Issue 196!

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{Pacific Ocean} 

--12:30 am--

'It was so cold, but, now I don't even feel an ounce of coldness.' Neho swam up to the surface, his body developed new things all the time like it'd always learn that exact thing. There were no boats in range, although two figures stood on the waters. It's Jabez and Ekaterina, Neho kept his body afloat without signifying weakness. "All right, you better swim from here to Berlin." Jabez warped a portal out of thin air, Ekaterina went on ahead as the albino entered it. 

The portal closes at an instant. "Yeah, gotcha," Neho says as he continued swimming onwards without a thought to hold him back. 


"He'll be here at two hours later," Jabez estimated it. He was doing a middle split between two buildings, his feet clung on the walls like it was nothing. "Did you look into the future?" Ekaterina sat on a ledge, looking over to him. He shook his head in response, negative. "Aah've carried out multiple calculations and thought processes at once. And drawn to a conclusion that he will arrive at two hours," Jabez says as he pointed at his head. " you mind if I could copy that superpower?" She asked. 

"Aah kinda made my superpowers unable to copy, even a nigh-omnipotent being tried to get my superpowers and failed." He explained. "And if there were a plethora of people like me, it'd be a dangerous world, heck, if that were to happen, what's the purpose of war?" Jabez says as he folded his arms, although, any being at Omit's level could copy Jabez's superpowers. "Fair point, it's just that superpower to carry out multiple calculations and thought processes at once could save my neck. Would be a handy thing to have in a fight, you know, just saying?" She stated so that Jabez could reconsider that thing. 

"All right, you've gotten all over me like white rice." Jabez hurtled over to reach her side, perching right next to her. He whipped his legs around, standing on the rooftops as he stood behind her. He wrapped his arms around her, setting his head on the back of her skull. It prods at the back of her head, he endowed her an exact copy and replica of that superpower. He loosened his hug go on  other as he lifted a smile "Feel any smarter?" He asked as she turned to face him fully.

"I kinda do," She rose her head up abruptly. "It's a thing alikes do, it requires physical touch. It was taught by my older brother--" He was about to say until she says it. "Juma?" Ekaterina says to surprise him."Perhaps that thing aah did somewhat gave you a network of who are the alikes," Jabez rubbed the back of his head in surprise. "Wait, you guys weren't raised by your parents?" Ekaterina added. "Let's just keep that to a minimum, Kat," Jabez gently covered her mouth, she knows alot of the alikes 'cause of him. 

Sometime later. . . 

{Berlin, The docks} 

'Learnt how to swim faster than the ordinary way,' Neho thought as he climbed atop the docks. "Looks like ya made it in two hours," Jabez says as he stood before the other. "There's alot more things I have to learn?" Neho guessed that since his teacher seemed to be able to do alot of things he wasn't able to do yet. "Believe me, you're just at the kickoff of things," Jabez says as he folded his arms. "Where's Sis? Isn't she always with you?" Neho added as his outfit trickled cold substances down the wooden floor. 

"She's over there," Jabez says as he threw a thumb over to the distance, Ekaterina was sitting on the beach alone. "Watching the tides," Jabez added, while Neho nudged the albino playfully. "You going to accompany her?" Neho teased. "?" Jabez was a married man, and they had no idea that he was married. "Sorry, what are you trying to infer?" Jabez says. "You don't get it?" Neho says perplexed. He thought it was obvious enough for the albino to realize that. 

"Sorry, just a little troubled is all," Jabez says as he walked away, heading out again. Ekaterina turned her head over to watch the albino leave again, this time she wasn't going to let him go alone. She knows he's got problems that are unfixable, she teleported right next to the other. "You all right?" She asked as she draped an arm over his shoulder, he looked up at her. "Somewhat..." Jabez says. 

"Just..." A spitting image of Oriel has him quiet. "Yeah." It flickered back to Ekaterina. "You sure? We could just go out to fly," Ekaterina added. 

"Wait.... aah feel something so atmospherically familiar," Jabez has frozen his tracks alongside Ekaterina. Ekaterina halted her tracks, this could be something hostile and she needed to be ready for it. There stood an immense statue of an alike, yet it had odd scriptures. Its head exploding as odd flames spurt from its gaping hole, marking hieroglypics as if it were a countdown. 

"It caint be! The Prime! Juma has ridden of that! Why izzit here?!" Jabez says in clear shock and panick. "The Prime?" She goes through the newfound memories to get a thoroughly detailed idea. Even she was in shock upon it. 

"The one thing that could eliminate all no matter what it is," As Jabez says, am . "We need Juma! Only he could stop it!" Jabez says. "Don't you have the same powers as him?" Ekaterina says. "Powers, yes, but level. Not exactly," Jabez responded as a portal warped out in the distance. Juma's heading towards the said thing. 

"Of course, only I would set up such a tool," Omit apparated infront of them, defending the thing. "We're in serious trouble," Jabez says as Juma readied himself against Omit. 'She's on the same level as me, it'll be harrowing to stop 'The Prime' from setting off!' Juma thought. 

"This is the enhanced version of the Prime, it can even kill a being of Omnipotence, so much that it can bring just about any being down, no protections or superpowers could withstand its full explosion!" Omit explained as the statue began to slowly tumble down, its body marking as the time. 

"We better help Juma then," Ekaterina says as the two rushed towards Omit. "Agreed," Jabez says. 

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