-- 

'Man, where am I going?' He looked all around him, while in mid-air, he squinted his eyes. 'The only way I'll be able to see normally is continuing using them if I ran into one of my enemies like this. It would go down pretty ugly.' Jabez unknowingly outstretched his hands inwards a structure, he sticks to it. 'This must be a building. I almost thought I'd crash thru an aristocrat party.' He scales up, the brightness beyond him was utterly eye blinding. 'I have to get used to things like this. This'll just take me hours to recover from, I'm not forcing my own body to heal, I'll let it take its time. Chiefly the amount I took to the eyes..' Jabez was confused on what he was groping on his left, it was nothing but the air. He just continues upwards, shouldn't he take a break? 

He heard something like a chuckle, static of a television. 'Why's that voice familiar.. waitasecond!' Jabez leaped downwards, flailing his arms due to the fact he might bump into someone. He sticks on the glass mirror of the tv store, only a few people were standing there, wondering why he hadn't taken the normal route. "Awright kiddies! Here's anotha' joke, Jape's got!" Jabez can hardly see the colors, its still blurry to him. 'Jape! In social media? Didn't he like co-opt L.A once, why are they letting him have his own show? 'Jabez leaped outwards a flagpole, his eyes were deceptive so he had to trust his hands. 

'I don't wanna fluff my bodacious skills in athletics, I gotta just feel it believe it!' Jabez thought after hurling himself up skywards. 'Woah! Where's anything I can grope?!' He was flailing once more, his palms managed to bang up against an edge of a building. 'I'm still pulling this off! Yeayuh!' Jabez executes a series of incredible acrobatics -- thanks to his body supremacy, he can still do these things without much of trouble. If he hadn't owned this superpower, he'd be a trainwreck already. 'So if I'm going to find Jape--' He extended his digits towards a wall.

"Isn't this a wall? I should really focus, except that 'focus' is curbed by my Achilles heel at the moment." Jabez flicked himself in the opposite direction of the wall. 'Taking the streets isn't a bright idea, not quite the eager beaver in causing harm inwards civvies.' Jabez was going to rethink his moves, he could just fall over this edge if he doesn't concentrate. 'I hafta will my hearing to concentrate on the source.' He corrugated his brows together, warbling, high pitch static noises, twittering. And then a chuckle, he opened his eyes in attraction. "Voila! Chuckles, I gotcha now!" Jabez dives into the streets, he just made his hands restive so he wouldn't face impending failure.

He caught the American flag, he determined that it was the US flag because of three basic colors; blue, red, and white. In remarkable grace, he sends himself high up. 'This is why I took the high ground, I'd look redonkulous down there.'  The source is getting close, he had finally landed atop the building's rooftop. 'Now to get there is the problematic part.' Jabez kept his hands towards the source, drawing himself to the roof entrance. "You wanna notha' joik folks?!" Jape exclaimed since Jabez can't describe things.

"Loud and clear, chuckles. " Jabez reaches the floor where its taking place, its a comedy joint. 'That'll be a lot harder fighting a foe like Jape, I've managed to beat him by outfoxing him. But this time, things shouldn't be taken lightly.' Jabez sticks on the backside of the door like a spider, waiting for it to open. Someone opened the door briefly. He swiftly slips thru the ajar door unnoticed, there were much more noises here. 'I gotta stay on a low profile.' He strayed from the brighter lights, choosing to take the path in the shadows. " And folks we have a special guest in this building! He's the one and only--!" The spotlights draw themselves towards a figurine. "JABEZ!" Jape exclaimed lights were pointed at him.

"Why don'tcha just leave, buzzkill?! You're going to ruin the show!" One of the people says as people began adhering to what he said. "Yeah! You gaga!" Another says while Jape was amazed at how the people were against Jabez. "How about.." Jabez placed his index under his chin "No?" Jabez responded, the people got off their seats and came charging at him after someone said: "Get 'im!" Do they seriously think they can stop this guy. "Yes!" Jape says gleefully, so he's got fans of his own.

"Thought you were the only one who's got adoring onlookers?!" Jape says while the people had brought Jabez before Jape. 'Can't hurt them, they're still civvies!' Jabez thought, so he had another alternative. 'Who says I can't deafen them?' Jabez effortlessly pulled his arms out of their grasp, they were prepared to fight back."Your audience needs to tone down!" Jabez clapped his palms together, creating an unbelievably strong shockwave between his palms. "YATHINKYOU'RESOCLEVERHUH?!?" Jape became frustrated and angered, the piles of unconscious people here. The cameras, every inanimate object inoperational. The place was shambles because of Jabez. "Where are you?!" Jabez exclaimed, Jape instantly realizes he was having difficulty with his ocular senses. "Heh.. now the gloves are comin' off!" Jape says pompously, speeding on Jabez from behind."Huh?" Jabez looked over his shoulder, he was sent bursting thru the building. 'My enemies  tend to take advantages of me.' Jabez kips up, while the news chopper swings by. "It seems like our white-haired hero is having another battle with his enemy!" Is it because it came out of a comedy building, they'd know? Or were they nearby?

"You can't beat me in your current condition!" Jape grabbed Jabez's wrists, hurling him upwards. 'He's right! I can't even see him.' Jabez thought, the villain speeds up the wall and drop-kicked Jabez into a building."I'MTHEWINNERALREADY!" Jape stated loudly.

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