Issue 37# "Out of nowhere!"

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--6:30 am-- 

"Heh.. target on sight." Demogorgon knelt on a knee atop the ledge of a building, fixating his scope inwards Jabez's direction.'Its a good thing those dolts don't know a thing about me, producing a copy of myself to occupy prison was a superlative idea!' Demogorgon began to zoom in closer towards Jabez, what exactly was he standing atop on. It was the U.S bank tower, expecting something to befall.'Wait for it.. wait for it...' Demogorgon was anticipating for Jabez to look upwards, one Planck second. Jabez looks upwards at the other, he grinned maniacally downwards at him. 

'He sees it! And BANG!' Demogorgon snapped his fingers, something crafted before him, it was like an extremely sophisticated firearm. 'Made this for him.. I've heard about someone being a handful for him.. but found himself in jail.' Demogorgon pointed his firearm groundwards on the building, Jabez pelted his way upon the sight of Demogorgon.'Oh, his oh so lawful good natures to bring me to justice.' He had fired something inwards Jabez, it's like a bullet, then it changes into an attachable object on his shoulder. 

Then another, on his tie. 'He doesn't realize it, doesn't he? Those are a conceptual level of poison, it can even bring him down with ease. But it'd kill just about anything... might even be him too!' The third one into Jabez's sleeves, once Jabez reaches the top. "!" Jabez reaches the peak of the building, Demogorgon barrel rolled backward from him. "Heh.. how do you feel about losing before the battle even begun?" Demogorgon holstered his gun, briefly something bursts outwards in the attachable thingmabobbers. 

"You think.. wu.. izz gonna stop me??" Jabez staggered his steps in the amount coming out of fumes, then another."I'll st...op.. you.." His eyes were beginning to become unsteady, whilst Demogorgon was pretending to yawn. Demogorgon inspected his watch, then the third one came out, Jabez collapsed easily before he could've touched Demogorgon. 'Now, maybe I could ensample something out of his material. I could even make something made out of the hero, heh.' Demogorgon pressed something atop his belt, it whisked out a duffle bag. Placing it right next to Jabez's unconscious body, unzipping it. 

'He shouldn't be so heavy at all.' Demogorgon carried the being in his arms, placing him into the duffle bag. 'He fits in the bag, just as I thought! I am truly his only superior foe, who knows what I could make out of him.' Demogorgon zipped the bag, carrying it over his shoulder briefly. He flies fingers on his high tech gizmos, transporting himself into his hideout. Once he teleported in the base, of course, he knew something about Jabez, he was worth researching on than claiming victory like a vainglorious person would. 

He walked up to his working station, a pair of mechanical hands had taken care of the duffle bag. 'His body supremacy might be in action, that's why I must speed up the process in making something he won't rid of!' As the mechanical arms placed the being on a tray, not requiring to disrobe the other. High tech straps placed in Jabez, once Demogorgon began to sit on his chair. Everything within his hideout was high tech, et cetera. 

A hologram appeared before him, everything of Jabez was unveiled to him. 

He anatomized everything within Jabez, it's just the exterior he can pick things out of. Hair, fingernails, outer skin. 'What to do with it. That's it! I can utilize its properties into my own super soldier, heh- it's like having a gun in my arsenal!' He draws the materials into another image popping before him. 'Knowing how much Jabez is capable of doing, how would he like to have something just as strong as he is?' Demogorgon added, his soldier was in armor then the face unveiled into a youthful facial complexion. 'A young person died so early and quickly.. luckily the body hadn't decayed so its still capable of doing things.' As the materials go straight into his soldier's essence. 

Demogorgon's soldier had awoken, just at the same time Jabez did. "What?" Jabez looked on his straps, then he arises like a raging tiger freeing himself. "Soldier, protect me," Demogorgon commanded the other, whilst the entity came rushing inwards the scene. Bursting underneath Jabez's ground, at first, it assumed he was female so the appearance warped into a female appearance. Frames, slender legs, and a nicely formed posterior formed. And the genitalia, Jabez hadn't really cared about it. 

"Takedown, Jabez!" Once it recognized the name, quickly shaping itself into a male form. Demogorgon snapped his fingers, clothes began to form around the being. The hair had a mix of black and white strands, emerald eyes. It lunges inwards Jabez, tackling him. 'I filtered the poison that resided in my body, had no idea Demogorgon was actually THAT prepared! And what's this, it's like this person is a caricature outta me!' As they set off a force field, in a metaphysical level. 

'Demogorgon did this! Has he not realized the dangers this copy can do?! No minds that are under omniscience can accomplish such things, it has to be his work. Whatever he did to this entity,  he's become a leeway Jenkins kind of machine!' They burst thru it, once they crash thru it. The super soldier hurled Jabez away into a thick stone wall, Jabez was sent outwards the building. Its face and shape were similar to Jabez, just having the placid expression is all. It scanned for anything close to Jabez's face, nothing in avail. 

'I can't harm that person, its someone with my material.' Jabez heals the parts that were extracted but knowing something like that was out there. 'It's definitely a person from the dead, Demogorgon really likes to mess with things heedlessly to achieve things, huh?' Jabez remained inside of a coffee shop, then the figure retracts itself back into the building. "Target neutralized," Zip turned his head into Demogorgon's direction, everything within the building repaired itself. 

"Now to antagonize the rest of the people!" Demogorgon exclaimed.

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